Fork 0

.config/nvim: simplify colorscheme

urosm 2024-07-13 22:03:59 +02:00
parent 37cda19eda
commit dfa3043fb5
1 changed files with 184 additions and 279 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-- Maintainer: urosm <https://git.kompot.si/urosm/dot/src/branch/main/.config/nvim/colors/basic.lua>
-- Website: https://git.kompot.si/urosm/dot/src/branch/main/.config/nvim/colors/basic.lua
-- License: Same as Vim
-- Last Updated: 2024 Jun 19
-- Last Updated: 2024 Jul 08
-- A simple neovim colorscheme that defines highlight groups from a list of 8
-- colors.
@ -35,333 +35,238 @@ local C = {
bright_white = { cterm = 15, gui = "#ffffff" },
-- highlights ------------------------------------------------------------------
local fg = C.white
local bg = C.black
local accent = C.magenta
local dimmed = C.blue
local none_none_h = {}
local none_none_reverse_h = { reverse = true }
local none_none_underline_h = { underline = true }
local none_none_italic = { italic = true }
local none_none_bold_h = { bold = true }
local none_none_bold_italic_h = { bold = true, italic = true }
local none_none_strikethrough_h = { strikethrough = true }
local bg_fg_h = { ctermfg = bg.cterm, fg = bg.gui, ctermbg = fg.cterm, bg = fg.gui }
local bg_accent_h = { ctermfg = bg.cterm, fg = bg.gui, ctermbg = accent.cterm, bg = accent.gui }
local bg_dimmed_h = { ctermfg = bg.cterm, fg = bg.gui, ctermbg = dimmed.cterm, bg = dimmed.gui }
local bg_red_h = { ctermfg = bg.cterm, fg = bg.gui, ctermbg = C.red.cterm, bg = C.red.gui }
local bg_orange_h = { ctermfg = bg.cterm, fg = bg.gui, ctermbg = C.orange.cterm, bg = C.orange.gui }
local accent_none_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm, fg = accent.gui }
local accent_fg_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm, fg = accent.gui, ctermbg = fg.cterm, bg = fg.gui }
local accent_fg_reverse_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm, fg = accent.gui, ctermbg = fg.cterm, bg = fg.gui, reverse = true }
local dimmed_none_h = { ctermfg = dimmed.cterm, fg = dimmed.gui }
local dimmed_none_reverse_h = { ctermfg = dimmed.cterm, fg = dimmed.gui, reverse = true }
local dimmed_fg_h = { ctermfg = dimmed.cterm, fg = dimmed.gui, ctermbg = fg.cterm, bg = fg.gui }
local red_none_h = { ctermfg = C.red.cterm, fg = C.red.gui }
local red_none_underline_h = { ctermfg = C.red.cterm, fg = C.red.gui, underline = true }
local green_none_h = { ctermfg = C.green.cterm, fg = C.green.gui }
local green_none_underline_h = { ctermfg = C.green.cterm, fg = C.green.gui, underline = true }
local orange_none_h = { ctermfg = C.orange.cterm, fg = C.orange.gui }
local orange_none_underline_h = { ctermfg = C.orange.cterm, fg = C.orange.gui, underline = true }
local blue_none_h = { ctermfg = C.blue.cterm, fg = C.blue.gui }
local blue_none_underline_h = { ctermfg = C.blue.cterm, fg = C.blue.gui, underline = true }
local magenta_none_h = { ctermfg = C.magenta.cterm, fg = C.magenta.gui }
local black_none_h = { ctermfg = C.black.cterm, fg = C.black.gui }
local white_none_h = { ctermfg = C.white.cterm, fg = C.white.gui }
local white_none_underline_h = { ctermfg = C.white.cterm, fg = C.white.gui, underline = true }
-- normal ----------------------------------------------------------------------
local normal_h = {}
hi("Normal", normal_h)
hi("NormalNC", normal_h)
hi("Normal", none_none_h)
hi("NormalNC", none_none_h)
-- tui -------------------------------------------------------------------------
local tui_normal_h = {}
local tui_accent_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm, fg = accent.gui }
local tui_dimmed_h = { ctermfg = dimmed.cterm, fg = dimmed.gui }
hi("StatusLine", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("StatusLineNC", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("TabLine", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("TabLineFill", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("TabLineSel", tui_accent_h)
hi("WinBar", tui_accent_h)
hi("WinBarNC", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("WinSeparator", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("LineNr", tui_accent_h)
