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15 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
urosm 27d3055998 update notes 2024-05-21 00:58:52 +02:00
urosm a1b8edc1b0 update `Makefile` 2024-05-21 00:58:38 +02:00
urosm 2b78a800b1 update `pandoc` data dir 2024-05-21 00:58:21 +02:00
urosm 8c69f4c29c update .gitignore 2024-05-21 00:52:51 +02:00
urosm b1a5c9cd68 update `public_html` static files 2024-05-21 00:52:32 +02:00
urosm 2814486572 update `pandoc` data dir 2024-05-21 00:52:25 +02:00
urosm 5b51267bcf update `public_html` static files 2024-05-17 17:15:35 +02:00
urosm 4cfa96175e update `pandoc` data dir 2024-05-17 17:15:28 +02:00
urosm eb30a5edb1 update `pandoc` data dir 2024-05-17 15:42:31 +02:00
urosm 7422e60923 update `public_html` static files 2024-05-17 15:42:22 +02:00
urosm a9e94cb10c update notes 2024-05-17 15:36:03 +02:00
urosm 9aa9531a78 update `pandoc` data dir 2024-05-17 15:35:50 +02:00
urosm 4fdb624ab3 update `Makefile` 2024-05-17 15:35:32 +02:00
urosm 493fc63f31 update `pandoc` data dir 2024-05-17 15:26:37 +02:00
urosm 3f4a70a435 update `public_html` static files 2024-05-17 15:24:39 +02:00
25 changed files with 464 additions and 736 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
SHELL = /bin/sh
NOTES = $(shell pandoc lua pandoc/collect_notes.lua
TARGETS = $(patsubst,public_html/%.html,$(NOTES))
GETDEPS = $(patsubst,public_html/%.html.part,$(shell pandoc lua pandoc/collect_links.lua $(1)))
DEPSMETAFLAGS = $(patsubst %,-M linkparts=%,$(filter-out $<,$^))
.PHONY: all
all: $(TARGETS)
public_html/%.html: \
$$(call GETDEPS, \
pandoc --data-dir pandoc -d -M slug=$* $(DEPSMETAFLAGS) -o $@ $<
pandoc lua pandoc/bavbavhaus.lua $@
BAVBAVHAUSFLAGS = --data-dir pandoc -M slug=$*
LINKPARTFLAGS = $(patsubst %,-M parts=%,$(filter-out $<,$^))
pandoc --data-dir pandoc -d --id-prefix $* -M url=$*.html -M slug=$* -o $@ $<
pandoc $(BAVBAVHAUSFLAGS) -d --id-prefix $* -o $@ $<
public_html/sitemap.html.part: $(NOTES)
pandoc lua pandoc/sitemap.lua $@
test -d dest || mkdir dest
pandoc --data-dir pandoc --resource-path pandoc -d docx.yaml -o $@ $<
pandoc $(PANDOCFLAGS) --resource-path pandoc -d docx.yaml -o $@ $<
.PHONY: clean
$(RM) public_html/*.html.part
$(RM) public_html/*.html
$(RM) public_html/*.html.part
$(RM) -r dest

View File

@ -5,26 +5,30 @@ Zapiski in skripte za pretvarjanje zapiskov v različne formate in generiranje
Recepti za generiranje <> so opisani v `Makefile`:
NOTES := $(shell pandoc lua pandoc/collect_notes.lua
# All notes referenced with internal links, starting from ``.
NOTES = $(shell pandoc lua pandoc/collect_notes.lua
# All pages referenced with internal links, starting from ``.
PAGES := $(patsubst,public_html/%.html,$(NOTES))
GETDEPS = $(patsubst,public_html/%.html.part,$(shell pandoc lua pandoc/collect_links.lua $(1))) public_html/sitemap.html.part
# All parts referenced with internal links in `$(1)`, plus the sitemap.
PARTS = $(patsubst,public_html/%.html.part,$(shell pandoc lua pandoc/collect_links.lua $(1))) public_html/sitemap.html.part
.PHONY: all
all: $(PAGES)
public_html/%.html: flags = $(patsubst %,-M linkparts=%,$(filter-out $<,$^))
public_html/%.html: $$(call GETDEPS,
public_html/%.html: flags = $(patsubst %,-M parts=%,$(filter-out $<,$^))
public_html/%.html: $$(call PARTS,
pandoc --data-dir pandoc -d -M slug=$* $(flags) -o $@ $<
[`Makefile`]( Za delovanje potrebuje `pandoc`. Gl. tudi
[`pandoc/links.lua`](pandoc/links.lua) za skript, ki išče interne povezave. Gl.
tudi filtre v [`pandoc/filters`](pandoc/filters).
pandoc --data-dir pandoc -d --id-prefix $* -M url=$*.html -M slug=$* -o $@ $<
Navodila za uporabo:
sudo apt install pandoc # namestitev potrebščin (debian)
# install dependencies (debian)
sudo apt install pandoc

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: "Delitev čutnega"
abstract: |
description: |
Zapiski okoli Rancièrjevih estetskih konceptov.

