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lang: sl reference-section-title: Literatura references:

  • type: article-journal id: ranciere2012je author:
    • family: Rancière given: Jacques title: "Je čas emancipacije minil?" translator:
    • family: Benčin given: Rok container-title: "Filozofski vestnik" volume: XXXIII issue: 1 issued: 2012 page: 133-145 language: sl
  • type: book id: tafuri1989history author:
    • family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "History of Italian architecture, 1944--1985" publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass. publisher: MIT Press issued: 1989 language: en
  • type: chapter id: koolhaas2010junkspace author:
    • family: Koolhaas given: Rem title: "Junkspace" container-title: "Constructing a new agenda for architecture: architectural theory 1993--2009" editor:
    • family: Sykes given: A. Krista publisher-place: New York publisher: Princeton Architectural Press issued: 2010 page: 136-151 language: en
  • type: book id: france1962rdeca author:
    • family: France given: Anatole title: "Rdeča lilija" translator:
    • family: Dobida given: Karel publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Državna založba Slovenije issued: 1962 language: sl
  • type: article-journal id: morel2019theorigins author:
    • family: Morel given: Philippe title: "The origins of discretism: thinking unthinkable architecture" title-short: "The origins of discretism" container-title: "Architectural design" volume-title: "Discrete: reappraising the digital in architecture" volume: 89 issue: 2 issued: 2019 page: 15-21 language: en
  • type: article-magazine id: abraham2024lavender author:
  • type: chapter id: benjamin2016nadrealizem author:
    • family: Benjamin given: Walter title: "Nadrealizem: zadnji posnetek evropske inteligence" translator:
    • family: Tomšič given: Samo container-title: "Usoda in značaj" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Beletrina issued: 2016 page: 39-51 language: sl
  • type: chapter id: benjamin2016avtor author:
    • family: Benjamin given: Walter title: "Avtor kot proizvajalec" translator:
    • family: Gorenšek given: Peter container-title: "Usoda in značaj" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Beletrina issued: 2016 page: 81-96 language: sl
  • type: article-magazine id: tronti2022ondestituent author:

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