Fork 0

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8 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
urosm 9a9eef9224 update `README.md` 2024-07-07 22:14:32 +02:00
urosm 120aea982e update `.profile` 2024-07-07 22:14:04 +02:00
urosm a8d4b9fac5 update `.bashrc` 2024-07-07 22:13:55 +02:00
urosm 5ecc028ff9 update scripts 2024-07-07 22:10:54 +02:00
urosm bacf5509bf update `nftables` config 2024-07-07 22:10:41 +02:00
urosm 08ad90ad3d update `sway` config 2024-07-07 22:10:30 +02:00
urosm 7ba07ed004 update `nvim` 2024-07-05 17:00:27 +02:00
urosm 1f12d578b5 remove `mako` config 2024-07-05 16:20:01 +02:00
13 changed files with 320 additions and 305 deletions

View File

@ -3,27 +3,33 @@
# if not running interactively, don't do anything
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
# history
trap "history -n; history -w; history -c; history -r;" EXIT
PROMPT_COMMAND="history -n; history -w; history -c; history -r; $PROMPT_COMMAND"
# readline
bind "set editing-mode vi"
bind "set keyseq-timeout 0"
bind "set show-mode-in-prompt on"
bind "set vi-ins-mode-string \1\e[01;35m\2+\1\e[0m\2"
bind "set vi-cmd-mode-string :"
set -o vi
bind 'set show-mode-in-prompt on'
bind 'set vi-ins-mode-string \1\e[01;35m\2+\1\e[0m\2'
bind 'set vi-cmd-mode-string :'
bind 'set keyseq-timeout 0'
bind "set keymap vi-command"
bind "j:history-substring-search-forward"
bind "k:history-substring-search-backward"
bind "set keymap vi-insert"
bind '"\e[A":history-substring-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B":history-substring-search-forward'
bind 'set keymap vi-command'
bind 'j:history-search-forward'
bind 'k:history-search-backward'
bind 'set keymap vi-insert'
bind '"\e[A":history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B":history-search-forward'
bind "set show-all-if-ambiguous on"
bind "set completion-display-width 0"
bind "set colored-stats on"
bind "set visible-stats on"
bind 'set show-all-if-ambiguous on'
bind 'set completion-display-width 0'
bind 'set colored-stats on'
bind 'set visible-stats on'
# prompt
PS1="\[\e[1m\]\u@\h\[\e[0m\]:\[\e[1;34m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\[\e[1m\]\$\[\e[0m\] "
PS1="\[\033[01m\]\u@\h:\[\e[01;34m\]\w\[\e[37m\]\$\[\e[00m\] "
# title
@ -35,13 +41,7 @@ alias grep="grep --color=auto"
alias ls="ls --color=auto"
alias ll="ls -AF1"
alias lll="ls -AFlh"
# history
shopt -u histappend
alias ff="find 2>/dev/null"
# bash completion
if ! shopt -oq posix; then
@ -67,4 +67,4 @@ osc7_cwd() {
printf '\e]7;file://%s%s\e\\' "${HOSTNAME}" "${encoded}"

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -4,14 +4,13 @@ flush ruleset
table inet filter {
chain input {
type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
iif lo accept comment "Accept localhost traffic"
ct state invalid drop comment "Drop invalid connections"
ct state established,related accept comment "Accept established and related connections"
meta l4proto { icmp, ipv6-icmp } accept comment "Accept ICMP/ICMPv6 traffic"
ip protocol igmp accept comment "Accept IGMP traffic"
iif lo accept comment "Accept any localhost traffic"
ct state established,related accept comment "Accept trafic originated from us"
meta l4proto { icmp, icmpv6 } accept comment "Accept ICMP/ICMPv6 traffic"
udp dport mdns accept comment "Accept mDNS"
tcp dport ipp accept comment "Accept IPP"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-- treesitter

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
local optl = vim.opt_local
-- options
optl.omnifunc = "v:lua.vim.lua_omnifunc"
optl.tabstop = 2
optl.shiftwidth = 2
optl.expandtab = true