View File

@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ nekaterih idej o ["sanjskem datotečnem formatu"]( v
enostaven sistem povezanih in vzporednih zapiskov okoli tem [arhitekturnega
dela]( in [tehnologije](
in [kapitalističnega
lang: sl

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: "Intelektualno delo in kapitalistični razvoj"
abstract: |
description: |
Naiven prevod in komentarji k Tafurijevem članku ["Lavoro intelettualle e
sviluppo capitalistico"]{lang=it}. [@tafuri1970lavoro]
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ abstract: |
::: {lang=it}
> `/241/`Non risulta ancora del tutto saldata la singolare divaricazione
> esistente fra i processi di sviluppo, le ristrutturazioni che questi impongono
> alla divisione capitalistica del lavoro, e le mediazioni intellettuali che
@ -45,7 +44,6 @@ abstract: |
::: {lang=it}
> Lavoro intellettuale e sviluppo, dunque: due settori di intervento che da
> tempo hanno finito di compensarsi fra loro come ideologia da un lato, e realtà
> strutturale, dall'altro. Tutto il "tragico" della Kultur borghese, l'angoscia
@ -1456,7 +1454,7 @@ abstract: |
> *Marksistični humanizem* se tako razkrije kot projekt širitve na delavski
> razred tiste "Forme-Utopije buržoazne biti, ki je Tragedija": buržoazni
> junak je sprevržen v *kolektivnega junaka*. Linije tega procesa so zelo
> jasne v misli mladega Lukácka kot tudi v misli marksističnega Lukácsa: toda
> jasne v misli mladega Lukácsa kot tudi v misli marksističnega Lukácsa: toda
> tudi na nekaterih straneh Korscha, Löwitha in -- kot čista ideologija --
> Bertolta Brechta. V zvezi s tem gl. A. Asor Rosa, *Il giovane Lukács teorico
> dell'arte borghese*, v "Contropiano" 1 1968, str. 59 in dalje; in L.
@ -3744,6 +3742,8 @@ abstract: |
[gl. *Zgodovina in razredna zavest*](
::: fauxnote
::: horizontal

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ title: "Koncept kritike in kritika politične ekonomije"
Pri Rancièrjevem besedilu zasledujemo nit, ki jo izpostavi Primož
Krašovec v [*Tujost kapitala*]( In sicer
Krašovec v [*Tujost kapitala*]( In sicer
naj bi Rancière odločilno pokazal, da pri dilemi med teorijo fetišizma
in tezo o avtonomiji kapitala ne gre nujno za "igro ničelne vsote" ter
da je mogoče razviti antihumanistično teorijo fetišizma

View File

@ -1,11 +1,20 @@
title: "Neusmerjeno pisanje"
abstract: |
Metazapis o <> kot spletišču.
description: |
Metazapis o <> kot spletišču in praksi.
## Eno izhodišče: pisava/koda
Eno napoved v *težavo*, ki jo pisanje predstavlja *nam*, razberemo iz četrtega
poglavja [*Tujosti kapitala*](, [gl. @krasovec2021tujost,
129-174] kjer sta pisava in pisanje, kot tehnologiji *ancien régime*, ki ju
prehitevajo novi mediji
> Razvoj novih, računalniških medijev od druge polovice 20\. stoletja naprej je
> hkrati razvoj novih načinov družbene uporabe medijev. Zmožnost koncentracije
> na eno samo vsebino, globinsko razumevanje in razmišljanje o določeni temi,
@ -30,11 +39,10 @@ abstract: |
## Drugo izhodišče: "sanjski datotečni format"
Glavno izhodišče je prispevek T. H. Nelsona "Complex information processing" iz
leta 1965. [@nelson1965complex] Kljub neposredni tehničnosti Nelsonove
spekulacije in predloga ter iz tega skoraj nujno izhajajoči tehnični
zastarelosti nekaterih izpostavljenih problemov, prispevek ostaja aktualen
zaradi svojega enostavnega vprašanja: *kakšne so (nove) možnosti uporabe
osebnega računalnika*.
leta 1965. [@nelson1965complex] Kljub tehničnosti Nelsonove spekulacije in
predloga ter iz tega skoraj nujno izhajajoči tehnični zastarelosti nekaterih
izpostavljenih problemov, prispevek ostaja aktualen zaradi svojega enostavnega
vprašanja: *kakšne so (nove) možnosti uporabe osebnega računalnika*.
Natančneje se sprašuje o vrsti datotečnih struktur, ki so primerne za osebno
(kreativno) rabo, onkraj ustaljenih vrst za poslovno in znanstveno obdelavo
@ -45,23 +53,6 @@ datotečna struktura biti preprost sistem gradnikov, ki je usmerjen k uporabniku
in namenjena splošni (nedoločeni) uporabi. [@nelson1965complex, 84] Tako
opredeli primer rabe, ki bi ga nov datotečni sistem naslovil:
::: horizontal
> Namen [tega dela] je bil ustvariti tehnike za ravnanje z osebnimi datotečnimi
> sistemi in rokopisi v nastajanju. Ti dve rabi sta tesno povezani in se močno
> ne razlikujeta. [...] Pogosto se osebne datoteke dejansko razvijejo v rokopise
> in zbiranje zapiskov *postane* pisanje besedila brez ostrega preloma.
> Na podlagi lastnih poskusov sem vedel kaj je mogoče v te namene narediti s
> kartotekami, zvezki, kazalkami, luknjanjem, mapami, kolažiranjem, kartonom,
> registri, Xerox strojem in pisalno mizo z rolojem. Moj namen ni bil zgolj
> kompjuterizirati ta opravila temveč razmisliti o (in sčasoma programirati)
> *sanjsko* datoteko: datotečni sistem, ki bi imel vse lastnosti, ki bi si jih
> pisatelj ali raztresen profesor lahko želel, in bi vseboval vse, kar bi si
> želel, na prav tako zapleten način, kot bi si želel, ter bi rokoval z zapiski
> in rokopisi na tako prefinjene in zapletene načine, kot bi si želel.
> [@nelson1965complex, 85]
::: {lang=en}
> [This work's] purpose was to create techniques for handling personal file
@ -78,8 +69,8 @@ opredeli primer rabe, ki bi ga nov datotečni sistem naslovil:
> feature a novelist or absent-minded professor could want, holding everything
> he wanted in just the complicated way he wanted it held, and handling notes
> and manuscripts in as subtle and complex ways as he wanted them handled.
> [@nelson1965complex, 85]
## Izpeljava

