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title abstract
Neusmerjeno pisanje Metazapis o <> kot spletišču in praksi.

lang: sl references:

  • type: book id: krasovec2021tujost author:
    • family: Krašovec given: Primož title: "Tujost kapitala" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Sophia issued: 2021 language: sl
  • type: paper-conference id: nelson1965complex author:
    • family: Nelson given: T. H. title: "Complex information processing: a file structure for the complex, the changing and the indeterminate" container-title: "Proceedings of the 1965 20th national conference (ACM '65)" publisher-place: New York publisher: Association for Computing Machinery issued: 1965 page: 84-100 language: en
  • type: article-magazine id: bush1945aswe author:
    • family: Bush given: Vannevar title: "As we may think" container-title: "The Atlantic" issued: 1945-07-01 page: 101-108 language: en

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