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
local api = vim.api
local optl = vim.opt_local
-- options
@ -8,20 +7,5 @@ optl.expandtab = true
-- keymaps
local keymap_set = vim.keymap.set
keymap_set("n", "]h", "/\\_^#.*\\ze\\n\\{2}<esc>")
keymap_set("n", "[h", "?\\_^#.*\\ze\\n\\{2}<esc>")
-- buffer completion
api.nvim_create_autocmd("TextChangedI", {
group = api.nvim_create_augroup("Markdown buffer autocomplete", {}),
buffer = 0,
desc = "Buffer autocomplete on TextChangedI",
callback = function ()
local col = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[2]
local char = api.nvim_get_current_line():sub(col,col)
if char:match("%w") then
keymap_set({ "n", "v" }, "]h", "/\\_^#.*\\ze\\n\\{2}<esc>")
keymap_set({ "n", "v" }, "[h", "?\\_^#.*\\ze\\n\\{2}<esc>")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
local keymap_set = vim.keymap.set
keymap_set("n", "<esc>", "<cmd>Rexplore<cr>", { buffer = true})
keymap_set("n", "<leader>.", "<cmd>Rexplore<cr>", { buffer = true })

View File

@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
-- basic neovim colorscheme template
-- A simple neovim colorscheme template that defines highlight groups
-- from a list of 8 colors.
-- Name: basic
-- Description: a basic colorscheme
-- Author: urosm <urosm@kompot.si>
-- Maintainer: urosm <https://git.kompot.si/urosm/dot/src/branch/main/.config/nvim/colors/basic.lua>
-- Website: https://git.kompot.si/urosm/dot/src/branch/main/.config/nvim/colors/basic.lua
-- License: Same as Vim
-- Last Updated: 2024 Jun 19
-- A simple neovim colorscheme that defines highlight groups from a list of 8
-- colors.
-- init ------------------------------------------------------------------------
vim.g.colors_name = "basic"
local hi = function(name, val) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, name, val) end
-- colors ----------------------------------------------------------------------
local C = {
@ -23,65 +35,38 @@ local C = {
bright_white = { cterm = 15, gui = "#ffffff" },
vim.g.terminal_color_0 = "#000000"
vim.g.terminal_color_1 = "#fa3500"
vim.g.terminal_color_2 = "#009843"
vim.g.terminal_color_3 = "#d06600"
vim.g.terminal_color_4 = "#856cff"
vim.g.terminal_color_5 = "#ff1170"
vim.g.terminal_color_6 = "#008cca"
vim.g.terminal_color_7 = "#e2e2e2"
vim.g.terminal_color_8 = "#848484"
vim.g.terminal_color_9 = "#ff888e"
vim.g.terminal_color_10 = "#00c55b"
vim.g.terminal_color_11 = "#ff8d48"
vim.g.terminal_color_12 = "#ac9fff"
vim.g.terminal_color_13 = "#ffb1c0"
vim.g.terminal_color_14 = "#92ccff"
vim.g.terminal_color_15 = "#ffffff"
-- init ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if vim.fn.exists("syntax_on") then
vim.opt.background = "dark"
vim.g.colors_name = "basic"
-- highlights ------------------------------------------------------------------
local fg = C.white
local bg = C.black
local accent = C.magenta
local dimmed = C.blue
local nvim_set_hl = vim.api.nvim_set_hl
local function set_hl(group, def) nvim_set_hl(0, group, def) end
-- normal ----------------------------------------------------------------------
local normal_h = {}
set_hl("Normal", normal_h)
set_hl("NormalNC", normal_h)
hi("Normal", normal_h)
hi("NormalNC", normal_h)
-- tui -------------------------------------------------------------------------
local tui_normal_h = {}
local tui_accent_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm, fg = accent.gui }
local tui_dimmed_h = { ctermfg = dimmed.cterm, fg = dimmed.gui }
set_hl("StatusLine", tui_dimmed_h)
set_hl("StatusLineNC", tui_dimmed_h)
set_hl("TabLine", tui_dimmed_h)
set_hl("TabLineFill", tui_dimmed_h)
set_hl("TabLineSel", tui_accent_h)
set_hl("WinBar", tui_accent_h)
set_hl("WinBarNC", tui_dimmed_h)
set_hl("WinSeparator", tui_dimmed_h)
set_hl("LineNr", tui_accent_h)
set_hl("LineNrAbove", tui_dimmed_h)
set_hl("LineNrBelow", tui_dimmed_h)
set_hl("SignColumn", tui_dimmed_h)
set_hl("FoldColumn", tui_dimmed_h)
set_hl("WildMenu", tui_accent_h)
hi("StatusLine", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("StatusLineNC", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("TabLine", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("TabLineFill", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("TabLineSel", tui_accent_h)
hi("WinBar", tui_accent_h)
hi("WinBarNC", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("WinSeparator", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("LineNr", tui_accent_h)
hi("LineNrAbove", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("LineNrBelow", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("SignColumn", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("FoldColumn", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("WildMenu", tui_accent_h)
-- float -----------------------------------------------------------------------
local float_normal_h = { ctermfg = bg.cterm,
@ -97,9 +82,9 @@ local float_accent_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm,
ctermbg = fg.cterm,
bg = fg.gui }