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
local l = require("pandoc.logging")
local read =
assert(#arg == 2, "\n" ..
"[ERROR] usage: pandoc lua collect_deps.lua <index file> <output file")
local index_file, output_file = table.unpack(arg)
local f = assert(, "\n" ..
"[ERROR] could not open " .. index_file .. " for reading.")
local data = f:read("a")
local visited = {}
local lines = {}
local all_target = "all: "
local all_prereqs = {}
local sitemap_target = "public_html/sitemap.html.part: "
local sitemap_prereqs = {}
local function collect (fp)
local f = assert(, "\n" ..
"[ERROR] could not open " .. fp .. " for reading.")
visited[fp] = true
local target = fp:gsub("(.+)", "public_html/%1.html")
table.insert(all_prereqs, target)
table.insert(sitemap_prereqs, fp)
local prereqs = { fp }
local data = f:read("a")
read(data):walk({ Link = function (link)
if not"$") then return end
local f =
if f == nil then return else f:close() end
if visited[] then return end
local prereq ="(.+)", "public_html/%1.html.part")
table.insert(prereqs, prereq)
end })
table.insert(prereqs, "public_html/sitemap.html.part")
target = ("%s: "):format(target)
table.insert(lines, table.concat({ target, table.concat(prereqs, " ") }))
table.insert(lines, 1, table.concat({ all_target, table.concat(all_prereqs, " ") }))
table.insert(lines, table.concat({ sitemap_target, table.concat(sitemap_prereqs, " ") }))
local f = assert(, "w"), "\n" ..
"[ERROR] could not open " .. output_file .. " for writing.")
f:write(table.concat(lines, "\n"))

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-- local l = require("pandoc.logging")
local read =
assert(#arg == 1, "\n" ..
"[ERROR] usage: pandoc lua collect_links.lua <file>...")
local f = assert([1]), "\n" ..
"[ERROR] could not open " .. arg[1] .. " for reading.")
local data = f:read("a")
local visited = {}
read(data):walk({ Link = function (link)
local f =
if f == nil then return else f:close() end
if visited[] then return end
visited[] = true
io.write( .. "\n")
end })

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
local read =
assert(#arg == 1, "\n" ..
"[ERROR] usage: pandoc lua collect_all.lua <index file>")
local visited = {}
local function collect (fp)
local f = assert(, "\n" ..
"[ERROR] could not open " .. fp .. " for reading.")
visited[fp] = true
io.write(fp .. "\n")
local data = f:read("a")
read(data):walk({ Link = function (link)
local f =
if f == nil then return else f:close() end
if visited[] then return end
visited[] = true
end })

View File

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
from: markdown
toc: true
citeproc: true
csl: chicago-fullnote-sl
- insert_bodypart.lua
- insert_linkparts.lua
- localize_quotes.lua
- update_internal_targets.lua
- insert_parts.lua
to: html

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
local RawBlock = pandoc.RawBlock
SCRIPT_NAME = "insert_bodypart.lua"
return {
{ Meta = function (meta)
if not meta["bodypart"] then return end
local fp = meta["bodypart"]
local f = assert(, "\n" ..
"[ERROR] could not open " .. fp .. " for reading.")
meta["bodypart"] = RawBlock("html5", f:read("a"))
return meta
end }

View File

@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ os.setlocale("C")
return {
{ Meta = function (meta)
if not meta["linkparts"] then return end
if type(meta["linkparts"]) == "string" then
meta["linkparts"] = { meta["linkparts"] }
if not meta["parts"] then return end
if type(meta["parts"]) == "string" then
meta["parts"] = { meta["parts"] }
local links = MetaList({})
for _,fp in ipairs(meta["linkparts"]) do
for _,fp in ipairs(meta["parts"]) do
local f = assert(, "\n" ..
"[ERROR] could not open " .. fp .. " for reading.")
links:insert(RawBlock("html5", f:read("a")))
meta["linkparts"] = links
meta["parts"] = links
return meta
end }

