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9 Commits
deblo ... k0ns

18 changed files with 618 additions and 116 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
(cons* (channel
(name 'nonguix)
(url "")
;; Enable signature verification:
"2A39 3FFF 68F4 EF7A 3D29 12AF 6F51 20A0 22FB B2D5"))))
; (name 'guixrus)
; (url "")
; (introduction
; (make-channel-introduction
; "7c67c3a9f299517bfc4ce8235628657898dd26b2"
; (openpgp-fingerprint
; "CD2D 5EAA A98C CB37 DA91 D6B0 5F58 1664 7F8B E551"))))
; (name 'kompot)
; ;;(url "")
; (url (string-append "file://" (getenv "HOME") "/projekti/guix-paketi"))
; (branch "main"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#simple Shellscript for i3blocks on Pinebook pro
#05012020 Gerhard S.
#battery-symbols: on Manjaro you need the awesome-terminal-fonts package installed!
PERCENT=$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/cw2015-battery/capacity)
STATUS=$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/cw2015-battery/status)
case $((
$PERCENT >= 0 && $PERCENT <= 20 ? 1 :
$PERCENT > 20 && $PERCENT <= 40 ? 2 :
$PERCENT > 40 && $PERCENT <= 60 ? 3 :
$PERCENT > 60 && $PERCENT <= 80 ? 4 : 5)) in
(1) echo $STATUS "" $PERCENT%;;
(2) echo $STATUS "" $PERCENT%;;
(3) echo $STATUS "" $PERCENT%;;
(4) echo $STATUS "" $PERCENT%;;
(5) echo $STATUS "" $PERCENT%;;

View File

@ -5,15 +5,15 @@
set $mod Mod4
# DPI scaling
exec xrandr --dpi 158
#exec xrandr --dpi 210
# Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
# is used in the bar {} block below.
#font pango:monospace 8
#font pango:Fira Code 10
font pango:Fira Code 10
#font pango:Cantarell 10
#font pango:Fira Mono, Icons 9
font pango:Iosevka Medium 8
#font pango:Iosevka Medium 8
# This font is widely installed, provides lots of unicode glyphs, right-to-left
# text rendering and scalability on retina/hidpi displays (thanks to pango).
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ bindsym $mod+r mode "resize"
# External monitor
set $restart_compton (killall compton && compton -b) || compton -b
bindsym $mod+p exec xrandr --output HDMI-2 --auto --right-of eDP-1 && $set_bg && $restart_compton
bindsym $mod+p exec xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --right-of eDP-1 && $set_bg && $restart_compton
bindsym $mod+Shift+p exec xrandr --output HDMI-2 --off && $restart_compton
# Lock screen
@ -221,30 +221,23 @@ client.background #222222
# i3 startup commands #
# Touchpad tap to click
exec --no-startup-id xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "libinput Tapping Enabled" 1
#exec --no-startup-id xinput set-prop "Synaptics TM3289-002" "Synaptics Tap Action" 0 0 0 0 1 3
# Touchpad natural scrolling
exec --no-startup-id xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled" 1
# Cursor acceleration
exec --no-startup-id xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "libinput Accel Speed" 0.456
exec --no-startup-id xinput set-prop 'HAILUCK CO.,LTD USB KEYBOARD Touchpad' 'libinput Accel Speed' 0.6
# Autolock
#exec --no-startup-id xautolock -time 10 -locker 'i3lock-next' &
# Transparency
exec --no-startup-id compton --unredir-if-possible -b
#exec --no-startup-id compton --unredir-if-possible -b
# Redshift (hello sleep)
#exec --no-startup-id redshift-gtk -l 46.0552778:14.5144444 &
exec --no-startup-id redshift-gtk &
# Background
#set $set_bg feh --bg-fill "~/riz0m/Photos/sri lanka/IMG_20220220_120730.jpg"
set $set_bg feh --bg-fill "$HOME/Slike/☭/bigstock-Sutjeska-National-Park-Bosnia-63011269.jpg" fill
exec_always --no-startup-id $set_bg &
set $set_bg feh --bg-fill ~/Slike/Wallpapers/neka_trava.jpg
#exec --no-startup-id $set_bg &
# Network manager applet
exec nm-applet &
@ -303,8 +296,10 @@ bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id "rofi -combi-modi window,drun,run -show comb
# Screen brightness
set $brt_sig_cmd pkill -RTMIN+5 i3blocks
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec "xbacklight -inc 8.333 -time 222 -steps 5 && $brt_sig_cmd"
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec "xbacklight -dec 8.333 -time 222 -steps 5 && $brt_sig_cmd"
#bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec "xbacklight -inc 8.333 -time 222 -steps 5 && $brt_sig_cmd"
#bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec "xbacklight -dec 8.333 -time 222 -steps 5 && $brt_sig_cmd"
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec "/home/g1smo/bin/ U 200 && $brt_sig_cmd"
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec "/home/g1smo/bin/ D 200 && $brt_sig_cmd"
# Radio študent
bindsym Mod1+shift+r exec vlc /home/g1smo/Glasba/rs.m3u
@ -325,3 +320,20 @@ exec ~/.local/bin/autotiling
# Rdecenje skrina
exec gammastep -l 46.05108:14.50513
exec --no-startup-id /usr/share/gnome-settings-daemon
# Pulseaudio zagon
#exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/pulseaudio -D
# JACK audio baby
#exec qjackctl
# Polybar
#exec_always --no-startup-id ~/.config/polybar/
# Signal chat ane
#exec /usr/bin/signal-desktop
# autotajling
#exec --no-startup-id autotiling