set_hl("NormalFloat", float_normal_h)
set_hl("FloatBorder", float_dimmed_h)
set_hl("FloatTitle", float_accent_h)
hi("NormalFloat", float_normal_h)
hi("FloatBorder", float_dimmed_h)
hi("FloatTitle", float_accent_h)
-- menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------
local menu_normal_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm,
@ -112,14 +97,14 @@ local menu_accent_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm,
bg = fg.gui,
reverse = true }
set_hl("Pmenu", menu_normal_h)
set_hl("PmenuSel", menu_accent_h)
set_hl("PmenuKind", menu_normal_h)
set_hl("PmenuKindSel", menu_accent_h)
set_hl("PmenuExtra", menu_normal_h)
set_hl("PmenuExtraSel", menu_accent_h)
set_hl("PmenuSbar", menu_normal_h)
set_hl("PmenuThumb", menu_accent_h)
hi("Pmenu", menu_normal_h)
hi("PmenuSel", menu_accent_h)
hi("PmenuKind", menu_normal_h)
hi("PmenuKindSel", menu_accent_h)
hi("PmenuExtra", menu_normal_h)
hi("PmenuExtraSel", menu_accent_h)
hi("PmenuSbar", menu_normal_h)
hi("PmenuThumb", menu_accent_h)
-- messages --------------------------------------------------------------------
local message_normal_h = {}
@ -127,14 +112,14 @@ local message_accent_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm, fg = accent.gui }
local message_error_h = { ctermfg = C.red.cterm, fg = C.red.gui }
local message_warn_h = { ctermfg = C.orange.cterm, fg = C.orange.gui }
set_hl("MsgArea", message_normal_h)
set_hl("MsgSeparator", message_normal_h)
set_hl("ModeMsg", message_accent_h)
set_hl("MoreMsg", message_accent_h)
set_hl("WarningMsg", message_warn_h)
set_hl("ErrorMsg", message_error_h)
set_hl("Question", message_accent_h)
set_hl("Title", message_accent_h)
hi("MsgArea", message_normal_h)
hi("MsgSeparator", message_normal_h)
hi("ModeMsg", message_accent_h)
hi("MoreMsg", message_accent_h)
hi("WarningMsg", message_warn_h)
hi("ErrorMsg", message_error_h)
hi("Question", message_accent_h)
hi("Title", message_accent_h)
-- buffer ----------------------------------------------------------------------
local buffer_dimmed_h = { ctermfg = dimmed.cterm,
@ -145,28 +130,28 @@ local buffer_dimmed_reverse_h = { ctermfg = dimmed.cterm,
local buffer_accent_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm,
fg = accent.gui }
set_hl("Conceal", buffer_dimmed_h)
set_hl("NonText", buffer_dimmed_h)
set_hl("EndOfBuffer", buffer_dimmed_h)
set_hl("Whitespace", buffer_dimmed_h)
set_hl("Folded", buffer_dimmed_h)
set_hl("SpecialKey", buffer_accent_h)
set_hl("ColorColumn", buffer_dimmed_reverse_h)
hi("Conceal", buffer_dimmed_h)
hi("NonText", buffer_dimmed_h)
hi("EndOfBuffer", buffer_dimmed_h)
hi("Whitespace", buffer_dimmed_h)
hi("Folded", buffer_dimmed_h)
hi("SpecialKey", buffer_accent_h)
hi("ColorColumn", buffer_dimmed_reverse_h)
-- cursor ----------------------------------------------------------------------
local cursor_normal_h = { reverse = true }
set_hl("CursorLine", cursor_normal_h)
set_hl("CursorLineNr", cursor_normal_h)
set_hl("CursorLineSign", cursor_normal_h)
set_hl("CursorLineFold", cursor_normal_h)
set_hl("CursorColumn", cursor_normal_h)
set_hl("QuickFixLine", cursor_normal_h)
set_hl("Cursor", cursor_normal_h)
set_hl("lCursor", cursor_normal_h)
set_hl("CursorIM", cursor_normal_h)
set_hl("TermCursor", cursor_normal_h)
set_hl("TermCursorNC", cursor_normal_h)
hi("CursorLine", cursor_normal_h)
hi("CursorLineNr", cursor_normal_h)
hi("CursorLineSign", cursor_normal_h)
hi("CursorLineFold", cursor_normal_h)
hi("CursorColumn", cursor_normal_h)
hi("QuickFixLine", cursor_normal_h)
hi("Cursor", cursor_normal_h)
hi("lCursor", cursor_normal_h)
hi("CursorIM", cursor_normal_h)
hi("TermCursor", cursor_normal_h)
hi("TermCursorNC", cursor_normal_h)
-- match -----------------------------------------------------------------------
local match_normal_h = { ctermfg = C.black.cterm,
@ -182,11 +167,11 @@ local match_parens_h = { ctermfg = C.magenta.cterm,
ctermbg = C.white.cterm,
bg = C.white.gui }
set_hl("Search", match_normal_h)
set_hl("Substitute", match_normal_h)
set_hl("IncSearch", match_accent_h)
set_hl("CurSearch", match_accent_h)
set_hl("MatchParen", match_parens_h)
hi("Search", match_normal_h)
hi("Substitute", match_normal_h)
hi("IncSearch", match_accent_h)
hi("CurSearch", match_accent_h)
hi("MatchParen", match_parens_h)
-- selection -------------------------------------------------------------------
local selection_normal_h = { ctermfg = C.black.cterm,
@ -194,8 +179,8 @@ local selection_normal_h = { ctermfg = C.black.cterm,
ctermbg = C.blue.cterm,
bg = C.blue.gui }
set_hl("Visual", selection_normal_h)
set_hl("Visualnos", selection_normal_h)
hi("Visual", selection_normal_h)
hi("Visualnos", selection_normal_h)
-- diff ------------------------------------------------------------------------
local diff_add_h = { ctermfg = C.green.cterm,
@ -208,10 +193,10 @@ local diff_text_h = { ctermfg = C.orange.cterm,
fg = C.orange.gui,
underline = true }
set_hl("DiffAdd", diff_add_h)
set_hl("DiffChange", diff_change_h)
set_hl("DiffDelete", diff_delete_h)
