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Raw Blame History

Minifan layout

Compiled for: Workman

This file details the compile version #define BASE_WORKMAN__DEF_BASE, BASE_WORKMAN__ALT_BASE. This is a Workman layout.

The number & symbols layer (_NSY) is the same as for Qwerty.

Workman keymaps


Minivan layout Image BASEdef Layer: ..._BASE

Minivan layout Image BASEdef Layer: ..._NSY

──────────in common────────────


For more about the other layers, see ➡ readme.md

Minivan illustration Overview layers by key, Workman

Layers (text)


 Layer _..._BASE (Letters). This is Workman 
                                              | Right hand
     <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
     -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
     Esc        qQ    dD    rR    wW    bB    | jJ    fF    uU    pP    :;         Bksp
     Tab+LCtl   aA    sS    hH    tT    gG    | yY    nN    eE    oO    iI           '"
     LSht+_PAD  zZ    xX    mM    cC    vV    | kK    lL    ,<    .>    /?    RSht+_FUN
         +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶
 Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _..._NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _..._NSY(_DRA) LGUI    Right;_RAR 
           hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎             hold     // switch type
           hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
           ┗━━━_BON━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
 <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
      ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
    (RGUI)                                                               (_MOV)

 ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _..._NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
 ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
 ₃) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
 ₄) 'Arrow' hardware configuration  Configurable, default shown.
 ₃ ₄) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
      a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
 ₅) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
 ₆) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.

Remarks: The left modifiers have a slight delay in combination with an outside pointer device (mouse, stylus). It seems this will be difficult to fix, because it is spread over two devices. To avoid the ±0.2 second delay, activate a layer where the modifiers are direct (_PAD), using the layer toggle on left shift.

The two keys with ';' (Del;_ACC, Right;_RAR) do not auto-repeat on double tap, like QMK normal layer-tap keys. There is an uncluttered Delete on _PAD, an uncluttered Right arrow on the _MOV layer.

Holding both _DEF_NSY keys left and right of the "split space bar" (enter, space) results in layer _DRA.

Holding either one of the just above mentioned _DEF_NSY layer keys (<3 and 3>), with the _ACC layer key (on <2) results in layer _BON.

 Layer _..._NSY (Numbers and SYmbols). This fits the above Workman layer _DEF_BASE

 <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
          -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
 BASE     !     @     #     $     %     | ^     &     *     (    )       Del
 Tab+LCtl 1!    2@    3#    4$    5%    | 6^    7&    8*    9(   0)  `~+RCtl
 -+LSht   [{    ]}    -_    \|    =+    | +     |     _     {     }  `~+RSht // limitation prevents ~
                      ^^                              ^  // Only differences with Dvorak version _DEF_NSY
             Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   RGUI  Right+RAlt
                             -*-       <|>    -*-                 u      //(hold) Access on _DEF_BASE
               <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
                    ^                                   ^
                  (LGUI)                              (_MOV)