View File

@ -2,17 +2,11 @@ font_family Fira Code Medium
bold_font auto
italic_font auto
bold_italic_font auto
font_size 11.0
font_size 7.0
background_opacity 0.9
#include solarized.conf
include gruvbox.conf
window_padding_width 1
touch_scroll_multiplier 10.0
strip_trailing_spaces smart
enable_audio_bell no
visual_bell_duration 0
window_padding_width 2

View File

@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ set $term foot
# Font
font pango:Iosevka SS05 Medium 10
# Kurzor
seat * xcursor_theme Bibata-Modern-Classic 24
# Launcher
set $menu "rofi -combi-modi window,drun,run -show combi -modi combi"
#set $menu j4-dmenu-desktop
@ -113,7 +116,6 @@ bindsym $mod+8 workspace $w8
bindsym $mod+9 workspace $w9
bindsym $mod+0 workspace $w0
# move focused container to workspace
bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace $w1
bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace $w2
@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ bindsym Mod1+Shift+$right move workspace to output right
bindsym Mod1+Shift+$altright move workspace to output right
bindsym Mod1+Shift+j move workspace to output left
# back and forth between workspaces
# Back and forth between workspaces
bindsym Mod1+Tab workspace back_and_forth
# workspace bindings
@ -217,8 +219,6 @@ bindsym $mod+r mode "resize"
# Read `man 5 sway-bar` for more information about this section.
bar {
position top
# status_command i3blocks
# status_command i3status-rs
status_command i3status
colors {
focused_background #272727E5
@ -229,9 +229,9 @@ bar {
focused_workspace #555555E5 #555555E5 #ffffff
inactive_workspace #272727E5 #272727E5 #888888
font pango:FontAwesome Regular 12, Iosevka SS01 Medium 12
font pango:FontAwesome Regular 11, Iosevka Medium 11
strip_workspace_numbers yes
height 26
height 22
#tray_padding 2
separator_symbol " "
@ -281,9 +281,9 @@ bindsym Mod1+shift+x exec playerctl play-pause
bindsym Mod1+shift+c exec playerctl play-pause
# Zvok
set $vol_down_cmd amixer -q sset Master 5%-
set $vol_up_cmd amixer -q sset Master 5%+
set $vol_toggle_cmd amixer -q sset Master toggle
set $vol_down_cmd pamixer -d 5
set $vol_up_cmd pamixer -i 5
set $vol_toggle_cmd pamixer -t
bindsym $mod+shift+d exec "$vol_up_cmd"
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec "$vol_up_cmd"
@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ exec_always {
# Zvetlost zaslona
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec "light -A 3"
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec "light -U 3"
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec "brightnessctl set 3%+"
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec "brightnessctl set 3%-"
# Zunanji skrin
bindsym $mod+p exec "swaymsg output HDMI-A-2 enable"
@ -330,14 +330,11 @@ exec dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSO
exec ~/bin/
# Desktop notifikacije
exec mako --default-timeout=10000 --icon-path /usr/share/icons/Numix
exec mako --default-timeout=5000 --icon-path /usr/share/icons/Numix
# Autotiling
exec ~/bin/
# Rdece, da lahko spim, hvala
exec gammastep -m wayland -l 46.05108:14.50513
# Zagoni programov razporejeni na workspejse
workspace 1:
#exec firefox
@ -366,3 +363,17 @@ exec ~/bin/swaynag-battery
# Lebdeca okna (najdes preko "swaymsg -t get_tree")
for_window [app_id="org.keepassxc.KeePassXC"] floating enable
input "9610:30:Pine64_Pinebook_Pro_Touchpad" {
tap enabled
natural_scroll enabled
drag enabled
# Brez titlebara pls
default_border none
# opacity na neaktivna okna
exec_always --no-startup-id ~/bin/
# avtomatski layout
exec_always --no-startup-id i3-auto-layout

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
font = Fira Mono Medium 8
font = Fira Mono Medium 12

View File

@ -2,12 +2,24 @@
;;; This format is meant to be slightly human-readable;
;;; nevertheless, you probably don't want to edit it.
;;; -*- End Of Bookmark File Format Version Stamp -*-
(filename . "~/.notes")
(front-context-string . "** TODO Zaraščen")
(filename . "~/Dokumenti/")
(front-context-string . "** TODO \n [2023")
(rear-context-string . "th composer\",]]\n")
(position . 196)
(last-modified 25762 52373 677189 163000))
(filename . "~/Dokumenti/")
(front-context-string . "** TODO \n [2023")
(rear-context-string . "th composer\",]]\n")
(position . 196)
(last-modified 25762 52373 676796 964000))
(filename . "~/Dokumenti/")
(front-context-string . "** TODO \n [2023")
(position . 9)
(last-modified 25598 13456 906334 599000))
(last-modified 25762 52371 13354 624000))
(filename . "~/rs/megla-sync/org/")
(front-context-string . "- nov X, dizajn\n")