set_hl("DiffText", diff_text_h)
hi("DiffAdd", diff_add_h)
hi("DiffChange", diff_change_h)
hi("DiffDelete", diff_delete_h)
hi("DiffText", diff_text_h)
-- spell -----------------------------------------------------------------------
local spell_error_h = { ctermfg = C.red.cterm,
@ -221,10 +206,10 @@ local spell_warn_h = { ctermfg = C.orange.cterm,
fg = C.orange.gui,
underline = true }
set_hl("SpellBad", spell_error_h)
set_hl("SpellCap", spell_warn_h)
set_hl("SpellLocal", spell_warn_h)
set_hl("SpellRare", spell_warn_h)
hi("SpellBad", spell_error_h)
hi("SpellCap", spell_warn_h)
hi("SpellLocal", spell_warn_h)
hi("SpellRare", spell_warn_h)
-- diagnostic ------------------------------------------------------------------
local diagnostic_error_h = { ctermfg = C.red.cterm,
@ -253,36 +238,36 @@ local diagnostic_ok_u_h = { ctermfg = C.green.cterm,
fg = C.green.gui,
underline = true }
set_hl("DiagnosticError", diagnostic_error_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticWarn", diagnostic_warn_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticInfo", diagnostic_info_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticHint", diagnostic_hint_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticOk", diagnostic_ok_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticVirtualError", diagnostic_error_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticVirtualWarn", diagnostic_warn_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticVirtualInfo", diagnostic_info_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticVirtualHint", diagnostic_hint_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticVirtualOk", diagnostic_ok_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticUnderlineError", diagnostic_error_u_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticUnderlineWarn", diagnostic_warn_u_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticUnderlineInfo", diagnostic_info_u_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticUnderlineHint", diagnostic_hint_u_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticUnderlineOk", diagnostic_ok_u_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticFloatingError", diagnostic_error_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticFloatingWarn", diagnostic_warn_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticFloatingInfo", diagnostic_info_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticFloatingHint", diagnostic_hint_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticFloatingOk", diagnostic_ok_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticSingError", diagnostic_error_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticSingWarn", diagnostic_warn_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticSingInfo", diagnostic_info_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticSingHint", diagnostic_hint_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticSingOk", diagnostic_ok_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticDeprecated", diagnostic_hint_u_h)
set_hl("DiagnosticUnnecessary", diagnostic_hint_u_h)
hi("DiagnosticError", diagnostic_error_h)
hi("DiagnosticWarn", diagnostic_warn_h)
hi("DiagnosticInfo", diagnostic_info_h)
hi("DiagnosticHint", diagnostic_hint_h)
hi("DiagnosticOk", diagnostic_ok_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualError", diagnostic_error_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualWarn", diagnostic_warn_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualInfo", diagnostic_info_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualHint", diagnostic_hint_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualOk", diagnostic_ok_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineError", diagnostic_error_u_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineWarn", diagnostic_warn_u_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineInfo", diagnostic_info_u_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineHint", diagnostic_hint_u_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineOk", diagnostic_ok_u_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingError", diagnostic_error_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingWarn", diagnostic_warn_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingInfo", diagnostic_info_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingHint", diagnostic_hint_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingOk", diagnostic_ok_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingError", diagnostic_error_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingWarn", diagnostic_warn_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingInfo", diagnostic_info_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingHint", diagnostic_hint_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingOk", diagnostic_ok_h)
hi("DiagnosticDeprecated", diagnostic_hint_u_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnnecessary", diagnostic_hint_u_h)
