
820 B

ardumont layout

ardumont layout

This is a qwerty layout for the keyboardio/atreus. For the most part, it's a straightforward layout. Only the modifiers key are not organized like the default layout. Those modifier keys are mostly symmetrically configured.

The idea is that when using a modifier key, some users may expect to use both side of the keyboard symmetrically (as in emacs, qutebrowser, terminal/tmux).

Exceptions to the rules are the Escape and the Super which only exists on the left Side of the keyboard. Those are mostly unused.

Note that some keys are not present in the keyboard (e.g Tab, Enter, ...) since they are available from the legacy terminal bindings:

  • Ctrl-i: Tab
  • Ctrl-m: Enter
  • Ctrl-h: Backspace
  • Ctrl-d: Del
  • Ctrl-n: Down
  • Ctrl-p: Up