View File

@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
(setq debug-on-error t)
;; Loudamo melpa paketice
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
;; Set up package.el to work with MELPA
(require 'package)
;; Loudamo melpa paketice
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
;; Stare funkcije za namescanje paketov. Od use-package z :ensure naprej vec ne
@ -311,10 +311,10 @@
;; Guile scheme
(use-package geiser
:ensure t
:mode "\\.scm\\'")
:defer t)
(use-package geiser-guile
:ensure t
:after geiser
:after geiser-guile
:init (setq scheme-program-name "guile"))
;; Racket podpora
@ -572,13 +572,89 @@
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(((:application tramp)
tramp-connection-local-default-system-profile tramp-connection-local-default-shell-profile)))
(tramp-process-attributes-ps-args "-acxww" "-o" "pid,uid,user,gid,comm=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "-o" "state=abcde" "-o" "ppid,pgid,sess,tty,tpgid,minflt,majflt,time,pri,nice,vsz,rss,etime,pcpu,pmem,args")
(pid . number)
(euid . number)
(user . string)
(egid . number)
(comm . 52)
(state . 5)
(ppid . number)
(pgrp . number)
(sess . number)
(ttname . string)
(tpgid . number)
(minflt . number)
(majflt . number)
(time . tramp-ps-time)
(pri . number)
(nice . number)
(vsize . number)
(rss . number)
(etime . tramp-ps-time)
(pcpu . number)
(pmem . number)
(tramp-process-attributes-ps-args "-o" "pid,user,group,comm=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "-o" "stat=abcde" "-o" "ppid,pgid,tty,time,nice,etime,args")
(pid . number)
(user . string)
(group . string)
(comm . 52)
(state . 5)
(ppid . number)
(pgrp . number)
(ttname . string)
(time . tramp-ps-time)
(nice . number)
(etime . tramp-ps-time)
(tramp-process-attributes-ps-args "-acxww" "-o" "pid,euid,user,egid,egroup,comm=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "-o" "state,ppid,pgid,sid,tty,tpgid,minflt,majflt,time,pri,nice,vsz,rss,etimes,pcpu,pmem,args")
(pid . number)
(euid . number)
(user . string)
(egid . number)
(group . string)
(comm . 52)
(state . string)
(ppid . number)
(pgrp . number)
(sess . number)
(ttname . string)
(tpgid . number)
(minflt . number)
(majflt . number)
(time . tramp-ps-time)
(pri . number)
(nice . number)
(vsize . number)
(rss . number)
(etime . number)
(pcpu . number)
(pmem . number)
(shell-file-name . "/bin/sh")
(shell-command-switch . "-c"))
(path-separator . ":")
(null-device . "/dev/null"))))
'("db3e80842b48f9decb532a1d74e7575716821ee631f30267e4991f4ba2ddf56e" "d14f3df28603e9517eb8fb7518b662d653b25b26e83bd8e129acea042b774298" "7661b762556018a44a29477b84757994d8386d6edee909409fabe0631952dad9" default))
'(iswitchb-mode t)
'("~/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/rs/org/" "/home/g1smo/rs/org/" "/home/g1smo/rs/org/" "/home/g1smo/rs/org/" "/home/g1smo/rs/org/" "/home/g1smo/rs/org/" "/home/g1smo/rs/org/" "/home/g1smo/rs/org/" "/home/g1smo/rs/org/" "/home/g1smo/rs/org/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/" "/home/g1smo/Dokumenti/"))
'(toml-mode smartparens crdt.el openwith evil-org-agenda company-org-block org-block-capf writeroom-mode racket-mode htmlize company-lsp web-mode tidal org-caldav format-all company-phpactor phpactor extempore-mode ob-mermaid use-package lsp-mode yaml-mode drupal-mode magit markdown-mode flycheck arduino-mode rjsx-mode gdscript-mode rainbow-delimiters which-key paredit geiser-guile geiser web-beautify vue-mode treemacs-evil treemacs-projectile treemacs smart-tabs-mode smart-tabs js2-mode smex clojure-mode helpful doom-themes counsel swiper all-the-icons doom-modeline evil-collection fennel-mode rg ivy company projectile evil))
'(tree-sitter guix toml-mode smartparens crdt.el openwith evil-org-agenda company-org-block org-block-capf writeroom-mode racket-mode htmlize company-lsp web-mode tidal org-caldav format-all company-phpactor phpactor extempore-mode ob-mermaid use-package lsp-mode yaml-mode drupal-mode magit markdown-mode flycheck arduino-mode rjsx-mode gdscript-mode rainbow-delimiters which-key paredit geiser-guile geiser web-beautify vue-mode treemacs-evil treemacs-projectile treemacs smart-tabs-mode smart-tabs js2-mode smex clojure-mode helpful doom-themes counsel swiper all-the-icons doom-modeline evil-collection fennel-mode rg ivy company projectile evil))
'(tool-bar-mode nil)
'(warning-minimum-level :error)
'(which-key-mode t))