-- misc ------------------------------------------------------------------------
set_hl("Directory", { ctermfg = C.blue.cterm, fg = C.blue.gui })
hi("Directory", { ctermfg = C.blue.cterm, fg = C.blue.gui })
-- syntax ----------------------------------------------------------------------
local syntax_normal_h = {}
@ -316,46 +301,46 @@ local syntax_bolditalic_h = { bold = true,
italic = true }
local syntax_strike_h = { strikethrough = true }
set_hl("Comment", syntax_comment_h)
set_hl("Constant", syntax_constant_h)
set_hl("String", syntax_constant_h)
set_hl("Character", syntax_constant_h)
set_hl("Number", syntax_constant_h)
set_hl("Boolean", syntax_constant_h)
set_hl("Float", syntax_constant_h)
set_hl("Identifier", syntax_identifier_h)
set_hl("Function", syntax_identifier_h)
set_hl("Statement", syntax_statement_h)
set_hl("Conditional", syntax_statement_h)
set_hl("Repeat", syntax_statement_h)
set_hl("Label", syntax_statement_h)
set_hl("Operator", syntax_statement_h)
set_hl("Keyword", syntax_statement_h)
set_hl("Exception", syntax_statement_h)
set_hl("PreProc", syntax_preproc_h)
set_hl("Include", syntax_preproc_h)
set_hl("Define", syntax_preproc_h)
set_hl("Macro", syntax_preproc_h)
set_hl("PreCondit", syntax_preproc_h)
set_hl("Type", syntax_type_h)
set_hl("StorageClass", syntax_type_h)
set_hl("Structure", syntax_type_h)
set_hl("Typedef", syntax_type_h)
set_hl("Special", syntax_special_h)
set_hl("SpecialChar", syntax_special_h)
set_hl("Tag", syntax_special_h)
set_hl("Delimiter", syntax_special_h)
set_hl("SpecialComment", syntax_special_h)
set_hl("Debug", syntax_special_h)
set_hl("Underlined", syntax_underline_h)
set_hl("Ignore", syntax_ignore_h)
set_hl("Error", syntax_error_h)
set_hl("Todo", syntax_warn_h)
hi("Comment", syntax_comment_h)
hi("Constant", syntax_constant_h)
hi("String", syntax_constant_h)
hi("Character", syntax_constant_h)
hi("Number", syntax_constant_h)
hi("Boolean", syntax_constant_h)
hi("Float", syntax_constant_h)
hi("Identifier", syntax_identifier_h)
hi("Function", syntax_identifier_h)
hi("Statement", syntax_statement_h)
hi("Conditional", syntax_statement_h)
hi("Repeat", syntax_statement_h)
hi("Label", syntax_statement_h)
hi("Operator", syntax_statement_h)
hi("Keyword", syntax_statement_h)
hi("Exception", syntax_statement_h)
hi("PreProc", syntax_preproc_h)
hi("Include", syntax_preproc_h)
hi("Define", syntax_preproc_h)
hi("Macro", syntax_preproc_h)
hi("PreCondit", syntax_preproc_h)
hi("Type", syntax_type_h)
hi("StorageClass", syntax_type_h)
hi("Structure", syntax_type_h)
hi("Typedef", syntax_type_h)
hi("Special", syntax_special_h)
hi("SpecialChar", syntax_special_h)
hi("Tag", syntax_special_h)
hi("Delimiter", syntax_special_h)
hi("SpecialComment", syntax_special_h)
hi("Debug", syntax_special_h)
hi("Underlined", syntax_underline_h)
hi("Ignore", syntax_ignore_h)
hi("Error", syntax_error_h)
hi("Todo", syntax_warn_h)
set_hl("Italic", syntax_italic_h)
set_hl("Bold", syntax_bold_h)
set_hl("BoldItalic", syntax_bolditalic_h)
set_hl("Strike", syntax_strike_h)
hi("Italic", syntax_italic_h)
hi("Bold", syntax_bold_h)
hi("BoldItalic", syntax_bolditalic_h)
hi("Strike", syntax_strike_h)
-- markdown --------------------------------------------------------------------
local markdown_label_h = { ctermfg = C.magenta.cterm,
@ -366,17 +351,17 @@ local markdown_underline_h = { ctermfg = C.blue.cterm,
fg = C.blue.gui,
underline = true }
set_hl("markdownLabel", markdown_label_h)
set_hl("markdownHeadingDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
set_hl("markdownItalicDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
set_hl("markdownBoldDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
set_hl("markdownBoldItalicDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
set_hl("markdownStrikeDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
set_hl("markdownCodeDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
set_hl("markdownLinkTextDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
set_hl("markdownLinkDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
set_hl("markdownUrl", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownLabel", markdown_label_h)
hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownItalicDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownBoldDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownBoldItalicDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownStrikeDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownCodeDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownLinkTextDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownLinkDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownUrl", markdown_delimiter_h)
-- yaml ------------------------------------------------------------------------
set_hl("yamlBlockMappingKey", syntax_comment_h)
set_hl("yamlPlainScalar", syntax_constant_h)
hi("yamlBlockMappingKey", syntax_comment_h)
hi("yamlPlainScalar", syntax_constant_h)