hi("LineNrAbove", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("LineNrBelow", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("SignColumn", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("FoldColumn", tui_dimmed_h)
hi("WildMenu", tui_accent_h)
hi("StatusLine", dimmed_none_h)
hi("StatusLineNC", dimmed_none_h)
hi("TabLine", dimmed_none_h)
hi("TabLineFill", dimmed_none_h)
hi("TabLineSel", accent_none_h)
hi("WinBar", accent_none_h)
hi("WinBarNC", dimmed_none_h)
hi("WinSeparator", dimmed_none_h)
hi("LineNr", accent_none_h)
hi("LineNrAbove", dimmed_none_h)
hi("LineNrBelow", dimmed_none_h)
hi("SignColumn", dimmed_none_h)
hi("FoldColumn", dimmed_none_h)
hi("WildMenu", accent_none_h)
-- float -----------------------------------------------------------------------
local float_normal_h = { ctermfg = bg.cterm,
fg = bg.gui,
ctermbg = fg.cterm,
bg = fg.gui }
local float_dimmed_h = { ctermfg = dimmed.cterm,
fg = dimmed.gui,
ctermbg = fg.cterm,
bg = fg.gui }
local float_accent_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm,
fg = accent.gui,
ctermbg = fg.cterm,
bg = fg.gui }
hi("NormalFloat", float_normal_h)
hi("FloatBorder", float_dimmed_h)
hi("FloatTitle", float_accent_h)
hi("NormalFloat", bg_fg_h)
hi("FloatBorder", dimmed_fg_h)
hi("FloatTitle", accent_fg_h)
-- menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------
local menu_normal_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm,
fg = accent.gui,
ctermbg = fg.cterm,
bg = fg.gui }
local menu_accent_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm,
fg = accent.gui,
ctermbg = fg.cterm,
bg = fg.gui,
reverse = true }
hi("Pmenu", menu_normal_h)
hi("PmenuSel", menu_accent_h)
hi("PmenuKind", menu_normal_h)
hi("PmenuKindSel", menu_accent_h)
hi("PmenuExtra", menu_normal_h)
hi("PmenuExtraSel", menu_accent_h)
hi("PmenuSbar", menu_normal_h)
hi("PmenuThumb", menu_accent_h)
hi("Pmenu", accent_fg_h)
hi("PmenuSel", accent_fg_reverse_h)
hi("PmenuKind", accent_fg_h)
hi("PmenuKindSel", accent_fg_reverse_h)
hi("PmenuExtra", accent_fg_h)
hi("PmenuExtraSel", accent_fg_reverse_h)
hi("PmenuSbar", accent_fg_h)
hi("PmenuThumb", accent_fg_reverse_h)
-- messages --------------------------------------------------------------------
local message_normal_h = {}
local message_accent_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm, fg = accent.gui }
local message_error_h = { ctermfg = C.red.cterm, fg = C.red.gui }
local message_warn_h = { ctermfg = C.orange.cterm, fg = C.orange.gui }
hi("MsgArea", message_normal_h)
hi("MsgSeparator", message_normal_h)
hi("ModeMsg", message_accent_h)
hi("MoreMsg", message_accent_h)
hi("WarningMsg", message_warn_h)
hi("ErrorMsg", message_error_h)
hi("Question", message_accent_h)
hi("Title", message_accent_h)
hi("MsgArea", none_none_h)
hi("MsgSeparator", none_none_h)
hi("ModeMsg", accent_none_h)
hi("MoreMsg", accent_none_h)
hi("WarningMsg", orange_none_h)
hi("ErrorMsg", red_none_h)
hi("Question", accent_none_h)
hi("Title", accent_none_h)
-- buffer ----------------------------------------------------------------------
local buffer_dimmed_h = { ctermfg = dimmed.cterm,
fg = dimmed.gui }
local buffer_dimmed_reverse_h = { ctermfg = dimmed.cterm,
fg = dimmed.gui,
reverse = true }
local buffer_accent_h = { ctermfg = accent.cterm,
fg = accent.gui }
hi("Conceal", buffer_dimmed_h)
hi("NonText", buffer_dimmed_h)
hi("EndOfBuffer", buffer_dimmed_h)
hi("Whitespace", buffer_dimmed_h)
hi("Folded", buffer_dimmed_h)
hi("SpecialKey", buffer_accent_h)
hi("ColorColumn", buffer_dimmed_reverse_h)
hi("Conceal", dimmed_none_h)
hi("NonText", dimmed_none_h)
hi("EndOfBuffer", dimmed_none_h)
hi("Whitespace", dimmed_none_h)
hi("Folded", dimmed_none_h)
hi("SpecialKey", accent_none_h)
hi("ColorColumn", dimmed_none_reverse_h)
-- cursor ----------------------------------------------------------------------
local cursor_normal_h = { reverse = true }
hi("CursorLine", cursor_normal_h)
hi("CursorLineNr", cursor_normal_h)
hi("CursorLineSign", cursor_normal_h)
hi("CursorLineFold", cursor_normal_h)
hi("CursorColumn", cursor_normal_h)
hi("QuickFixLine", cursor_normal_h)
hi("Cursor", cursor_normal_h)
hi("lCursor", cursor_normal_h)
hi("CursorIM", cursor_normal_h)
hi("TermCursor", cursor_normal_h)
hi("TermCursorNC", cursor_normal_h)