View File

@ -41,9 +41,13 @@ signal=10
<<<<<<< HEAD
command=echo -n "$label $(xbacklight -get | sed -e 's/\.[0-9]\+//')%"
>>>>>>> 46ad6f3 (Posodobitve)
@ -55,9 +59,13 @@ interval=persist
<<<<<<< HEAD
command=echo -n "$label ";/home/g1smo/sredstva/i3blocks-contrib/memory/memory | sed -r 's/ \(.+//'
command=/home/g1smo/Sredstva/i3blocks-contrib/memory/memory | sed -r 's/ \(.+//'
>>>>>>> 46ad6f3 (Posodobitve)
@ -71,6 +79,7 @@ interval=10
# The directory defaults to $HOME if the instance is not specified.
# The script may be called with a optional argument to set the alert
# (defaults to 10 for 10%).
<<<<<<< HEAD
@ -90,6 +99,14 @@ label=
command=echo -n "$label ";/home/g1smo/sredstva/i3blocks-contrib/disk/disk
>>>>>>> 46ad6f3 (Posodobitve)
@ -105,9 +122,13 @@ command=/home/g1smo/sredstva/i3blocks-contrib/iface/iface
<<<<<<< HEAD
command=echo -n "$label ";/home/g1smo/sredstva/i3blocks-contrib/wifi/wifi
>>>>>>> 46ad6f3 (Posodobitve)
@ -122,9 +143,15 @@ command=echo -n "$label ";/home/g1smo/sredstva/i3blocks-contrib/wifi/wifi
<<<<<<< HEAD
#command=/home/g1smo/sredstva/i3blocks-contrib/cpu_usage/cpu_usage | sed -r 's/^([0-9])\./\ \1\./'
command=echo -n "$label ";/home/g1smo/sredstva/i3blocks-contrib/cpu_usage/cpu_usage -d 1
#command=/home/g1smo/Sredstva/i3blocks-contrib/cpu_usage/cpu_usage | sed -r 's/^([0-9])\./\ \1\./'
command=/home/g1smo/Sredstva/i3blocks-contrib/cpu_usage/cpu_usage -d 1
>>>>>>> 46ad6f3 (Posodobitve)
@ -134,16 +161,25 @@ min_width= 99.0%
<<<<<<< HEAD
command=echo -n "$label ";/home/g1smo/sredstva/i3blocks-contrib/load_average/load_average
>>>>>>> 46ad6f3 (Posodobitve)
<<<<<<< HEAD
command=echo -n "$label ";xkb-switch
>>>>>>> 46ad6f3 (Posodobitve)
@ -152,21 +188,30 @@ command=echo -n "$label ";xkb-switch
#command=count=$(acpi -b | wc -l); sum=$(acpi -b | egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}%' | tr -d '%' | xargs -I% echo -n '+%'); echo '' $(( sum / count ))%
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> 46ad6f3 (Posodobitve)
<<<<<<< HEAD
command=echo -n "$label ";date '+%a %d %b'
command=date '+%a %d %b'
>>>>>>> 46ad6f3 (Posodobitve)
#command=date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
command=echo -n "$label";date '+%H:%M'

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
. /etc/profile
# <3 default editor (za manjse urejanje)
export EDITOR="vim"
export VISUAL="vim"
@ -52,13 +54,13 @@ export GUILE_SITE_DIR="$HOME/.local/guile/site_dir"
# Guix
export GUIX_LOCPATH="$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale"
export GUIX_PROFILE="$HOME/.guix-profile"
export XDG_DATA_DIRS="/usr/local/share:/usr/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS"
export GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH="$HOME/projekti/guix-paketi"
export PATH="$HOME/.config/guix/current/bin:$PATH"
. "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"
#export GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH="$HOME/projekti/guix-paketi # guix channel!
#export GUIX_LOCPATH="$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale"
#export GUIX_PROFILE="$HOME/.guix-profile"
#export XDG_DATA_DIRS="/usr/local/share:/usr/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS"
#export PATH="$HOME/.config/guix/current/bin:$PATH"
#. "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"
# Loadamo sway na tty1!
# If running from tty1 start sway

