@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ bindsym $mod+8 workspace $w8
bindsym $mod+9 workspace $w9
bindsym $mod+0 workspace $w0
# move focused container to workspace
bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace $w1
bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace $w2
@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ bindsym Mod1+Shift+$right move workspace to output right
bindsym Mod1+Shift+$altright move workspace to output right
bindsym Mod1+Shift+j move workspace to output left
# back and forth between workspaces
# Back and forth between workspaces
bindsym Mod1+Tab workspace back_and_forth
# workspace bindings
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
font = Fira Mono Medium 11
font = Fira Mono Medium 12
@ -20,6 +20,15 @@ export GREP_COLORS='1;32'
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=ExFxCxDxBxegedabagacad
# PATH additions
export GOPATH=~/Sredstva/go
export PATH="/home/g1smo/bin:/home/g1smo/.cargo/bin:$GOPATH/bin:$PATH"
# Default term (i3)
#export TERMINAL="termite"
export TERMINAL="kitty"
export TERM="xterm-256color"
function man() {
LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$(printf "\e[1;35m") \
LESS_TERMCAP_md=$(printf "\e[1;34m") \
@ -47,6 +56,25 @@ precmd () {
setopt prompt_subst
PROMPT='%n@%m %1~ %{$fg[green]%}${vcs_info_msg_0_}%{$fg[blue]%}» %{$reset_color%}'
# Aliases
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias vim='TERM=xterm-256color vim'
alias vi='vim'
alias sudo="sudo "
alias grep="grep --color=auto"
# Remove not-required-anymore packages
alias paclean="sudo pacman -R \$(pacman -Qdt | awk '{print \$1}')"
# List packages by size
alias pacsize="expac -H M '%m\t%n' | sort -h"
alias ffon="sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf.ff /etc/resolv.conf"
alias gitclean="git fetch -p && for branch in \$(git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | gawk '{print \$1}'); do git branch -D \$branch; echo 'deleted \$branch'; done"
alias sctl="systemctl"
# Firefox scaling!
alias sf="find ~/.mozilla/firefox -name \"prefs.js\" -exec sed -ri 's/(devPixelsPerPx\\\", \\\")[0-9\\.]+/\\11\.00/' {} + ; firefox"
# regular firefox
alias ff="find ~/.mozilla/firefox -name \"prefs.js\" -exec sed -ri 's/(devPixelsPerPx\\\", \\\")[0-9\\.]+/\\11\.75/' {} + ; firefox"
# Reverse search shortcut
bindkey '^R' history-incremental-pattern-search-backward
@ -105,8 +133,9 @@ alias rr='ssh root@radiostudent.si'
alias poslusaj='pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1'
alias tisina='pactl unload-module module-loopback'
# PI ssh
alias spi='ssh pi@'
# Guix guile things
#export GUILE_LOAD_PATH=$HOME/.guix-profile/share/guile/site/2.2:$GUILE_LOAD_PATH
#export GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH=$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/guile/2.2/site-ccache:$GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH
# Na prostem sajt(i)
alias nps='cd ~/ljudmila/naprostem/sajt'
Reference in New Issue