Skonfiguriraj ddev #4

opened 2023-02-08 18:55:18 +01:00 by lio · 2 comments

prazen drupal 10

prazen drupal 10
lio added this to the Razvojno okolje project 2023-02-08 18:55:19 +01:00
lio changed title from skonfiguriraj ddev to [TASK] skonfiguriraj ddev 2023-02-08 18:55:50 +01:00
jan added the
label 2023-02-08 19:28:09 +01:00
jan changed title from [TASK] skonfiguriraj ddev to Skonfiguriraj ddev 2023-02-08 19:28:28 +01:00

skoraj deluje

skoraj deluje

Zdaj pa deluje.

Sem naredil nov site install z minimal profilom in našel tale fajn ukaz:

ddev drush site:install --account-name=root --account-pass=toor --existing-config minimal
Zdaj pa deluje. Sem naredil nov site install z minimal profilom in našel tale fajn ukaz: ``` ddev drush site:install --account-name=root --account-pass=toor --existing-config minimal ```
g1smo closed this issue 2023-02-22 19:59:09 +01:00
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