View File

@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ It should only modify the values of Spacemacs settings."
;; Default font, or prioritized list of fonts. `powerline-scale' allows to
;; quickly tweak the mode-line size to make separators look not too crappy.
dotspacemacs-default-font '("Iosevka Medium"
:size 16
:size 13
:weight bold
:width normal
:powerline-scale 1.1)
@ -544,6 +544,9 @@ before packages are loaded."
(use-package all-the-icons)
(setq neo-theme (if (display-graphic-p) 'icons 'arrow))
;; Fix for startup issue?
(setq projectile-git-submodule-command nil)
;; Also in dired
(use-package all-the-icons-dired)
@ -633,8 +636,7 @@ This function is called at the very end of Spacemacs initialization."
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
(racket-mode faceup mu4e-maildirs-extension mu4e-alert ht markdown-mode lua-mode skewer-mode simple-httpd js2-mode dash-functional parent-mode edit-indirect magit-popup bui go-guru go-eldoc fringe-helper git-gutter+ git-gutter geiser pos-tip flycheck flx fennel-mode highlight magit git-commit with-editor smartparens iedit anzu evil goto-chg undo-tree php-mode transient tablist json-mode docker-tramp json-snatcher json-reformat projectile counsel ivy web-completion-data restclient know-your-http-well company-go go-mode company hydra inflections multiple-cursors paredit lv eval-sexp-fu cider sesman queue pkg-info parseedn clojure-mode parseclj a epl inf-ruby bind-map yasnippet packed auctex async arduino-mode spinner anaconda-mode pythonic f s all-the-icons memoize avy auto-complete popup swiper zenburn-theme yapfify yaml-mode ws-butler winum which-key wgrep web-mode web-beautify vue-mode ssass-mode vue-html-mode volatile-highlights vmd-mode vi-tilde-fringe uuidgen use-package toc-org tidal tao-theme tagedit suscolors-theme sql-indent spaceline powerline solarized-theme smex smeargle slim-mode scss-mode sass-mode rvm rudel ruby-tools ruby-test-mode rubocop rspec-mode robe rjsx-mode restart-emacs request rbenv rake rainbow-delimiters pyvenv pytest pyenv-mode py-isort pug-mode popwin pip-requirements phpunit phpcbf php-extras php-auto-yasnippets persp-mode pcre2el paradox orgit org-projectile org-category-capture org-present org-pomodoro alert log4e gntp org-plus-contrib org-mime org-download org-bullets open-junk-file ob-restclient ob-http nginx-mode neotree move-text mmm-mode minitest markdown-toc magit-gitflow macrostep lorem-ipsum livid-mode live-py-mode linum-relative link-hint js2-refactor js-doc ivy-hydra indent-guide hy-mode hungry-delete htmlize hl-todo highlight-parentheses highlight-numbers highlight-indentation helm-make haskell-mode haml-mode guix gruvbox-theme google-translate golden-ratio gnuplot gitignore-mode gitconfig-mode gitattributes-mode git-timemachine git-messenger git-link git-gutter-fringe git-gutter-fringe+ gh-md fuzzy flycheck-pos-tip flx-ido floobits fireplace fill-column-indicator fancy-battery eyebrowse extempore-mode expand-region exec-path-from-shell evil-visualstar evil-visual-mark-mode evil-unimpaired evil-tutor evil-surround evil-search-highlight-persist evil-numbers evil-nerd-commenter evil-mc evil-matchit evil-magit evil-lisp-state evil-indent-plus evil-iedit-state evil-exchange evil-escape evil-ediff evil-args evil-anzu emmet-mode elisp-slime-nav editorconfig dumb-jump drupal-mode dockerfile-mode docker diminish diff-hl define-word dakrone-light-theme cython-mode counsel-projectile company-web company-tern company-statistics company-restclient company-auctex company-anaconda column-enforce-mode coffee-mode clojure-snippets clj-refactor clean-aindent-mode cider-eval-sexp-fu chruby bundler bind-key auto-yasnippet auto-highlight-symbol auto-compile all-the-icons-dired aggressive-indent adaptive-wrap ace-window ace-link ac-ispell))))
'(zenburn-theme yapfify yaml-mode ws-butler winum which-key wgrep web-mode web-beautify vue-mode ssass-mode vue-html-mode volatile-highlights vmd-mode vi-tilde-fringe uuidgen use-package undo-tree toc-org tidal tao-theme tagedit suscolors-theme sql-indent spaceline powerline solarized-theme smex smeargle slim-mode scss-mode sass-mode rvm rudel ruby-tools ruby-test-mode rubocop rspec-mode robe rjsx-mode restart-emacs request rbenv rake rainbow-delimiters pyvenv pytest pyenv-mode py-isort pug-mode popwin pip-requirements phpunit php-extras persp-mode pcre2el paradox orgit org-projectile org-category-capture org-present org-pomodoro alert log4e gntp org-plus-contrib org-mime org-download org-bullets open-junk-file ob-restclient ob-http nginx-mode neotree move-text mmm-mode minitest markdown-toc markdown-mode magit-gitflow magit magit-section macrostep lorem-ipsum livid-mode skewer-mode simple-httpd live-py-mode linum-relative link-hint js2-refactor js2-mode js-doc ivy-hydra indent-guide hy-mode hungry-delete htmlize hl-todo highlight-parentheses highlight-numbers parent-mode highlight-indentation helm-make haskell-mode haml-mode guix edit-indirect magit-popup bui google-translate golden-ratio gnuplot git-timemachine git-messenger git-link git-gutter-fringe+ git-gutter-fringe fringe-helper git-gutter+ git-gutter git-commit with-editor gh-md geiser fuzzy flycheck-pos-tip pos-tip flycheck flx-ido flx floobits fireplace fill-column-indicator fancy-battery eyebrowse extempore-mode expand-region exec-path-from-shell evil-visualstar evil-visual-mark-mode evil-unimpaired evil-tutor evil-surround evil-search-highlight-persist highlight evil-numbers evil-nerd-commenter