View File

@ -1,55 +1,81 @@
local opt, api, cmd = vim.opt, vim.api, vim.cmd
local fn, ui = vim.fn, vim.ui
local opt, cmd, api = vim.opt, vim.cmd, vim.api
local fn = vim.fn
local v, g = vim.v, vim.g
-- colorscheme -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- options ---------------------------------------------------------------------
opt.undofile = true
opt.backup = false
opt.writebackup = false
opt.mouse = "nvi"
opt.title = true
opt.shortmess:append({ I = true })
opt.number = true
opt.relativenumber = true
opt.signcolumn = "number"
opt.textwidth = 80
opt.colorcolumn = "+1"
opt.expandtab = true
opt.tabstop = 4
opt.shiftwidth = 4
opt.softtabstop = -1
opt.smarttab = true
opt.showtabline = 2
opt.winbar = "%f%( %h%m%r%y%)"
opt.laststatus = 3
opt.ignorecase = true
opt.infercase = true
opt.smartcase = true
opt.smartindent = true
opt.clipboard = "unnamedplus"
opt.wildoptions = { "fuzzy" }
opt.wildignorecase = true
opt.path = ".,,**"
opt.completeopt = { "menuone", "preview" }
opt.scrolloff = 10
-- statusline ------------------------------------------------------------------
function _G.statusline()
function Statusline()
local wordcount = fn.wordcount()
return table.concat({
" %=",
" <%b> ",
wordcount.visual_chars or wordcount.cursor_chars, "/", wordcount.chars, " ",
wordcount.visual_words or wordcount.cursor_words, "/", wordcount.words
" <%b>",
" ", wordcount.visual_chars or wordcount.cursor_chars, "/", wordcount.chars,
" ", wordcount.visual_words or wordcount.cursor_words, "/", wordcount.words,
" %l/%L",
" %c"
opt.statusline = "%!v:lua.statusline()"
-- options ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- moving around, searching and patterns
opt.path = {".", "", "**"}
opt.ignorecase = true
opt.smartcase = true
-- displaying text
opt.scrolloff = 10
opt.breakindent = true
opt.showbreak = "+++ "
opt.number = true
opt.relativenumber = true
opt.colorcolumn = "+1"
-- multiple windows
opt.laststatus = 3
opt.statusline = "%!v:lua.Statusline()"
-- multiple tab pages
opt.showtabline = 2
-- terminal
opt.title = true
-- messages and info
opt.shortmess:append({ I = true })
-- selecting text
opt.clipboard = "unnamedplus"
-- editing text
opt.undofile = true
opt.textwidth = 80
opt.completeopt = { "menuone", "preview", "noselect" }
-- tabs and indenting
opt.tabstop = 4
opt.shiftwidth = 4
opt.smarttab = true
opt.softtabstop = -1
opt.expandtab = true
opt.smartindent = true
-- reading and writing files
opt.writebackup = false
opt.backup = false
-- command line editing
opt.wildignorecase = true
-- various
opt.signcolumn = "number"
opt.winbar = "%f%( %h%m%r%y%)"
opt.wildoptions = { "fuzzy" }
-- keymaps ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -84,4 +110,17 @@ keymap_set("n", "<c-h>", "<c-w>h")
keymap_set("n", "<c-j>", "<c-w>j")
keymap_set("n", "<c-k>", "<c-w>k")
keymap_set("n", "<c-l>", "<c-w>l")
keymap_set("n", "<leader>.", "<cmd>e.<cr>")
keymap_set("n", "<leader>.", "<cmd>edit.<cr>")
-- buffer autocomplete ---------------------------------------------------------
api.nvim_create_autocmd("InsertCharPre", {
group = api.nvim_create_augroup("Buffer autocompletion", {}),
desc = "Buffer autocomplete on InsertCharPre",
callback = function ()
if fn.pumvisible() == 0 and v.char:find("%w") then

