27 lines
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27 lines
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# -*- restclient -*-
# Etherpad API documentation #
# You can run these requests using the emacs restclient major mode
# Create new pad (with content)
POST https://yufu-manifest.ddev.site/etherpad-api/createPad?padID=d2d479bf-b3cb-455a-b7db-5d53c31d1fa2
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
text=While post-communist, post-socialist and post-Yugoslav discourses merely reinforce the appearance of an unchanging and unstable present with a more or less accurate expression of the situation, Yugofuturism follows the example of other ethnofuturist movements such as Afrofuturism, Sinofuturism, Baltic Ethnofuturism and Hungarofuturism, which tactically empower peripheral identities and subversively affirm individual cultural curiosities.
# Crate new pad (with content, JSON)
POST https://yufu-manifest.ddev.site/etherpad-api/createPad?padID=d2d479bf-b3cb-455a-b7db-5d53c31d1fa2
Content-Type: application/json
"text": "While post-communist, post-socialist and post-Yugoslav discourses merely reinforce the appearance of an unchanging and unstable present with a more or less accurate expression of the situation, Yugofuturism follows the example of other ethnofuturist movements such as Afrofuturism, Sinofuturism, Baltic Ethnofuturism and Hungarofuturism, which tactically empower peripheral identities and subversively affirm individual cultural curiosities."
# Fetch pad content
GET https://yufu-manifest.ddev.site/etherpad-api/getText?padID=d2d479bf-b3cb-455a-b7db-5d53c31d1fa2
# Delete pad content
GET https://yufu-manifest.ddev.site/etherpad-api/deletePad?padID=d2d479bf-b3cb-455a-b7db-5d53c31d1fa2