evil-mc evil-matchit evil-lisp-state smartparens evil-indent-plus evil-iedit-state iedit evil-exchange evil-escape evil-ediff evil-args evil-anzu anzu evil goto-chg emmet-mode elisp-slime-nav editorconfig dumb-jump drupal-mode php-mode dockerfile-mode docker transient tablist json-mode docker-tramp json-snatcher diminish diff-hl define-word dakrone-light-theme cython-mode counsel-projectile projectile counsel swiper ivy company-web web-completion-data company-statistics company-restclient restclient know-your-http-well company-auctex company-anaconda company column-enforce-mode coffee-mode clojure-snippets clj-refactor hydra inflections multiple-cursors paredit lv clean-aindent-mode cider-eval-sexp-fu eval-sexp-fu cider sesman seq spinner queue pkg-info parseedn clojure-mode parseclj epl chruby bundler inf-ruby bind-map bind-key auto-yasnippet yasnippet auto-highlight-symbol ht auto-compile packed auctex async anaconda-mode pythonic f s all-the-icons-dired all-the-icons aggressive-indent adaptive-wrap ace-window ace-link avy ac-ispell auto-complete popup gruvbox-theme)))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,15 @@ export GREP_COLORS='1;32'
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=ExFxCxDxBxegedabagacad
# PATH additions
export GOPATH=~/Sredstva/go
export PATH="/home/g1smo/bin:/home/g1smo/.cargo/bin:$GOPATH/bin:$PATH"
# Default term (i3)
#export TERMINAL="termite"
export TERMINAL="kitty"
export TERM="xterm-256color"
function man() {
LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$(printf "\e[1;35m") \
LESS_TERMCAP_md=$(printf "\e[1;34m") \
@ -47,6 +56,25 @@ precmd () {
setopt prompt_subst
PROMPT='%n@%m %1~ %{$fg[green]%}${vcs_info_msg_0_}%{$fg[blue]%}» %{$reset_color%}'
# Aliases
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias vim='TERM=xterm-256color vim'
alias vi='vim'
alias sudo="sudo "
alias grep="grep --color=auto"
# Remove not-required-anymore packages
alias paclean="sudo pacman -R \$(pacman -Qdt | awk '{print \$1}')"
# List packages by size
alias pacsize="expac -H M '%m\t%n' | sort -h"
alias ffon="sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf.ff /etc/resolv.conf"
alias gitclean="git fetch -p && for branch in \$(git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | gawk '{print \$1}'); do git branch -D \$branch; echo 'deleted \$branch'; done"
alias sctl="systemctl"
# Firefox scaling!
alias sf="find ~/.mozilla/firefox -name \"prefs.js\" -exec sed -ri 's/(devPixelsPerPx\\\", \\\")[0-9\\.]+/\\11\.00/' {} + ; firefox"
# regular firefox
alias ff="find ~/.mozilla/firefox -name \"prefs.js\" -exec sed -ri 's/(devPixelsPerPx\\\", \\\")[0-9\\.]+/\\11\.75/' {} + ; firefox"
# Reverse search shortcut
bindkey '^R' history-incremental-pattern-search-backward
@ -62,10 +90,11 @@ bindkey '^R' history-incremental-pattern-search-backward
# Aliasi
alias ll='ls -l'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias ls='ls --color -C'
alias vi='vim'
alias sudo='sudo env PATH=$PATH '
alias grep="grep --color=auto"
alias ag="rg"
alias less="less -R"
@ -78,9 +107,6 @@ alias offer-files="python3 -m http.server"
# X on wayland
alias wxon="xhost +local:"
# RŠ aliasi
alias omnom="ssh root@debeli"
# Ljudmila
alias scdev="ssh"
alias scnew="ssh"
@ -99,14 +125,14 @@ alias srs='f(){ ssh jurijp@$1.radiostudent.local };f'
alias srr='f(){ ssh root@$1.radiostudent.local };f'
alias rss='f(){ ssh jurijp@$ };f'
alias rsr='f(){ ssh root@$ };f'
alias zw="ssh"
# Poslusaj snemanje
alias poslusaj='pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1'
alias tisina='pactl unload-module module-loopback'
# PI ssh
alias spi='ssh pi@'
# Guix guile things
#export GUILE_LOAD_PATH=$HOME/.guix-profile/share/guile/site/2.2:$GUILE_LOAD_PATH
#export GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH=$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/guile/2.2/site-ccache:$GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH
# Na prostem sajt(i)
alias nps='cd ~/ljudmila/naprostem/sajt'
@ -135,3 +161,56 @@ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(go env GOPATH)/deps/dqlite/.libs/:$(go env GOPATH)/dep
# JS fix (prevec nov za openssl)
#export NODE_OPTIONS="--openssl-legacy-provider"
# Chrome scaling
--num-raster-threads=6 \
--profiler-timing=0 \
--disable-composited-antialiasing \
--test-type \
--show-component-extension-options \
--ignore-gpu-blacklist \
--use-gl=egl \
--ppapi-flash-path=/usr/lib/chromium-browser/pepper/ \
--ppapi-flash-version= \
--enable-pinch \
--flag-switches-begin \
--enable-gpu-rasterization \
--enable-oop-rasterization \
# Guix!
#export GUIX_PROFILE="$HOME/.guix-profile"
#export GUIX_PROFILE="$HOME/.config/guix/current"
#export GUIX_PROFILE_FILE="$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"
#export GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH="$HOME/Projects/guix-packages"
#export GUIX_LOCPATH="$GUIX_PROFILE/lib/locale"
#export PATH="/home/g1smo/.config/guix/current/bin${PATH:+:}$PATH"
#export PATH="/home/g1smo/.guix-profile/bin${PATH:+:}$PATH"
#export SSL_CERT_DIR="$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/ssl/certs"
#export SSL_CERT_FILE="$SSL_CERT_DIR/ca-certificates.crt"
# Mozilla webrender
# Wayland native firefox
# Layout tipkovnice
export XKB_DEFAULT_OPTIONS=grp:win_space_toggle,compose:caps
# Novejsi opengl
#export PAN_MESA_DEBUG=gl3
#export GDK_BACKEND=wayland
#export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland
alias scdev="ssh"
export GDK_SCALE=1
export GDK_DPI_SCALE=0.5