View File

@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ set $swaylock swaylock -f \
--text-ver-color=#00000000 \
# strings
set $mounted "Mounted %f at %d"
set $unmounted "Unmounted %s"
# bar ##########################################################################
bar {
separator_symbol " | "
@ -142,10 +146,10 @@ bindsym {
XF86AudioLowerVolume exec wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 1%-, exec notify-send -e -t 2000 -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:audio "$(wpctl get-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@)"
XF86AudioMute exec wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ toggle, exec notify-send -e -t 2000 -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:audio "$(wpctl get-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@)"
XF86AudioMicMute exec wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SOURCE@ toggle, exec notify-send -e -t 2000 -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:audio "$(wpctl get-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SOURCE@)"
XF86MonBrightnessUp exec brightnessctl set "+1%", exec notify-send -e -t 2000 -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:brightness "Brightness: $(brightnessctl get)"
XF86MonBrightnessDown exec brightnessctl set "1%-", exec notify-send -e -t 2000 -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:brightness "Brightness: $(brightnessctl get)"
shift+XF86MonBrightnessUp exec brightnessctl set "+10%", exec notify-send -e -t 2000 -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:brightness "Brightness: $(brightnessctl get)"
shift+XF86MonBrightnessDown exec brightnessctl set "10%-", exec notify-send -e -t 2000 -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:brightness "Brightness: $(brightnessctl get)"
XF86MonBrightnessUp exec brightnessctl -n set +1%, exec notify-send -e -t 2000 -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:brightness "Brightness: $(brightnessctl get)"
XF86MonBrightnessDown exec brightnessctl -n set 1%-, exec notify-send -e -t 2000 -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:brightness "Brightness: $(brightnessctl get)"
shift+XF86MonBrightnessUp exec brightnessctl -n set +10%, exec notify-send -e -t 2000 -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:brightness "Brightness: $(brightnessctl get)"
shift+XF86MonBrightnessDown exec brightnessctl -n set 10%-, exec notify-send -e -t 2000 -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:brightness "Brightness: $(brightnessctl get)"
# resize
@ -188,8 +192,9 @@ default_floating_border normal 0
# exec #########################################################################
exec {
# systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK
# dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK
systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK
hash dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && \
dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK
swayidle -w \
timeout 300 'brightnessctl -s set 1%' resume 'brightnessctl -r' \
timeout 600 '$swaylock' \
@ -197,10 +202,10 @@ exec {
timeout 1800 'systemctl suspend-then-hibernate' \
before-sleep '$swaylock'
wlsunset -l 45 -L 15
mako --max-visible=0
devmon \
--exec-on-drive "notify-send 'Mounted %f at %d'" \
--exec-on-unmount "notify-send 'Unmounted %s'"
--exec-on-drive 'notify-send "Mounted %f at %d"' \
--exec-on-unmount 'notify-send "Unmounted %f"'
foot -s
@ -215,7 +220,7 @@ font monospace 13
# keyboard
input "type:keyboard" {
xkb_layout us,si
xkb_options caps:escape,grp:alt_shift_toggle
xkb_options caps:escape,grp:alt_shift_toggle,compose:ralt
repeat_delay 200
repeat_rate 30

