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Org Mode

* Daktil Keyboard
Daktil is a fork of [[https://github.com/adereth/dactyl-keyboard][the Dactyl]], a parameterized, split-hand, concave, columnar, ergonomic keyboard.
A number of them were built at [[http://ljudmila.org/][Ljudmila]], at the [[https://wiki.ljudmila.org/Tipkovnica_dactyl][PIFlab workshop]].
There's a [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uk3A41U0iO4][very interesting talk]] about the motivation and design of the original Dactyl by Matt Addereth, its creator:
** Differences from the original design
The generated model has not changed, but we used an Arudino ProMicro instead of a Teensy Arduino controller. We also did the wiring in columns instead of rows and connected the left and right parts with a spiral telephone cord with 4P4C connectors/cords.
We built some original Dactyls and some [[https://github.com/tshort/dactyl-keyboard][Dactyl Manuforms]].
** Assembly
*** Parts / materials
- Cherry MX switches
- Arduino Pro Micro (you can / we did / use a clone)
- IO expander (MCP23008)
- 3d print material
- 1N41 diodes (1 for each key / approx. 60)
- two 2,2 kΩ resistors
- two 4P4C telephone jacks and a spiral cord
- enameled wire
*** Generating a Design
*Setting up the Clojure environment*
- [[https://clojure.org][Install the Clojure runtime]]
- [[http://leiningen.org/][Install the Leiningen project manager]]
- [[http://www.openscad.org/][Install OpenSCAD]]
**Generating the design**
- Run `lein repl`
- Load the file `(load-file "src/dactyl_keyboard/dactyl.clj")`
- This will regenerate the `things/*.scad` files
- Use OpenSCAD to open a `.scad` file.
- Make changes to design, repeat `load-file`, OpenSCAD will watch for changes and rerender.
- When done, use OpenSCAD to export STL files
- [[http://stackoverflow.com/a/28213489][Some other ways to evaluate the clojure design file]]
- [[http://adereth.github.io/blog/2014/04/09/3d-printing-with-clojure/][Example designing with clojure]]
*** Printing
Pregenerated STL files are available in the [[things/][things]] directory.
[[things/daktil_dlan_2.stl][Handrests]] prototyped at PIFcamp 2018 were designed with Blender.
*** Wiring
*** Firmware setup
[[https://github.com/g1smo/qmk_firmware][Our QMK repo fork]]
** Original documentation
You can find scans of original documents we used in the [[doc/][doc]] folder.
** License
Copyright © 2015 Matthew Adereth
The source code for generating the models (everything excluding the [[things/][things]] and [[resources/][resources]] directories is distributed under the [[LICENSE][GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3]]. The generated models and PCB designs are distributed under the [[LICENSE-models][Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License Version 4.0]].