View File

@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
--- Replaces plain quotation marks with typographic ones.
-- pandoc --lua-filter pandoc-quotes.lua
-- pandoc-quotes.lua is a filter for pandoc that replaces non-typographic
-- quotation marks with typographic ones for languages other than American
-- English.
-- You can define which typographic quotation marks to replace plain ones with
-- by setting either a document's quot-marks, quot-lang, or lang
-- metadata field. If none of these is set, pandoc-quotes.lua does nothing.
-- You can add your own mapping of a language to quotation marks or override
-- the default ones by setting quot-marks-by-lang.
-- ## quot-marks
-- A list of four strings, where the first item lists the primary left
-- quotation mark, the second the primary right quotation mark, the third
-- the secondary left quotation mark, and the fourth the secondary right
-- quotation mark.
-- For example:
-- ```yaml
-- ---
-- quot-marks:
-- - ''
-- - ''
-- - '
-- - '
-- ...
-- ```
-- You always have to set all four.
-- If each quotation mark consists of one character only,
-- you can write the whole list as a simple string.
-- For example:
-- ```yaml
-- ---
-- quot-marks: ""''
-- ...
-- ```
-- If quot-marks is set, the other fields are ignored.
-- # quotation-lang
-- An RFC 5646-like code for the language the quotation marks of
-- which shall be used (e.g., "pt-BR", "es").
-- For example:
-- ```yaml
-- ---
-- quot-lang: de-AT
-- ...
-- ```
-- Note: Only the language and the country tags of RFC 5646 are supported.
-- For example, "it-CH" (i.e., Italian as spoken in Switzerland) is fine,
-- but "it-756" (also Italian as spoken in Switzerland) will return the
-- quotation marks for "it" (i.e., Italian as spoken in general).
-- If quot-marks is set, quot-lang is ignored.
-- # lang
-- The format of lang is the same as for quot-lang. If quot-marks
-- or quot-lang is set, lang is ignored.
-- For example:
-- ```yaml
-- ---
-- lang: de-AT
-- ...
-- ```
-- You can add quotation marks for unsupported languages, or override the
-- defaults, by setting the metadata field quot-marks-by-lang to a maping
-- of RFC 5646-like language codes (e.g., "pt-BR", "es") to lists of quotation
-- marks, which are given in the same format as for the quot-marks
-- metadata field.
-- For example:
-- ```yaml
-- ---
-- quot-marks-by-lang:
-- abc-XYZ: ""''
-- lang: abc-XYZ
-- ...
-- ```
-- pandoc represents documents as abstract syntax trees internally, and
-- quotations are nodes in that tree. However, pandoc-quotes.lua replaces
-- those nodes with their content, adding proper quotation marks. That is,
-- pandoc-quotes.lua pushes quotations from the syntax of a document's
-- representation into its semantics. That being so, you should not
-- use pandoc-quotes.lua with output formats that represent quotes
-- syntactically (e.g., HTML, LaTeX, ConTexT). Moroever, filters running after
-- pandoc-quotes won't recognise quotes. So, it should be the last or
-- one of the last filters you apply.
-- Support for quotation marks of different languages is certainly incomplete
-- and likely erroneous. See <> if
-- you'd like to help with this.
-- pandoc-quotes.lua is Unicode-agnostic.
-- pandoc(1)
-- Copyright 2019 Odin Kroeger
-- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
-- deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
-- rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
-- sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-- all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-- @script pandoc-quotes.lua
-- @release 0.1.10
-- @author Odin Kroeger
-- @copyright 2018, 2020 Odin Kroeger
-- @license MIT
local M = {}
local pairs = pairs
local require = require
local io = io
local table = table
local package = package
local pandoc = pandoc
if not pandoc.utils then pandoc.utils = require 'pandoc.utils' end
local _ENV = M
local text = require 'text'
--- The name of this script.
SCRIPT_NAME = 'pandoc-quotes.lua'
--- The path seperator of the operating system.
PATH_SEP = package.config:sub(1, 1)
--- The character sequence to end a line.
if PATH_SEP == '\\' then EOL = '\r\n'
else EOL = '\n' end
--- A list of mappings from RFC 5646-ish language codes to quotation marks.
-- I have adopted the list below from:
-- <>
-- I tried to come up with reasonable defaults for secondary quotes for
-- language that, according to the Wikipedia, don't have any.
-- Adding languages:
-- Add an ordered pair, where the first item is an RFC 5646 language
-- code (though only the language and country tags are supported) and the
-- second item is a list of quotation marks, in the following order:
-- primary left, primary right, secondary left, secondary right.
-- You have to list four quotation marks, even if the langauge you add does
-- not use secondary quotation marks. Just come up with something that makes
-- sense. This is because a user may, rightly, find that just because their
-- language does not 'officially' have secondary quotation marks, they
-- are going to use them anyway. And they should get a reasonable result,
-- not a runtime error.
-- The order in which languages are listed is meaningless. If you define
-- variants for a language that is spoken in different countries, also
-- define a 'default' for the language alone, without the country tag.
ar = {'', '', '', '' },
bs = {'', '', '', '' },
bo = {'', '', '', '' },