hi("CursorLine", none_none_reverse_h)
hi("CursorLineNr", none_none_reverse_h)
hi("CursorLineSign", none_none_reverse_h)
hi("CursorLineFold", none_none_reverse_h)
hi("CursorColumn", none_none_reverse_h)
hi("QuickFixLine", none_none_reverse_h)
hi("Cursor", none_none_reverse_h)
hi("lCursor", none_none_reverse_h)
hi("CursorIM", none_none_reverse_h)
hi("TermCursor", none_none_reverse_h)
hi("TermCursorNC", none_none_reverse_h)
-- match -----------------------------------------------------------------------
local match_normal_h = { ctermfg = C.black.cterm,
fg = C.black.gui,
ctermbg = C.orange.cterm,
bg = C.orange.gui }
local match_accent_h = { ctermfg = C.black.cterm,
fg = C.black.gui,
ctermbg = C.magenta.cterm,
bg = C.magenta.gui }
local match_parens_h = { ctermfg = C.magenta.cterm,
fg = C.magenta.gui,
ctermbg = C.white.cterm,
bg = C.white.gui }
hi("Search", match_normal_h)
hi("Substitute", match_normal_h)
hi("IncSearch", match_accent_h)
hi("CurSearch", match_accent_h)
hi("MatchParen", match_parens_h)
hi("Search", bg_orange_h)
hi("Substitute", bg_orange_h)
hi("IncSearch", bg_accent_h)
hi("CurSearch", bg_accent_h)
hi("MatchParen", accent_fg_h)
-- selection -------------------------------------------------------------------
local selection_normal_h = { ctermfg = C.black.cterm,
fg = C.black.gui,
ctermbg = C.blue.cterm,
bg = C.blue.gui }
hi("Visual", selection_normal_h)
hi("Visualnos", selection_normal_h)
hi("Visual", bg_dimmed_h)
hi("Visualnos", bg_dimmed_h)
-- diff ------------------------------------------------------------------------
local diff_add_h = { ctermfg = C.green.cterm,
fg = C.green.gui }
local diff_change_h = { ctermfg = C.orange.cterm,
fg = C.orange.gui }
local diff_delete_h = { ctermfg = C.red.cterm,
fg = C.red.gui }
local diff_text_h = { ctermfg = C.orange.cterm,
fg = C.orange.gui,
underline = true }
hi("DiffAdd", diff_add_h)
hi("DiffChange", diff_change_h)
hi("DiffDelete", diff_delete_h)
hi("DiffText", diff_text_h)
hi("DiffAdd", green_none_h)
hi("DiffChange", orange_none_h)
hi("DiffDelete", red_none_h)
hi("DiffText", orange_none_underline_h)
-- spell -----------------------------------------------------------------------
local spell_error_h = { ctermfg = C.red.cterm,
fg = C.red.gui,
underline = true }
local spell_warn_h = { ctermfg = C.orange.cterm,
fg = C.orange.gui,
underline = true }
hi("SpellBad", spell_error_h)
hi("SpellCap", spell_warn_h)
hi("SpellLocal", spell_warn_h)
hi("SpellRare", spell_warn_h)
hi("SpellBad", red_none_underline_h)
hi("SpellCap", orange_none_underline_h)
hi("SpellLocal", orange_none_underline_h)
hi("SpellRare", orange_none_underline_h)
-- diagnostic ------------------------------------------------------------------
local diagnostic_error_h = { ctermfg = C.red.cterm,
fg = C.red.gui }
local diagnostic_warn_h = { ctermfg = C.orange.cterm,
fg = C.orange.gui }
local diagnostic_info_h = { ctermfg = C.blue.cterm,
fg = C.blue.gui }
local diagnostic_hint_h = { ctermfg = C.white.cterm,
fg = C.white.gui }
local diagnostic_ok_h = { ctermfg = C.green.cterm,
fg = C.green.gui }
local diagnostic_error_u_h = { ctermfg = C.red.cterm,
fg = C.red.gui,
underline = true }
local diagnostic_warn_u_h = { ctermfg = C.orange.cterm,
fg = C.orange.gui,
underline = true }
local diagnostic_info_u_h = { ctermfg = C.blue.cterm,
fg = C.blue.gui,
underline = true }
local diagnostic_hint_u_h = { ctermfg = C.white.cterm,
fg = C.white.gui,
underline = true }
local diagnostic_ok_u_h = { ctermfg = C.green.cterm,
fg = C.green.gui,
underline = true }
hi("DiagnosticError", diagnostic_error_h)
hi("DiagnosticWarn", diagnostic_warn_h)
hi("DiagnosticInfo", diagnostic_info_h)
hi("DiagnosticHint", diagnostic_hint_h)
