Commit Graph

45 Commits (master)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Ryan 99b35940bc
Remove unnecessary backslash-escapes in default keymaps (#15472)
* Remove unnecessary backslash-escapes in default keymaps

* Remove unnecessary backslash-escapes in via keymaps

* Remove unnecessary backslash-escapes in default-ish keymaps
2021-12-14 12:41:16 +00:00
Ryan f718a10889
Fix up build options comments (#15463) 2021-12-12 18:05:37 -08:00
Ryan c12b997679
Tidy up `SLEEP_LED_ENABLE` rules (#15362) 2021-12-01 21:13:00 +11:00
QMK Bot 070ef07a34 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop 2021-11-19 17:51:36 +00:00
jels 5c3afe3e6b
[Keyboard] Add b87 keyboard (#15091)
Co-authored-by: Drashna Jaelre <>
Co-authored-by: Ryan <>
2021-11-19 09:51:21 -08:00
James Young 84ea77ead6
Remove `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = lite` option (#15002)
* remove BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE=lite setting

* change keyboard BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE rules

Edits keyboard-level instances of `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = lite` to `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = yes`.

* change keyboard BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE inline comments

Edits keyboard-level BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE inline comments to "Enable Bootmagic Lite".

* change keymap BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE rules

Edits keymap-level instances of `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = lite` to `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = yes`.

* change keymap BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE inline comments

Edits/adds keymap-level BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE inline comments to read "Enable Bootmagic Lite".

* change layout/user BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE rules/comments

Edits instances of `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = lite` to `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = yes`.

Edits/adds keymap-level BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE inline comments to read "Enable Bootmagic Lite".

* update BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE references in keyboards/

* remove docs references to Full Bootmagic

* convert data-driven Bootmagic Lite instances

* remove Bootmagic Lite bodge from data-driven generation

* Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into rm/bootmagic-full_q4a

* update docs/ja/ per mtei

* update docs/ per mtei

Remove remaining Full Bootmagic reference.
2021-11-05 08:18:09 +11:00
Ryan d84794b352
Remove keyboard-level `TAP_DANCE_ENABLE` rules (#14538) 2021-09-21 17:54:36 +01:00
Ryan 4791cfae1a
Remove width, height and key_count from info.json (#14274) 2021-09-12 14:04:56 +10:00
Ryan d5cb7de5e4
Change USBasp and bootloadHID bootloaders to lowercase (#14354) 2021-09-10 17:17:54 +10:00
Ryan 7eea780a7d
Remove bootloader listings from (#14330) 2021-09-10 13:35:46 +10:00
James Young a03aa301de
Remove Full Bootmagic (#13846)
* disambiguate Bootmagic rules in keymaps

The files edited by this commit were added at a point in time where `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = yes` enabled full Bootmagic.

This commit edits the files to specify that full Bootmagic is intended.

* remove BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE=full setting

* unify commented BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE rules in keyboards

Explicitly sets `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = no` in keyboards where the rule was commented out.


find keyboards/ -type f -name '' -and -not -path '*/keymaps/*' -exec sed -i -e 's;#[ \t]*\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE\)[ \t=]\+\([a-zA-Z]\+\).*;\1 = no       # Virtual DIP switch configuration;g' {} +

* remove commented Bootmagic rules from keymap/user level


find keyboards/ layouts/ users/ -type f -name '' -exec sed -i -e '/#.*\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE\)[ \t=]\+\([a-z]\+\).*/d' {} +

* update keyboard BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE rule formatting

Sets the formatting of BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE rules to `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = [value]`, without the inline comments (which will be replaced later).


find keyboards/ -type f -name '' -and -not -path '*/keymaps/*' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE\)[ \t=]\+\([a-z]\+\).*;\1 = \2;g' '{}' +

* update keyboards' BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE settings

Updates keyboard `` files to use `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = lite` where `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = full` was being used.


find keyboards/ -type f -name '' -and -not -path '*/keymaps/*' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = \)full;\1lite;g' '{}' +

* update keymap/user BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE settings

Updates keymap/user `` files to use `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = lite` where `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = full` was being used.


find keyboards/ -type f -name '' -and -path '*/keymaps/*' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE[ \t=]\+\)full;\1lite;g' '{}' +
find layouts/community/ users/ -type f -name '' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE[ \t=]\+\)full;\1lite;g' '{}' +

* remove and replace inline comments in keyboards and keymap/user files

Removes and replaces the inline comments, which have been updated to read `Enable Bootmagic Lite`.