bs = {'', '', '', '' },
cn = {'', '', '', '' },
cs = {'', '', '', '' },
cy = {'', '', '', '' },
da = {'»', '«', '', '' },
de = {'', '', '', '' },
['de-CH'] = {'«', '»', '', '' },
el = {'«', '»', '', '' },
en = {'', '', '', '' },
['en-US'] = {'', '', '', '' },
['en-GB'] = {'', '', '', '' },
['en-UK'] = {'', '', '', '' },
['en-CA'] = {'', '', '', '' },
eo = {'', '', '', '' },
es = {'«', '»', '', '' },
et = {'', '', '', '' },
fi = {'', '', '', '' },
fil = {'', '', '', '' },
fa = {'«', '»', '', '' },
fr = {'«', '»', '', '' },
ga = {'', '', '', '' },
gd = {'', '', '', '' },
gl = {'«', '»', '', '' },
he = {'', '', '', '' },
hi = {'', '', '', '' },
hu = {'', '', '»', '«' },
hr = {'', '', '', '' },
ia = {'', '', '', '' },
id = {'', '', '', '' },
is = {'', '', '', '' },
it = {'«', '»', '', '' },
['it-CH'] = {'«', '»', '', '' },
ja = {'', '', '', '' },
jbo = {'lu', 'li\'u', 'lu', 'li\'u'},
ka = {'', '', '', '' },
khb = {'', '', '', '' },
kk = {'«', '»', '', '' },
km = {'«', '»', '', '' },
ko = {'', '', '', '' },
['ko-KR'] = {'', '', '', '' },
lt = {'', '', '', '' },
lv = {'', '', '', '' },
lo = {'«', '»', '', '' },
nl = {'', '', '', '' },
mk = {'', '', '', '' },
mn = {'«', '»', '', '' },
mt = {'', '', '', '' },
no = {'«', '»', '«', '»' },
pl = {'', '', '»', '«' },
ps = {'«', '»', '', '' },
pt = {'«', '»', '', '' },
['pt-BR'] = {'', '', '', '' },
rm = {'«', '»', '', '' },
ro = {'', '', '«', '»' },
ru = {'«', '»', '', '' },
sk = {'', '', '', '' },
sl = {'»', '«', '', '' },
sq = {'', '', '', '' },
sr = {'', '', '', '' },
sv = {'', '', '', '' },
tdd = {'', '', '', '' },
ti = {'«', '»', '', '' },
th = {'', '', '', '' },
thi = {'', '', '', '' },
tr = {'«', '»', '', '' },
ug = {'«', '»', '', '' },
uk = {'«', '»', '', '' },
uz = {'«', '»', '', '' },
vi = {'', '', '', '' },
wen = {'', '', '', '' },
--- Prints warnings to STDERR.
-- Prefixes messages with `SCRIPT_NAME` and ": ".
-- Also appends an end of line sequence.
-- @tparam string str A string format to be written to STDERR.
-- @tparam string ... Arguments to that format.
function warn (str, ...)
io.stderr:write(SCRIPT_NAME, ': ', string.format(str, ...), EOL)
--- Applies a function to every element of a list.
-- @tparam func f The function.
-- @tparam tab list The list.
-- @treturn tab The return values of `f`.
function map (f, list)
local ret = {}
for k, v in pairs(list) do ret[k] = f(v) end
return ret
local stringify = pandoc.utils.stringify
--- Reads quotation marks from a `quot-marks` metadata field.
-- @tparam pandoc.MetaValue The content of a metadata field.
-- Must be either of type pandoc.MetaInlines or pandoc.MetaList.
-- @treturn[1] {pandoc.Str,pandoc.Str,pandoc.Str,pandoc.Str}
-- A table of quotation marks
-- @treturn[2] `nil` if an error occurred.
-- @treturn[2] string An error message.
function get_quotation_marks (meta)
if meta.t == 'MetaInlines' then
local marks = stringify(meta)
if text.len(marks) ~= 4 then
return nil, 'not four quotation marks'
local ret = {}
for i = 1, 4 do ret[i] = text.sub(marks, i, i) end
return ret
elseif meta.t == 'MetaList' then
local marks = map(stringify, meta)
if #marks ~= 4 then
return nil, 'not four quotation marks'
return marks
return nil, 'neither a string nor a list'
local stringify = pandoc.utils.stringify
-- Holds the quotation marks for the language of the document.
-- Common to `configure` and `insert_quot_marks`.
local QUOT_MARKS = nil
--- Determines the quotation marks for the document.
-- Stores them in `QUOT_MARKS`, which it shares with `insert_quot_marks`.
-- Prints errors to STDERR.
-- @tparam pandoc.Meta The document's metadata.
function configure (meta)
local quot_marks, lang
if meta['quot-marks-by-lang'] then
for k, v in pairs(meta['quot-marks-by-lang']) do
local quot_marks, err = get_quotation_marks(v)
if not quot_marks then
warn('metadata field "quot-marks-by-lang": lang "%s": %s.',
k, err)
QUOT_MARKS_BY_LANG[k] = quot_marks
if meta['quot-marks'] then
local err
quot_marks, err = get_quotation_marks(meta['quot-marks'])
if not quot_marks then
warn('metadata field "quot-marks": %s.', err)
elseif meta['quot-lang'] then
lang = stringify(meta['quot-lang'])
elseif meta['lang'] then
lang = stringify(meta['lang'])
if lang then
for i = 1, 3 do
if i == 2 then lang = lang:match '^(%a+)'
elseif i == 3 then
local expr = '^' .. lang .. '-'
for k, v in pairs(QUOT_MARKS_BY_LANG) do
if k:match(expr) then quot_marks = v break end
if i < 3 then quot_marks = QUOT_MARKS_BY_LANG[lang] end
if quot_marks then break end
if quot_marks then QUOT_MARKS = map(pandoc.Str, quot_marks)
elseif lang then warn('%s: unknown language.', lang) end
local insert = table.insert
--- Replaces quoted elements with quoted text.
-- Uses the quotation marks stored in `QUOT_MARKS`,
-- which it shares with `configure`.
-- @tparam pandoc.Quoted quoted A quoted element.
-- @treturn {pandoc.Str,pandoc.Inline,...,pandoc.Str}
-- A list with the opening quote (as `pandoc.Str`),
-- the content of `quoted`, and the closing quote (as `pandoc.Str`).
function insert_quot_marks (quoted)
if not QUOT_MARKS then return end
local quote_type = quoted.quotetype
local inlines = quoted.content
local left, right
if quote_type == 'DoubleQuote' then left, right = 1, 2
elseif quote_type == 'SingleQuote' then left, right = 3, 4
else error('unknown quote type') end
insert(inlines, 1, QUOT_MARKS[left])
insert(inlines, QUOT_MARKS[right])
return inlines
return {{Meta = configure}, {Quoted = insert_quot_marks}}