hi("DiagnosticOk", diagnostic_ok_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualError", diagnostic_error_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualWarn", diagnostic_warn_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualInfo", diagnostic_info_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualHint", diagnostic_hint_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualOk", diagnostic_ok_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineError", diagnostic_error_u_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineWarn", diagnostic_warn_u_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineInfo", diagnostic_info_u_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineHint", diagnostic_hint_u_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineOk", diagnostic_ok_u_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingError", diagnostic_error_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingWarn", diagnostic_warn_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingInfo", diagnostic_info_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingHint", diagnostic_hint_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingOk", diagnostic_ok_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingError", diagnostic_error_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingWarn", diagnostic_warn_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingInfo", diagnostic_info_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingHint", diagnostic_hint_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingOk", diagnostic_ok_h)
hi("DiagnosticDeprecated", diagnostic_hint_u_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnnecessary", diagnostic_hint_u_h)
hi("DiagnosticError", red_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticWarn", orange_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticInfo", blue_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticHint", white_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticOk", green_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualError", red_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualWarn", orange_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualInfo", blue_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualHint", white_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticVirtualOk", green_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineError", red_none_underline_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineWarn", orange_none_underline_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineInfo", blue_none_underline_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineHint", white_none_underline_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnderlineOk", green_none_underline_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingError", red_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingWarn", orange_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingInfo", blue_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingHint", white_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticFloatingOk", green_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingError", red_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingWarn", orange_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingInfo", blue_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingHint", white_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticSingOk", green_none_h)
hi("DiagnosticDeprecated", white_none_underline_h)
hi("DiagnosticUnnecessary", white_none_underline_h)
-- misc ------------------------------------------------------------------------
hi("Directory", { ctermfg = C.blue.cterm, fg = C.blue.gui })
hi("Directory", blue_none_h)
-- syntax ----------------------------------------------------------------------
local syntax_normal_h = {}
local syntax_comment_h = { ctermfg = C.blue.cterm,
fg = C.blue.gui }
local syntax_constant_h = { ctermfg = C.red.cterm,
fg = C.red.gui }
local syntax_identifier_h = {}
local syntax_statement_h = { ctermfg = C.orange.cterm,
fg = C.orange.gui }
local syntax_preproc_h = { ctermfg = C.magenta.cterm,
fg = C.magenta.gui }
local syntax_type_h = { ctermfg = C.green.cterm,
fg = C.green.gui }
local syntax_special_h = { ctermfg = C.orange.cterm,
fg = C.orange.gui }
local syntax_underline_h = { underline = true }
local syntax_ignore_h = { ctermfg = C.black.cterm,
fg = C.black.gui }
local syntax_error_h = { ctermfg = C.black.cterm,
fg = C.black.gui,
ctermbg = C.red.cterm,
bg = C.red.gui }
local syntax_warn_h = { ctermfg = C.black.cterm,
fg = C.black.gui,
ctermbg = C.orange.cterm,
bg = C.orange.gui }