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This script requires i3ipc-python package (install it from a system package manager

View File

@ -1,51 +1,60 @@
;; -*- mode: scheme; -*-
;; This is an operating system configuration template
;; for a "desktop" setup with GNOME and Xfce.
(use-modules (gnu) (srfi srfi-1) (gnu system nss))
(use-service-modules desktop networking)
(use-modules (gnu)
(gnu system nss)
(guix utils)
(nongnu packages linux)
(nongnu system linux-initrd)
(srfi srfi-1))
(use-service-modules desktop xorg dns networking)
(use-package-modules bootloaders certs shells ssh version-control emacs vim wm freedesktop xorg fontutils)
;; ZSH location G-expr
(define zsh-location
#~(string-append #$zsh "/bin/zsh"))
;; Replace wicd with NetworkManager
(define %desktop-services-nm
(cons* (service network-manager-service-type (network-manager-configuration))
(service wpa-supplicant-service-type)
;;(service account-service-type)
(remove (lambda (service) (eq? wicd-service-type (service-kind service))) %desktop-services)))
(host-name "gpnx")
(host-name "apnx")
(timezone "Europe/Ljubljana")
(locale "en_US.UTF-8")
(locale "sl_SI.utf8")
;; Use the UEFI variant of GRUB with the EFI System
;; Partition mounted on /boot/efi.
(bootloader (bootloader-configuration
(bootloader grub-efi-bootloader)
(targets '("/boot/efi"))))
(kernel linux)
(initrd microcode-initrd)
(firmware (list linux-firmware))
;; Assuming /dev/sdX is the target hard disk, and "my-root"
;; is the label of the target root file system.
(bootloader (grub-configuration (grub grub);;-efi)
;;(device "/dev/sda1")))
(device "/dev/sda")))
(file-systems (cons* (file-system
(device "gpnx")
(title "GNU Guix SD pnx")
(mount-point "/")
(type "ext4"))
(device "/dev/sda1")
(mount-point "/boot/efi")
(type "vfat"))
(device "/dev/sda3")
(mount-point "/")
(type "btrfs")
(options "compress"))
(device "/dev/sda2")
(mount-point "/boot/efi")
(type "vfat"))
(list (swap-space (target "/swapfile"))))
(users (cons* (user-account
(name "yuri")
(comment "Silly Yuri")
(name "g1smo")
(comment "Yuri")
(group "users")
(shell zsh-location)
(supplementary-groups '("wheel" "netdev"
"audio" "video"))
(home-directory "/home/yuri"))
"audio" "video" "dialout"))
(shell (file-append zsh "/bin/zsh"))
(home-directory "/home/g1smo"))
(name "bask")
(comment "Balkan Anarchist Bookfair")
(group "users")
(supplementary-groups '("wheel" "netdev"
"audio" "video" "dialout"))
(home-directory "/home/bask"))
;; This is where we specify system-wide packages.
@ -66,9 +75,23 @@
;; include the X11 log-in service, networking with Wicd,
;; and more.
(services (cons* ;;(xfce-desktop-service)
(services (cons* (service xfce-desktop-service-type)
(service gnome-desktop-service-type)
(service dnsmasq-service-type
(cache-size 1500)))
(service network-manager-service-type
(dns "dnsmasq")))
(service pam-limits-service-type
(pam-limits-entry "@audio" 'both 'rtprio 99)
(pam-limits-entry "@audio" 'both 'memlock 'unlimited)))
(lambda (service)
(eq? network-manager-service-type (service-kind service)))
;; Allow resolution of '.local' host names with mDNS.
(name-service-switch %mdns-host-lookup-nss))