View File

@ -1,144 +1,139 @@
local l = require("pandoc.logging")
-- local l = require("pandoc.logging")
local read =
assert(#arg == 2, "\n" ..
"[ERROR] usage: pandoc lua sitemap.lua <index file> <output file>")
local index_file, output_file = table.unpack(arg)
local node_list = {}
local graph_map = {}
local node_len = 1
local node_list, node_map = {}, {}
local function collect (fp)
local f = assert(, "\n" ..
"[ERROR] could not open " .. fp .. " for reading.")
table.insert(node_list, fp)
graph_map[fp] = { order = #node_list, nodes = {} }
node_map[fp] = { order = #node_list, nodes = {} }
if fp:len() > node_len then node_len = fp:len() end -- track node len
local data = f:read("a")
local visited = {}
read(data):walk({ Link = function (link)
if not"$") then return end
local f =
if f == nil then return else f:close() end
if visited[] then return end
visited[] = true
if not graph_map[] then collect( end
if not node_map[] then collect( end
end })
local L = {
SW = ".", L = "<", W = "-", NW = ".",
S = "|", X = " ", N = "|",
SE = "'", R = ">", E = "-", NE = "'",
L = "<",
R = ">",
NW = ",", N = "-", NE = ".",
W = "|", X = " ", E = "|",
SW = "'", S = "-", SE = "'",
local layout = {}
local r_wing = {}
local l_wing = {}
for i,node in ipairs(node_list) do
r_wing[i] = {}
layout[i] = node
l_wing[i] = {}
local arm_a, arm_b = {}, {}
for i,_ in ipairs(node_list) do
arm_a[i], arm_b[i] = {}, {}
local function reverse (t)
for i=1,#t//2 do
t[i],t[#t-i+1] = t[#t-i+1],t[i]
return t
local function find_free_col(wing, a, b)
local col = 1
while true do
for i=a,b do
local cell = wing[i][col]
if cell ~= nil and cell ~= L["X"] then
goto continue
do return col end
col = col + 1
return col
local arm_row_len = 1
for _,node in ipairs(node_list) do
local a_node = graph_map[node]
for _,node in ipairs(a_node["nodes"]) do
local a = a_node["order"]
local b = graph_map[node]["order"]
local node_a = node_map[node]
for _,node in ipairs(node_a["nodes"]) do
local a, b = node_a["order"], node_map[node]["order"]
local i_a, i_b = math.min(a,b), math.max(a,b)
local arm = a < b and arm_a or arm_b
local i1 = 1
local ia = math.min(a,b)
local ib = math.max(a,b)
local iz = #node_list
local wing = a < b and r_wing or l_wing
local r_first, l_first = true, true
local first = a < b and r_first or l_first
local col = find_free_col(wing, ia, ib)
if col == 1 then col = 2 end
local a_row = wing[ia]
if a_row[1] == nil or a_row[1] == " " then
a_row[1] = a < b and "-" or "<"
for i=1,col-1 do
if a_row[i] == nil or a_row[i] == L["X"] then a_row[i] = "-" end
a_row[col] = "."
for i=ia+1,ib-1 do
for j=1,col-1 do
if wing[i][j] == nil then wing[i][j] = " " end
-- find the first free column
local col = 1
while true do
for i=i_a,i_b do
local cell = arm[i][col]
if cell ~= nil and cell ~= L.X then
col = col + 1
goto continue
wing[i][col] = "|"
local b_row = wing[ib]
if b_row[1] == nil or b_row[1] == " " then
b_row[1] = a < b and ">" or "-"
col = col == 1 and 2 or col
if col > arm_row_len then arm_row_len = col end -- track row len
-- layout starting row
local row_a = arm[i_a]
if row_a[1] == nil or row_a[1] == L.X then
row_a[1] = a < b and L.N or L.L
for i=1,col-1 do
if b_row[i] == nil or b_row[i] == L["X"] then b_row[i] = "-" end
for i=2,col-1 do
if row_a[i] == nil or row_a[i] == L.X then row_a[i] = L.N end
b_row[col] = "'"
row_a[col] = a < b and L.NW or L.NE
-- layout rows between start and end
for i=i_a+1,i_b-1 do
local row_i = arm[i]
for j=1,col-1 do
if row_i[j] == nil then row_i[j] = L.X end
row_i[col] = L.W
-- layout ending row
local row_b = arm[i_b]
if row_b[1] == nil or row_b[1] == L.X then
row_b[1] = a < b and L.R or L.S
for i=2,col-1 do
if row_b[i] == nil or row_b[i] == L.X then row_b[i] = L.S end
row_b[col] = a < b and L.SW or L.SE
-- write
local data = {}
table.insert(data, "<nav id=\"sitemap\">")
table.insert(data, "<header>")
table.insert(data, "<h1>sitemap</h1>")
table.insert(data, "</header>")
table.insert(data, "<pre>")
-- construct data lines
local lines = {}
table.insert(lines, "<article id=\"sitemap\" class=\"post tail\">")
table.insert(lines, "<header>")
table.insert(lines, "<h1>sitemap</h1>")
table.insert(lines, "</header>")
table.insert(lines, "<pre>")
-- pad right wing
local r_wing_pad = 1
for _,len in pairs(r_wing) do
if #len > r_wing_pad then r_wing_pad = #len end
for i,node in ipairs(node_list) do
local line = {}
local node_padded = ("%-"..node_len.."s"):format(node)
local node_anchor = node_padded:gsub("(.+)", "<a href=\"%1.html\">%1</a>")
local row_a, row_b = arm_a[i], arm_b[i]
-- reverse arm a row
for j=1,#row_a//2 do
row_a[j], row_a[#row_a-j+1] = row_a[#row_a-j+1], row_a[j]
table.insert(line, (("%"..arm_row_len.."s"):format(table.concat(row_a))))
table.insert(line, ((" %s "):format(node_anchor)))
table.insert(line, (table.concat(row_b)))
table.insert(lines, table.concat(line))
-- pad node names
local node_pad = 1
for _,s in pairs(layout) do
if s:len() > node_pad then node_pad = s:len() end
table.insert(lines, "</pre>")
table.insert(lines, "</article>")
local data = table.concat(lines, "\n")
-- read existing data from output_file
local f =
local data_old
if f then data_old = f:read("a"); f:close() end
-- write to output_file if no output_file yet or data changed
if not data_old or data ~= data_old then
local f = assert(, "w"), "\n" ..
"[ERROR] could not open " .. output_file .. " for writing.")
for i,v in ipairs(layout) do
local row = {}
local v = ("%-"..node_pad.."s"):format(v)
local a = v:gsub("(.+)", "<a href=\"%1.html\">%0</a>")
table.insert(row,((" %s "):format(a)))
table.insert(data, "</pre>")
table.insert(data, "</nav>")
local f = assert([2], "w"), "\n" ..
"[ERROR] could not open " .. arg[2] .. " for writing.")
f:write(table.concat(data, "\n"))

View File

@ -22,9 +22,11 @@ $endif$
<article class="post head">
<h1><a href="$url$">$pagetitle$</a></h1>
<h1><a href="$slug$.html">$pagetitle$</a></h1>
<div class="description">
@ -35,9 +37,15 @@ $endif$
<div class="abstract">
<h2 class="abstract-title">$abstract-title$</h2>

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
<article$if(slug)$ id="$slug$"$endif$ class="post tail">
<h1><a href="$url$">$pagetitle$</a></h1>
<h1><a href="$slug$.html">$pagetitle$</a></h1>
<div class="description">
@ -13,5 +15,11 @@ $endif$
<div class="abstract">
<h2 class="abstract-title">$abstract-title$</h2>

