
87 lines
2.9 KiB

;;; init --- naloži org konfiguracijo in še kaj -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Commentary:
;; Naloži konfiguracije iz ORG datoteke, ostanki nerazvrščenih zadev
;; ter kustomizacije.
(setq warning-minimum-level :error)
;; Error in pre-command-hook (vertico--prepare): (void-function compat--completion-metadata-get)
;(let ((regex "compat--completion-metadata-get"))
; (->> (elisp-load-path-roots)
; (-filter #'file-exists-p)
; (mapcar #'shell-quote-argument)
; (append `("grep" "-R" ,(shell-quote-argument regex)))
; (funcall (-flip #'string-join) " ")
; (grep-find)))
;; Rabimo general.el za use-pakcage macroje
(require 'general)
;;; Code:
(org-babel-load-file "~/.emacs.d/")
;; Razno ;;
;; Izboljsani default ukazi bolj prijazni
;; Iskanje po fajlih (fulltext)
;(use-package rg
; :defer t
; :config
; (rg-enable-default-bindings))
;; ELISP test
(defun odpri-dnevnik ()
"Dodaj dnevniški zapis v tmp folder sistema."
(find-file (format-time-string "/tmp/"))
(insert (concat "\n=====================\n"
(shell-command-to-string "date") "\n"
(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d") "\n"
"ŠE VEČ TEKSTA!" "\n")))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-d") 'odpri-dnevnik)
;; Sinhronizacija podnapisov (uporablja mpv!)
(use-package subed
:defer t
;; Remember cursor position between sessions
(add-hook 'subed-mode-hook 'save-place-local-mode)
;; Break lines automatically while typing
(add-hook 'subed-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
;; Break lines at 40 characters
(add-hook 'subed-mode-hook (lambda () (setq-local fill-column 40)))
;; Some reasonable defaults
(add-hook 'subed-mode-hook 'subed-enable-pause-while-typing)
;; As the player moves, update the point to show the current subtitle
(add-hook 'subed-mode-hook 'subed-enable-sync-point-to-player)
;; As your point moves in Emacs, update the player to start at the current subtitle
(add-hook 'subed-mode-hook 'subed-enable-sync-player-to-point)
;; Replay subtitles as you adjust their start or stop time with M-[, M-], M-{, or M-}
(add-hook 'subed-mode-hook 'subed-enable-replay-adjusted-subtitle)
;; Loop over subtitles
(add-hook 'subed-mode-hook 'subed-enable-loop-over-current-subtitle)
;; Show characters per second
(add-hook 'subed-mode-hook 'subed-enable-show-cps))
;; CUSTOM ;;
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(helm-minibuffer-history-key "M-p")
'((svg-icon :url "")))
'(sclang-indent-level 2))