find keyboards/ -type f -name '' -and -path '*/keymaps/*' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE\)[ \t=]\+\([a-z]\+\).*;\1 = \2;g' '{}' +
find layouts/community/ users/ -type f -name '' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE\)[ \t=]\+\([a-z]\+\).*;\1 = \2;g' '{}' +
find keyboards/ layouts/community/ users/ -type f -name '' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = lite\);\1     # Enable Bootmagic Lite;g' '{}' +
find keyboards/ layouts/community/ users/ -type f -name '' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = yes\);\1      # Enable Bootmagic Lite;g' '{}' +
find keyboards/ layouts/community/ users/ -type f -name '' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = no\);\1       # Enable Bootmagic Lite;g' '{}' +

* rename improperly named makefiles

Some files intended to be used as makefiles had improper names causing them to not be used as intended when building.

This commit corrects the filenames of the affected files.

* update renamed file with new rule formatting

* update QMK's template files

Updates QMK's `` templates to use the new inline comment.

* update QMK Docs

- remove documentation of full Bootmagic
- update links to Bootmagic Lite doc
- add doc for Magic Keycodes

* patch for coarse/ixora and coarse/vinta
2021-08-06 23:59:56 -07:00
Adrian L Lange 1105f2eb47
[Keymap] Update bface p3lim keymap (#13582) 2021-07-19 18:48:00 -07:00
James Young 1646c0f26c
2021 May 29 Breaking Changes Update (#13034)
* Add Per Key functionality for AutoShift (#11536)

* LED Matrix: Reactive effect buffers & advanced indicators (#12588)

* [Keyboard] kint36: switch to sym_eager_pk debouncing (#12626)

* [Keyboard] kint2pp: reduce input latency by ≈10ms (#12625)

* LED Matrix: Split (#12633)

* [CI] Format code according to conventions (#12650)

* feat: infinite timeout for leader key (#6580)

* feat: implement leader_no_timeout logic

* docs(leader_key): infinite leader timeout docs

* Format code according to conventions (#12680)

* Update ADC driver for STM32F1xx, STM32F3xx, STM32F4xx (#12403)

* Fix default ADC_RESOLUTION for ADCv3 (and ADCv4)

Recent ChibiOS update removed ADC_CFGR1_RES_10BIT from the ADCv3 headers
(that macro should not have been there, because ADCv3 has CFGR instead of
CFGR1).  Fix the default value for ADC_RESOLUTION to use ADC_CFGR_RES_10BITS
if it is defined (that name is used for ADCv3 and ADCv4).

* Update ADC docs to match the actually used resolution

ADC driver for ChibiOS actually uses the 10-bit resolution by default
(probably to match AVR); fix the documentation accordingly.  Also add
both ADC_CFGR_RES_10BITS and ADC_CFGR1_RES_10BIT constants (these names
differ according to the ADC implementation in the particular MCU).

* Fix pinToMux() for B12 and B13 on STM32F3xx

Testing on STM32F303CCT6 revealed that the ADC mux values for B12 and
B13 pins were wrong.

* Add support for all possible analog pins on STM32F1xx

Added ADC mux values for pins A0...A7, B0, B1, C0...C5 on STM32F1xx
(they are the same at least for STM32F103x8 and larger F103 devices, and
also F102, F105, F107 families).  Actually tested on STM32F103C8T6
(therefore pins C0...C5 were not tested).

Pins F6...F10, which are present on STM32F103x[C-G] in 144-pin packages,
cannot be supported at the moment, because those pins are connected only
to ADC3, but the ChibiOS ADC driver for STM32F1xx supports only ADC1.

* Add support for all possible analog pins on STM32F4xx

Added ADC mux values for pins A0...A7, B0, B1, C0...C5 and optionally
F3...F10 (if STM32_ADC_USE_ADC3 is enabled).  These mux values are
apparently the same for all F4xx devices, except some smaller devices may
not have ADC3.

Actually tested on STM32F401CCU6, STM32F401CEU6, STM32F411CEU6 (using
various WeAct “Blackpill” boards); only pins A0...A7, B0, B1 were tested.

Pins F3...F10 are inside `#if STM32_ADC_USE_ADC3` because some devices
which don't have ADC3 also don't have the GPIOF port, therefore the code
which refers to Fx pins does not compile.

* Fix STM32F3xx ADC mux table in documentation

The ADC driver documentation had some errors in the mux table for STM32F3xx.
Fix this table to match the datasheet and the actual code (mux settings for
B12 and B13 were also tested on a real STM32F303CCT6 chip).