View File

@ -367,8 +367,6 @@ podrejen kapitalu.
<!-- MEW 26/3, 264 -->
lang: sl

View File

@ -8,17 +8,27 @@
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@ -29,22 +39,22 @@
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@ -129,7 +139,6 @@ hr::after {
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sup {
@ -216,10 +225,15 @@>nav {
margin-block: 1rlh;
/* article#sitemap */
article#sitemap pre {
margin-inline: unset;
/* div.fauxnote */
div.fauxnote {
opacity: 0.667;
color: var(--bright-black);
@ -243,3 +257,9 @@ div.horizontal>* {
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text-align: center;
/* .footnotes */
.footnotes {
color: var(--bright-black);

View File

@ -277,24 +277,21 @@ značilnosti obdobja.
<!-- Znanstveno utemeljiti in opredeliti namen in cilje raziskovanja.
Glavni cilj raziskave je lahko razčlenjen v več podciljev. -->
Namen naloge je opredeliti in utemeljiti razvoj pomoderne arhitekture v
terminih racionalizacije, avtomatizacije in rekvalifikacije
arhitekturnega dela znotraj izrazito tehnološke dinamike
kapitalističnega razvoja. "Obrat k delu" kot arhitekturnoteoretski
trend nakazuje, da področje sprememb vsebin in oblik arhitekturnega dela
postaja eno pomembnejših področij za razumevanje sodobne arhitekture.
Toda razvoj intelektualnih oziroma informacijskih funkcij strojev ne
odpravlja zgolj nekatere ideološke funkcije intelektualnih poklicev,
temveč potencialno odpravlja ideološko funkcijo kot tako. Opredelitve
do in vrednotenje lastnega položaja, skeptično ali optimistično, ni več
ustrezno v kolikor so ti procesi še vedno pojmovani znotraj
humanistične teorije odtujitve. Pri realni subsumpciji
intelektualnega dela namreč ne gre za proces objektivizacije človeških
lastnosti, temveč ima ta proces svojo realno avtonomijo. Namen naloge
je zato tudi teoretsko antihumanistična opredelitev avtonomije
kapitalističnega razvoja v razmerju do arhitekturnega dela, tudi skozi
reaktualizacijo nekaterih manj znanih del kanoničnih
arhitekturnoteoretskih avtorjev.
Namen naloge je opredeliti in utemeljiti razvoj pomoderne arhitekture v terminih
racionalizacije, avtomatizacije in rekvalifikacije arhitekturnega dela znotraj
izrazito tehnološke dinamike kapitalističnega razvoja. "Obrat k delu" kot
arhitekturnoteoretski trend nakazuje, da področje sprememb vsebin in oblik
arhitekturnega dela postaja eno pomembnejših področij za razumevanje sodobne
arhitekture. Toda razvoj intelektualnih oziroma informacijskih funkcij strojev
ne odpravlja zgolj nekatere ideološke funkcije intelektualnih poklicev, temveč
potencialno odpravlja ideološko funkcijo kot tako. Opredelitve do in vrednotenje
lastnega položaja, skeptično ali optimistično, ni več ustrezno v kolikor so ti
procesi še vedno pojmovani znotraj humanistične teorije odtujitve. Pri realni
subsumpciji intelektualnega dela namreč ne gre za proces objektivizacije
človeških lastnosti, temveč ima ta proces svojo realno avtonomijo. Namen naloge
je zato tudi teoretsko antihumanistična opredelitev avtonomije kapitalističnega
razvoja v razmerju do arhitekturnega dela, tudi skozi reaktualizacijo nekaterih
manj znanih del kanoničnih arhitekturnoteoretskih avtorjev.
# Raziskovalno vprašanje ali morebitna delovna hipoteza

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
title: "Teorije tehnologij"
description: |
Zapiski s predavanj *Teorija tehnologije* v poletnem semestru 2023/2024.
Osnovno raziskovalno vprašanje: ali se pri sodobnem tehnološkem razvoju dogaja
@ -154,8 +156,7 @@ tehnološkim imperativom. Ni socialnega pogajanja s strojem.
preddelavci, delavci s stroji, "feeders", tehniki
- posebnost kapitalizma je, da tehnološki razvoj poteka hitreje in bolj
kontinuirano (tu je neka povezava s [produktivnim
kontinuirano (tu je neka povezava s [produktivnim delom](
- Marx je dober, ker brzda svoje konzervativne impulze. Njegov refleks ni, da
se vrača v zlato dobo obrti.
@ -500,7 +501,17 @@ Geogheigan
gl. Ducrout, slovenian lectures
## Bratton
O kritiki antropocentrizma pri obravnavi tehnologije.
Antropocentrizem: da človeška inteligenca nastopa kot merilo pri presojanju ali
obstaja umetna inteligenca.
Kopernikanska trauma: planet ni v središču vesolja. Po brattonu je zadnje
zatočišče tega napuha izrek, da še vedno je člov. inteligenca v središču.
gl. bergson kreativna revolucija
@ -623,6 +634,20 @@ references:
language: en
- type: chapter
id: parisi2015instrumental
- family: Parisi
given: Luciana
title: "Instrumental reason, algorithmic capitalism, and the incomputable"
title-short: "Instrumental reason"
container-title: "Alleys of your mind: augmented intellligence and its traumas"
- family: Pasquinelli
given: Matteo
publisher-place: Lüneburg
publisher: meson press
issued: 2015
page: 125-137
language: en
- type: article-journal
id: hui2023chatgpt
@ -637,5 +662,21 @@ references:
year: 2023
page: 3-10
language: en
- type: chapter
id: bratton2015instrumental
- family: Bratton
given: Benjamin
title: "Outing artificial intelligence: reckoning with turing tests"
title-short: "Outing artificial intelligence"
container-title: "Alleys of your mind: augmented intellligence and its traumas"
- family: Pasquinelli
given: Matteo
publisher-place: Lüneburg
publisher: meson press
issued: 2015
page: 69-80
language: en
# vim: spelllang=sl