guix/.bash_profile 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Set up Guix Home profile
if [ -f ~/.profile ]; then . ~/.profile; fi
# Honor per-interactive-shell startup file
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc; fi
# Merge search-paths from multiple profiles, the order matters.
eval "$(guix package --search-paths \
-p $HOME/.config/guix/current \
-p $HOME/.guix-profile \
-p /run/current-system/profile)"
# Prepend setuid programs.
export PATH=/run/setuid-programs:$PATH

guix/.bashrc 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Bash initialization for interactive non-login shells and
# for remote shells (info "(bash) Bash Startup Files").
# Export 'SHELL' to child processes. Programs such as 'screen'
# honor it and otherwise use /bin/sh.
export SHELL
if [[ $- != *i* ]]
# We are being invoked from a non-interactive shell. If this
# is an SSH session (as in "ssh host command"), source
# /etc/profile so we get PATH and other essential variables.
[[ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]] && source /etc/profile
# Don't do anything else.
# Source the system-wide file.
[ -f /etc/bashrc ] && source /etc/bashrc
source /etc/profile
# Term compatibility
export TERM=rxvt-256color
# Aliasi
alias ls='ls -p --color=auto'
alias ll='ls -l'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias ls='ls --color -C'
alias vi='vim'
alias sudo='sudo env PATH=$PATH '
alias ag="rg"
alias less="less -R"
alias gitclean="git fetch -p && for branch in \$\(git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | gawk '{print \$1}'\); do git branch -D \$branch; echo 'deleted \$branch'; done"
alias sctl="systemctl"
alias ddrush="ddev exec drush"
alias dcomposer="ddev exec composer"
alias offer-files="python3 -m http.server"
# X on wayland
alias wxon="xhost +local:"
alias kill-element='kill $(ps aux | grep element | awk '\''{print $2;}'\'')'
alias run-gamma="pkill -f gammastep; sleep 3; screen -dm -- gammastep -m wayland -l 46.05108:14.50513"
# RŠ ssh
srs() {
ssh "jurijp@$1.radiostudent.local"
srr() {
ssh "root@$1.radiostudent.local"
rss() {
ssh "jurijp@$"
rsr() {
ssh "root@$"
export BSD_GAMES_DIR=~/.local/share/bsd-games

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
;; This "home-environment" file can be passed to 'guix home reconfigure'
;; to reproduce the content of your profile. This is "symbolic": it only
;; specifies package names. To reproduce the exact same profile, you also
;; need to capture the channels being used, as returned by "guix describe".
;; See the "Replicating Guix" section in the manual.
(use-modules (gnu home)
(gnu packages)
(gnu packages xdisorg)
(gnu services)
(guix gexp)
(gnu home services shells)
(gnu home services desktop)
(gnu home services pm)
(gnu home services sound))
;; Below is the list of packages that will show up in your
;; Home profile, under ~/.guix-home/profile.
(packages (specifications->packages (list "htop"
;; Below is the list of Home services. To search for available
;; services, run 'guix home search KEYWORD' in a terminal.
(list (service home-zsh-service-type
(zshrc (list (local-file
(zprofile (list (local-file
;; Skrij misko po 4 sekundah ne-premikanja
(service home-unclutter-service-type
(idle-timeout 2)))
;; Rdecenje zaslona @TODO se ne dela :(
(service home-redshift-service-type
(redshift redshift-wayland)
(adjustment-method 'wayland)
(location-provider 'manual)
(latitude 46.05108)
(longitude 14.50513)))
;; Pipewire zvok!
;; Dbus je odvisen paket
(service home-dbus-service-type)
(service home-pipewire-service-type)
;; Indikator nizke baterije
(service home-batsignal-service-type)

View File

@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ ln -s $DIR/.config/compton.conf ~/.config/compton.conf
# redshift (pordeci skrin, X)
ln -s $DIR/.config/redshift ~/.config/redshift
# guix (channel z lokalnimi paketi
mkdir ~/.config/guix
ln -s $DIR/.config/guix/channels.scm ~/.config/guix/channels.scm
# i3 block, bolj fensi statusbar (ne uporabljam vec)
ln -s $DIR/.i3blocks.conf ~/.i3blocks.conf
@ -92,8 +96,6 @@ ln -s $DIR/applications/dbeaver.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/com.obsproje
# Emacs <3
mkdir ~/.emacs.d
ln -s $DIR/.emacs.d/init.el ~/.emacs.d/init.el
ln -s $DIR/.emacs.d/projectile-bookmarks.eld ~/.emacs.d/projectile-bookmarks.eld
ln -s $DIR/.emacs.d/bookmarks ~/.emacs.d/bookmarks
# SSH (timeout)
mkdir ~/.ssh