* Add STM32F1xx ADC pins to the documentation

* Add STM32F4xx ADC pins to the documentation

* Add initial support for tinyuf2 bootloader (when hosted on F411 blackpill) (#12600)

* Add support for jumping to tinyuf2 bootloader. Adds blackpill UF2 example.

* Update

* Update chconf.h

* Update config.h

* Update halconf.h

* Update mcuconf.h

* eeprom driver: Refactor where eeprom driver initialisation (and EEPROM emulation initialisation) occurs to make it non-target-specific. (#12671)

* Add support for MCU = STM32F446 (#12619)

* Add support for MCU = STM32F446

* Update platforms/chibios/GENERIC_STM32_F446XE/configs/config.h

* Restore mcuconf.h to the one used by RT-STM32F446RE-NUCLEO64

* stm32f446: update mcuconf.h and board.h for 16MHz operation, with USB enabled, and other peripherals disabled.

* Format code according to conventions (#12682)

* Format code according to conventions (#12687)

* Add STM32L433 and L443 support (#12063)

* initial L433 commit

* change to XC

* fix L433

* disable all peripherals

* update system and peripheral clocks

* 433 change

* use its own board  files

* revert its own board files

* l433 specific change

* fix stm32l432xx define

* remove duplicate #define

* fix bootloader jump

* move to L443xx and add i2c2, spi2, usart3 to mcuconf.h

* move to L443

* move to L443

* fix sdmmc in mcuconf.h

* include STM32L443

* add L443

* Include L443 in compatible microcontrollers

* Include L443 in compatible microcontrollers

* Update config bootloader jump description

* Update ChibiOS define reasoning

* Update quantum/

* fix git conflict

* Updated Function96 with V2 files and removed chconf.h and halconf.h (#12613)

* Fix bad PR merge for #6580. (#12721)

* Change RGB/LED Matrix to use a simple define for USB suspend (#12697)

* [CI] Format code according to conventions (#12731)

* Fixing transport's led/rgb matrix suspend state logic (#12770)

* [CI] Format code according to conventions (#12772)

* Fix comment parsing (#12750)

* Added OLED fade out support (#12086)

* fix some references to bin/qmk that slipped in (#12832)

* Resolve a number of warnings in `qmk generate-api` (#12833)

* New command: qmk console (#12828)

* stash poc

* stash

* tidy up implementation

* Tidy up slightly for review

* Tidy up slightly for review

* Bodge environment to make tests pass

* Refactor away from asyncio due to windows issues

* Filter devices

* align vid/pid printing

* Add hidapi to the installers

* start preparing for multiple hid_listeners

* udev rules for hid_listen

* refactor to move closer to end state

* very basic implementation of the threaded model

* refactor how vid/pid/index are supplied and parsed

* windows improvements

* read the report directly when usage page isn't available

* add per-device colors, the choice to show names or numbers, and refactor

* add timestamps

* Add support for showing bootloaders

* tweak the color for bootloaders

* Align bootloader disconnect with connect color

* add support for showing all bootloaders

* fix the pyusb check

* tweaks

* fix exception

* hide a stack trace behind -v

* add --no-bootloaders option

* add documentation for qmk console

* Apply suggestions from code review

* pyformat

* clean up and flesh out KNOWN_BOOTLOADERS

* Remove pointless SERIAL_LINK_ENABLE rules (#12846)

* Make Swap Hands use PROGMEM (#12284)

This converts the array that the Swap Hands feature uses to use PROGMEM,
and to read from that array, as such. Since this array never changes at
runtime, there is no reason to keep it in memory. Especially for AVR
boards, as memory is a precious resource.

* Fix another bin/qmk reference (#12856)

* [Keymap] Turn OLED off on suspend in soundmonster keymap (#10419)

* Fixup build errors on `develop` branch. (#12723)

* LED Matrix: Effects! (#12651)

* Fix syntax error when compiling for ARM (#12866)

* Remove KEYMAP and LAYOUT_kc (#12160)

* alias KEYMAP to LAYOUT

* remove KEYMAP and LAYOUT_kc

* Add setup, clone, and env to the list of commands we allow even with broken modules (#12868)

* Rename `point_t` -> `led_point_t` (#12864)

* [Keyboard] updated a vendor name / fixed minor keymap issues (#12881)

* Add missing LED Matrix suspend code to suspend.c (#12878)

* LED Matrix: Documentation (#12685)

* Deprecate `send_unicode_hex_string()` (#12602)

* Fix spelling mistake regarding LED Matrix in split_common. (#12888)

* [Keymap] Fix QWERTY/DVORAK status output for kzar keymap (#12895)

* Use milc.subcommand.config instead of qmk.cli.config (#12915)

