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lang: sl references:
- type: chapter
id: fortini2016lukacs
- family: Fortini given: Franco title: "Lukács in Italy" container-title: "Test of powers: writings on criticism and literary institutions" translator:
- family: Toscano given: Alberto publisher-place: London publisher: Seagull Books issued: 2016 page: 319-353 language: en
- type: book
id: lukacs1985zgodovina
- family: Lukács given: György title: "Zgodovina in razredna zavest: študije o marksistični dialektiki" title-short: "Zgodovina in razredna zavest" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Inštitut za marksistične študije ZRC SAZU issued: 1985 language: sl
- type: book
id: marx2012kapital1
- family: Marx given: Karl title: "Kapital: kritika politične ekonomije" title-short: "Kapital" volume: 1 publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Sophia issued: 2012 language: sl
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