View File

@ -4,39 +4,33 @@ printf "{\"version\":1}\n"
printf "[\n"
if ! command -v jq >/dev/null; then
while true; do
while :; do
printf '[{ "full_text":"jq: command not found", "urgent":true },],'
sleep 1
sleep 60
while true; do
while :; do
printf "["
# keyboard layout
swaymsg -t get_inputs | jq -Mcj '[.[] | select(.type=="keyboard")][0] |
swaymsg -t get_inputs | jq -Mcj '[.[] | select(.type=="keyboard")][0] | {
}, ","'
# battery
# shellcheck disable=SC2002
cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity | jq -Mcj '
if .<20 then
if .<20 then {
"full_text":([.," %"]|join("")),
} else {
"full_text":([.," %"]|join("")),
end, ","'
} end, ","'
# date
date +%c | jq -RMcj '{ "full_text":., }, ","'
# scratchpad
swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -Mcj '.nodes[] | select(.name=="__i3").nodes[] |
select(.name=="__i3_scratch").floating_nodes |
select(.name=="__i3_scratch").floating_nodes | {
}, ","'
@ -46,9 +40,10 @@ while true; do
"full_text":(["(",length,") ",.[0].summary.data]|join("")),
} else {
} end, ","'
printf "],"
# timeout
timeout 1 swaymsg -t subscribe '["input","binding"]' >/dev/null
sleep 0.02

View File

@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ]; then
# xdg base directory specification
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$HOME/.config
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$HOME/.cache
export XDG_DATA_HOME=$HOME/.local/share
export XDG_STATE_HOME=$HOME/.local/state
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME"/.config
export XDG_CACHE_HOME="$HOME"/.cache
export XDG_DATA_HOME="$HOME"/.local/share
export XDG_STATE_HOME="$HOME"/.local/state
export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/local/share:/usr/share
export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg
# .bash_history
export HISTFILE=$XDG_STATE_HOME/bash/history
export HISTFILE="$XDG_STATE_HOME"/bash/history
if [ ! -d "$(dirname "${HISTFILE}")" ]; then
mkdir -p "$(dirname "${HISTFILE}")"
@ -45,5 +45,6 @@ if [ "$(tty)" = "/dev/tty1" ] && command -v sway >/dev/null; then
export BROWSER=firefox
# run sway
export WLR_RENDERER=vulkan
exec systemd-cat --identifier sway sway

View File

@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ rm .sudo_as_admin_successful
sudo cp -ri .config/apt /etc/
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade
# reconfigure locales
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
# configure and start firewall
sudo cp -ri .config/nftables.conf /etc/
systemctl enable --now nftables
# configure and install networking
sudo apt install network-manager
# install utils
sudo apt install git
sudo apt install udevil
sudo apt install jq
sudo apt install tlp
sudo apt install neovim wl-clipboard
# install desktop packages
sudo apt install sway swayidle swaylock
@ -42,16 +42,18 @@ sudo apt install mako-notifier libnotify-bin
sudo apt install fonts-agave
sudo apt install pipewire-audio
systemctl --user enable --now wireplumber
# install office packages
sudo apt install libreoffice libreoffice-gtk3
sudo apt install aspell-sl hunspell-sl hyphen-sl mythes-sl
# install web packages
sudo apt install firefox
sudo apt install thunderbird
# install office packages
sudo apt install libreoffice libreoffice-gtk3
sudo apt install aspell-sl hunspell-sl hyphen-sl mythes-sl
# install media packages
sudo apt install mpv
sudo apt install zathura
sudo apt install inkscape
sudo apt install blender
sudo apt install scribus
# install rdp packages
sudo apt install remmina
# install printing and scanning packages
@ -61,8 +63,8 @@ sudo apt install simple-scan
# install writing packages
sudo apt install make
sudo apt install pandoc
sudo apt install texlive-latex-extra
sudo apt install texlive-lang-european
#sudo apt install texlive-latex-extra
#sudo apt install texlive-lang-european
# install pdf processing packages
sudo apt install qpdf ocrmypdf
#sudo apt install qpdf ocrmypdf