* Use milc.subcommand.config instead

* pyformat

* remove the config test

* Add function to allow repeated blinking of one layer (#12237)

* Implement function rgblight_blink_layer_repeat to allow repeated blinking of one layer at a time

* Update doc

* Rework rgblight blinking according to requested change

* optimize storage

* Fixup housekeeping from being invoked twice per loop. (#12933)

* matrix: wait for row signal to go HIGH for every row (#12945)

I noticed this discrepancy (last row of the matrix treated differently than the
others) when optimizing the input latency of my keyboard controller, see also

Before this commit, when tuning the delays I noticed ghost key presses when
pressing the F2 key, which is on the last row of the keyboard matrix: the
dead_grave key, which is on the first row of the keyboard matrix, would be
incorrectly detected as pressed.

After this commit, all keyboard matrix rows are interpreted correctly.

I suspect that my setup is more susceptible to this nuance than others because I
use GPIO_INPUT_PIN_DELAY=0 and hence don’t have another delay that might mask
the problem.

* ensure we do not conflict with existing keymap aliases (#12976)

* Add support for up to 4 IS31FL3733 drivers (#12342)

* Convert Encoder callbacks to be boolean functions (#12805)

* [Keyboard] Fix Terrazzo build failure (#12977)

* Do not hard set config in CPTC files (#11864)

* [Keyboard] Corne - Remove legacy revision support (#12226)

* [Keymap] Update to Drashna keymap and user code (based on develop) (#12936)

* Add Full-duplex serial driver for ARM boards (#9842)


* Backlight: add defines for default level and breathing state (#12560)

* Add dire message about LUFA mass storage bootloader (#13014)

* [Keyboard] Remove redundant legacy and common headers for crkbd (#13023)

Was causing compiler errors on some systems.

* Fix keyboards/keymaps for boolean encoder callback changes (#12985)

* `backlight.c`: include `eeprom.h` (#13024)

* Add changelog for 2021-05-29 Breaking Changes merge (#12939)

* Add ChangeLog for 2021-05-29 Breaking Changes Merge: initial version

* Add recent develop changes

* Sort recent develop changes

* Remove sections for ChibiOS changes per tzarc

No ChibiOS changes this round.

* Add and sort recent develop changes

* add notes about keyboard moves/deletions

* import changelog for PR 12172

Documents the change to BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE.

* update section headings

* re-sort changelog

* add additional note regarding Bootmagic changes

* remove changelog timestamp

* update dates in main Breaking Changes docs

* fix broken section anchors in previous changelogs

* add link to backlight/eeprom patch to changelog

* highlight some more changes

* link PRs from section headers

* Restore standard readme

* run: qmk cformat --core-only
2021-05-29 14:38:50 -07:00
Joel Challis 790f94533c
Refactor to use led config - Part 6 (#12115)
* Convert to config

* Convert to config

* Convert to config

* Convert to config

* Convert to config

* Convert to config

* Convert to config

* Convert to config

* revert changes
2021-03-10 22:48:18 +00:00
Zach White 58e733b5a0 remove keyboard_folder from info.json 2021-02-27 16:17:12 -08:00
Joshua Diamond 5660d80bb0
[Keyboard] reduce confusion for kbdfans/kbd75 rounds/revisions (#11972) 2021-02-21 19:41:31 -08:00
kaylanm e680af98d2
Enable extrakeys, mousekeys for all VIA keymaps. (#10740) 2020-11-02 21:23:05 +00:00
Erovia ad86894ae7
Rename keyboard-level readmes to lower-case (#10759)
This is the recommendation in the [PR
Checklist]( and it
will make working with them easier in the CLI/API/etc.
2020-10-25 15:23:42 +00:00
Ryan ce842f912e
Remove `DEBUG_LEVEL` from V-USB (#9117) 2020-05-17 21:37:04 +01:00
MechMerlin 5a8f59503e
VIA Support: All QMK boards (#8846) 2020-04-18 21:45:24 +02:00
Joel Challis 854d46f833
Disable console on vusb boards using mouse/extra (#8625) 2020-03-31 17:51:52 +01:00
Ryan 51a81813b0
V-USB: Consolidate usbconfig.h's into a single file (#8584) 2020-03-31 13:17:04 +01:00
Ryan 14079ce698
V-USB: Use structs for USB descriptors (#8572)
* V-USB: Use structs for USB descriptors

* Update usbconfigs

* cformat pass
2020-03-28 13:02:25 +11:00
Ryan 4d76d85d7b
V-USB: Use manufacturer and product strings from config.h (#7797)
* V-USB: Use manufacturer and product strings from config.h

