13 KiB

Arhitekturno delo in kapitalistični razvoj

lang: sl references:

  • type: book id: biraghi2019larchitetto author:
    • family: Biraghi given: Marco title: "L'architetto come intellettuale" publisher-place: Torino publisher: Einaudi issued: 2019 language: it
  • type: book id: beech2015art author:
    • family: Beech given: Dave title: "Art and value: art's economic exceptionalism in classical, neoclassical and Marxist economics" title-short: "Art and value" publisher-place: Leiden publisher: Brill issued: 2015 language: en
  • type: article-journal id: adorno2022contribution author:
    • family: Adorno given: Theodor title: "Contribution to the theory of ideology" translator:
    • family: Bard-Rosenberd given: Jacob container-title: "Selva: a journal of the history of art" issue: 4 issued: season: 3 year: 2024 page: 19-33 language: en
  • type: article-journal id: tafuri1970lavoro author:
    • family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Lavoro intellettuale e sviluppo capitalistico" title-short: "Lavoro intellettuale" container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti" issue: 2 issued: 1970 page: 241-281 language: it
  • type: book id: tronti2019workers author:
    • family: Tronti given: Mario title: "Workers and capital" translator:
    • family: Broder given: David publisher-place: London publisher: Verso issued: 2019 language: en
  • type: chapter id: krasovec2016novi author:
    • family: Krašovec given: Primož title: "Novi Adorno" container-title: "Uvod v sociologijo" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Sophia issued: 2016 page: 273-289 language: sl

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