local syntax_italic_h = { italic = true }
local syntax_bold_h = { bold = true }
local syntax_bolditalic_h = { bold = true,
italic = true }
local syntax_strike_h = { strikethrough = true }
hi("Comment", syntax_comment_h)
hi("Constant", syntax_constant_h)
hi("String", syntax_constant_h)
hi("Character", syntax_constant_h)
hi("Number", syntax_constant_h)
hi("Boolean", syntax_constant_h)
hi("Float", syntax_constant_h)
hi("Identifier", syntax_identifier_h)
hi("Function", syntax_identifier_h)
hi("Statement", syntax_statement_h)
hi("Conditional", syntax_statement_h)
hi("Repeat", syntax_statement_h)
hi("Label", syntax_statement_h)
hi("Operator", syntax_statement_h)
hi("Keyword", syntax_statement_h)
hi("Exception", syntax_statement_h)
hi("PreProc", syntax_preproc_h)
hi("Include", syntax_preproc_h)
hi("Define", syntax_preproc_h)
hi("Macro", syntax_preproc_h)
hi("PreCondit", syntax_preproc_h)
hi("Type", syntax_type_h)
hi("StorageClass", syntax_type_h)
hi("Structure", syntax_type_h)
hi("Typedef", syntax_type_h)
hi("Special", syntax_special_h)
hi("SpecialChar", syntax_special_h)
hi("Tag", syntax_special_h)
hi("Delimiter", syntax_special_h)
hi("SpecialComment", syntax_special_h)
hi("Debug", syntax_special_h)
hi("Underlined", syntax_underline_h)
hi("Ignore", syntax_ignore_h)
hi("Error", syntax_error_h)
hi("Todo", syntax_warn_h)
hi("Comment", blue_none_h)
hi("Constant", red_none_h)
hi("String", red_none_h)
hi("Character", red_none_h)
hi("Number", red_none_h)
hi("Boolean", red_none_h)
hi("Float", red_none_h)
hi("Identifier", none_none_h)
hi("Function", none_none_h)
hi("Statement", orange_none_h)
hi("Conditional", orange_none_h)
hi("Repeat", orange_none_h)
hi("Label", orange_none_h)
hi("Operator", orange_none_h)
hi("Keyword", orange_none_h)
hi("Exception", orange_none_h)
hi("PreProc", magenta_none_h)
hi("Include", magenta_none_h)
hi("Define", magenta_none_h)
hi("Macro", magenta_none_h)
hi("PreCondit", magenta_none_h)
hi("Type", green_none_h)
hi("StorageClass", green_none_h)
hi("Structure", green_none_h)
hi("Typedef", green_none_h)
hi("Special", orange_none_h)
hi("SpecialChar", orange_none_h)
hi("Tag", orange_none_h)
hi("Delimiter", orange_none_h)
hi("SpecialComment", orange_none_h)
hi("Debug", orange_none_h)
hi("Underlined", none_none_underline_h)
hi("Ignore", black_none_h)
hi("Error", bg_red_h)
hi("Todo", bg_orange_h)
hi("Italic", syntax_italic_h)
hi("Bold", syntax_bold_h)
hi("BoldItalic", syntax_bolditalic_h)
hi("Strike", syntax_strike_h)
hi("Italic", none_none_italic)
hi("Bold", none_none_bold_h)
hi("BoldItalic", none_none_bold_italic_h)
hi("Strike", none_none_strikethrough_h)
-- markdown --------------------------------------------------------------------
local markdown_label_h = { ctermfg = C.magenta.cterm,
fg = C.magenta.gui }
local markdown_delimiter_h = { ctermfg = C.blue.cterm,
fg = C.blue.gui }
local markdown_underline_h = { ctermfg = C.blue.cterm,
fg = C.blue.gui,
underline = true }
hi("markdownLabel", markdown_label_h)
hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownItalicDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownBoldDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownBoldItalicDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownStrikeDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownCodeDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownLinkTextDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownLinkDelimiter", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownUrl", markdown_delimiter_h)
hi("markdownLabel", magenta_none_h)
hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter", blue_none_h)
hi("markdownItalicDelimiter", blue_none_h)
hi("markdownBoldDelimiter", blue_none_h)
hi("markdownBoldItalicDelimiter", blue_none_h)
hi("markdownStrikeDelimiter", blue_none_h)
hi("markdownCodeDelimiter", blue_none_h)
hi("markdownLinkTextDelimiter", blue_none_h)
hi("markdownLinkDelimiter", blue_none_h)
hi("markdownUrl", blue_none_h)
-- yaml ------------------------------------------------------------------------
hi("yamlBlockMappingKey", syntax_comment_h)
hi("yamlPlainScalar", syntax_constant_h)
hi("yamlBlockMappingKey", blue_none_h)
hi("yamlPlainScalar", red_none_h)