View File

@ -1,27 +1,46 @@
title: "Tujost kapitala"
abstract: |
Zapiski okoli Tujost kapitala
description: |
Zapiski okoli *tujosti* kapitala.
## Zgodovinska prelomnost kapitalizma
## Tujost kapitala
## Odmiranje razrednega boja
## Ideologija kot tehnologija
## Ksenokultura
::: {lang=en}
> Capital is always searching for ways to overcome barriers to valorization. The
> circulation of money, for instance, allows capital to overcome the temporal
> and spatial barriers inherent in direct exchange. Automation, or what Marx
> called the "automatic mechanism" enables the overcoming of a different
> barrier; it helps "reduce to a minimum the resistance offered by man, that
> obstinate yet elastic natural barrier". Even if we do not go so far as to
> consider the possibility of a capitalism without humans, the notion of
> synthetic automation should remind us that capital is not "exclusively a
> reorganisation of human production" but also a trajectory towards a "radically
> new, alien way of production". The needs of capital are alien to humans and
> only coincide with them accidentally. In a striking and horrific passage, Tony
> Smith puts it admirably: capital is a "higher-order alien power operating at
> the level of society as a whole. It systematically selects for human ends
> compatible with its end, 'the self-valorization of value', and systematically
> represses all human ends that are not compatible with this non-human end". At
> this point, we can only speculate on what new operations of selection and
> repression might be provided to capital by more mature forms of synthetic
> automation. [@steinhoff2021automation, 235]
lang: sl
- type: book
id: steinhoff2021automation
- family: Steinhoff
given: James
title: "Automation and autonomy: labour, capital and machines in the artificial intelligence industry"
title-short: "Automation and autonomy"
publisher-place: Cham
publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
issued: 2021
language: en
- type: article-journal
id: krasovec2017tujost
@ -43,4 +62,5 @@ references:
publisher: Sophia
issued: 2021
language: sl
# vim: spelllang=sl,en

View File

@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
title: "Zadnji posnetki evropske inteligence"
## Leva inteligenca in tehnologija
Lack of plausable vision

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
title: "Zgodovina in razredna zavest"
## Kaj je ortodoksni marksizem?
> Tudi če izhajamo iz predpostavke, čeprav se s tem ne strinjamo, da je novejše
> raziskovanje nedvomno dokazalo, da so vse posamezne Marxove trditve dejansko
> napačne in bi lahko vsak resen "ortodoksni" marksist vse te nove rezultate
> brezpogojno priznal in zavrgel vse posamezne Marxove teze, ne da bi niti za
> hip moral opustiti svojo marksistično ortodoksnost. Ortodoksni marksizem torej
> ne pomeni, da nekritično priznavamo rezultate Marxovega raziskovanja, da
> "verujemo" v to ali ono tezo, da razlagamo "sveto" knjigo. *Ortodoksnost v
> marksizmu velja namreč izključno za *metodo*. Je znanstveno prepričanje, da
> smo z dialektičnim marksizmom odkrili pravilno raziskovalno metodo, da je
> mogoče to metodo izpopolnjevati, razvijati naprej in poglabljati le v duhu
> njenih utemeljiteljev in da so vsi poskusi premaganja ali "izboljšanja" te
> metode peljali in tudi morali pripeljati le v poplitvenje, v trivialnost, v
> eklekticizem.* [@lukacs1985zgodovina, 33]
Zelo neortodoksni odgovor na to kaj je ortodoksni marksizem.
- Kritika videza neposredovanosti dejstev.
- Blagovna forma determinira obliko mišljenja. (tudi naravoslovje) (str. 36-39)
- Webrov pojem razčaranja: v sodobnem svetu imamo tehničen odnos do predmetov.
Tehničen pogled na svet: vse stvari so lahko razložene, ni več skrivnosti, vse
se da izkoristit. Tudi to kar še ni pojasnjeno se razume kot, da bo mogoče
pojasniti oz. je na poti pojasnjenja in (industrijskega) izkoriščanja.
1. Obstaja totaliteta, možno in potrebno je obravnavati celoto. "Marxova
zahteva, da "produkcijska razmerja sleherne družbe tvorijo celoto", je
metodično izhodišče in ključ ravno za *historično* spoznanje družbenih
2. Totaliteta je procesualna.
3. Gre za -- nazadnje -- človeška dejanja.
Lukacsova kritika Lukacsa: Ne smemo izmenjevati med kritiko blagovne forme in
kritiko objektivizacije -- to da družbene zadeve dobijo stvaren značaj. (?)
gl. Lukacs: Socialna ontologija
## Razredna zavest
> Razredna zavest je torej -- abstraktno formalno gledano -- hkrati razredno
> določeno *nezavedanje* lastnega družbenozgodovinskega ekonomskega položaja.
> [@lukacs1985zgodovina, 67]
## Za kaj gre pri problemu reifikacije?
Razširitev Marxove obravnave blagovnega fetišizma. Za Lukacsa je vprašanje kako
blagovna forma oblikuje delovanje vseh družbenih sfer. Kaj blagovna forma pomeni
za medije, politiko, vsakdanje življenje ... Kako blagovna forma predstavla neko
paradigmo racionalnosti ki prežema vse aspekte družbenega življenja.
## Razlika med zgodnjim in poznim Lukacsom
Zgodnji Lukacs se ukvarja z revolucijo, pozni z delom.
lang: sl
- type: book
id: lukacs1985zgodovina
- family: Lukács
given: György
title: "Zgodovina in razredna zavest: študije o marksistični dialektiki"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Inštitut za marksistične študije ZRC SAZU
issued: 1985
language: sl
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