* Update board configs
2020-03-26 13:11:32 +00:00
Ryan 5e3951b361
Remove NO_UART defines from config.h for V-USB boards (#8351) 2020-03-09 19:58:25 +00:00
MechMerlin db2f187493
Documentation: KBD75 (#8038)
* update kbd75 readme

* update bmini readme

* update readme

* Update keyboards/kbdfans/kbd75/

* Update keyboards/kbdfans/kbd75/
2020-01-30 11:37:00 -08:00
fauxpark b568999769 Fix LED configuration for PS2AVRGB boards (#7989)
* Fix LED configuration for PS2AVRGB boards

* Undo backlight on state changes
2020-01-23 19:24:10 -08:00
fauxpark f5209aa4e9 Remove custom backlight code for PS2AVRGB boards (#7775)
* Remove custom backlight code for PS2AVRGB boards

* Remove custom driver setting

* BACKLIGHT_BREATHING goes in config.h, not here

* Don't need to include backlight.c again here either

* Turn on backlight for Canoe

* Disable console on a few boards due to oversize
2020-01-18 23:00:32 -08:00
fauxpark 2557bc8e6f
Remove custom matrix from PS2AVRGB boards (#7396)
* Remove custom matrix from PS2AVRGB boards

* Add custom backlight.c to SRC for bminiex, for now

* Add missing DIODE_DIRECTIONs
2020-01-02 17:45:41 +11:00
Joel Challis 6a8c0a6468 [Keyboard] Update ATmega32A readme files to match template (#7462)
* Update atmega32a readme files to match template

* Update atmega32a readme files to match template - fixes

* Apply suggestions from code review
2019-11-23 20:42:20 -08:00
fauxpark 519df78cdb
Set device version from config.h for V-USB boards (#7316) 2019-11-15 10:21:53 +11:00
fauxpark 3047335729
Add support for configurable polling interval and power usage o… (#7336)
* Add support for custom polling interval and power usage on V-USB boards

* Use 1ms as default for now
2019-11-15 10:21:22 +11:00
fauxpark efa28d0f5c Convert some PS2AVRGB boards to I2C WS2812 driver (#7241)
* Convert some PS2AVRGB boards to I2C WS2812 driver

* Fix Travis failure for bface
2019-11-04 16:05:03 -08:00
fauxpark 3a215195ed Convert remaining PS2AVRGB boards to I2C WS2812 driver (#7245)
* Convert remaining PS2AVRGB boards to I2C WS2812 driver

* Add back functions to make the custom matrices happy
2019-11-03 14:43:13 -08:00
fauxpark de4a47f1cc Cleanup for 32A and 328P keyboards (#6767) 2019-09-20 22:06:32 -07:00
fauxpark 554e4bf25c Migrate ACTION_LAYER_MOMENTARYs to MO() (#5176)

* Add changelog entry

* Update docs/ChangeLog/20190830/

Co-Authored-By: skullydazed <>
2019-08-30 15:01:52 -07:00
fauxpark 72f382fc02 Remove unused _BOOTLOADER defines 2019-08-04 20:46:57 -07:00
Drashna Jaelre 7ba82cb5b7
bface refactor (#6333)
* remove custom matrix support

* remove custom i2c and led driver

* minor cleanups

* update readme
2019-07-15 10:38:26 -07:00
Adrian L Lange 989c2094f8 [Keymap] [bface] My custom layout (#6322) 2019-07-14 19:32:08 -07:00
mechmerlin f8e4921491 update readme 2019-07-14 18:14:00 -07:00
mechmerlin 66b63f66a9 minor cleanups 2019-07-14 18:11:26 -07:00
mechmerlin 77a7e3c91f remove custom i2c and led driver 2019-07-14 18:11:16 -07:00
mechmerlin b8c5efa555 remove custom matrix support 2019-07-14 18:00:09 -07:00
zvecr 205ffc277c Align use of atmega32a program script (#5259)
* Remove duplicate 'program' files and refactor to use

* Update readme references from 'program' to ''
2019-03-14 15:55:08 -07:00
MechMerlin f0edc993b7 [Keyboard] Winkeyless Directory (#5163)
* introduce wkl directory and readme

* move bface into winkeyless directory and edit readme for new make instructions

* move bmini into the winkeyless directory and edit readme

* move bmini ex into winkeyless directory

* edit readme some more

* add newbs guide to readmes

* fix path to bface

* temporarily turn off community layout support until we refactor this taking out all the custom ps2avrgb stuff
2019-02-18 08:35:34 -08:00