Andrej Lavrič andrejl
  • Joined on 2021-01-17

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/nri-shifter

2022-07-14 09:13:27 +02:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/nri-shifter

2022-07-11 21:59:47 +02:00

andrejl created branch master in andrejl/nri-shifter

2022-07-11 21:59:46 +02:00

andrejl created repository andrejl/nri-shifter

2022-07-11 21:53:48 +02:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/audio-spektralc

2022-07-09 17:40:40 +02:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/audio-spektralc

2022-07-09 16:53:17 +02:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/audio-spektralc

2022-07-05 11:49:41 +02:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/audio-spektralc

  • c5941217c5 popravil grafe in narisal odziv modulatorja

2022-07-04 18:48:45 +02:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/audio-spektralc

2022-06-30 15:11:40 +02:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/audio-spektralc

2022-06-30 10:15:25 +02:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/audio-spektralc

2022-06-28 14:32:58 +02:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/audio-spektralc

2022-06-28 14:30:31 +02:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/audio-spektralc

2022-06-27 16:15:53 +02:00

andrejl created branch master in andrejl/qmk-dactyl-manuform-a

2022-02-19 12:19:28 +01:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/qmk-dactyl-manuform-a

2022-02-19 12:19:28 +01:00

andrejl created repository andrejl/qmk-dactyl-manuform-a

2022-02-19 12:13:13 +01:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/single-particle-motion

2021-09-09 09:58:19 +02:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/single-particle-motion

2021-09-08 14:39:41 +02:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/single-particle-motion

  • bebc0f480e naredil uporaben primer magnetne boce, popravil transformacije koordinatnih sistemov in naredil izris tokamaka

2021-09-07 19:06:10 +02:00

andrejl pushed to master at andrejl/fem-seminar

  • d6e7153b84 skripta za izracun tem valovanja z metodo koncnih elementov

2021-08-30 10:36:10 +02:00