Sobota je bil pravi dan za prvo zapatistično ekskurzijo izven ljubljanske kotline. V okviru delovanja balkanskega stebra smo se odločili za obisk Bele Krajine, spoznavanje z lokalnimi boji in šengenskim mejnim režimom.
Izjemno toplemu sprejemu lokalne skupnosti na lokaciji ob mejni reki Kolpi je sledila izčrpna predstavitev situacije aktivistov in raziskovalcev meje – od nekdanje sestave prebivalstva in zgodovine migracij v regiji, do razpada Jugoslavije, zaprtja in militarizacije meje in današnje ksenofobije, ki jo proizvaja vzdrževanje evropske mejne politike. Razložili smo sistem množičnih *pushbackov* migrantov, ki so tudi sami opisali svoje izkušnje prihoda v Evropo. Vse to je bila dobra iztočnica za primerjavo situacije v Mehiki, ki prav tako deluje kot varovalni pas med imperialnim središčem in globalnim jugom. V popoldanskem delu je zapatistična delegacija nagovorila poslušalce s petimi točkami predstavitve svojega boja.
V dnevu je ostalo še dovolj svetlobe, da smo se na poti povzpeli še do zgodovinske točke Baza 20, kjer smo se pogovorili o partizanskem boju, upravljanju osvobojenega ozemlja in dediščini upora v naši regiji. Delegacija se je vrnila v dolino v popolni temi, a izjemno navdahnjena.
**Pogovor s tovarišem o izkušnji stebra Balkan v oddaji [Črna luknja]( na Radiu Študent, 18. november 2021**
Saturday turned out to be just the right day for the first Zapatista excursion outside of Ljubljana. The initiative for the day came from the Balkan Pillar within the Coordination, preparing a visit to Bela Krajina (region in sout-east of Slovenia), where we could share information about the local struggles and most crucially about 'the Schengen regime'.
Our encounter took place right next to the river Kolpa which at that point also designates the border between Slovenia and Croatia. We received a warm welcome by the local community, followed by a very concise and detailed presentation of the local history and current situation by activists and border researchers. Many topics were covered, including the composition of population in the region in the past and the history of migration, the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the closure and militarisation of the border, the contemporary xenophobia that is being produced through the maintanance of the politics of the European border. We explained the system of mass pushbacks of migrants, who also described some of their experiences related to the arrival to Europe. All of this turned out to be a useful point of departure for the discussion about the situation in Mexico since it too functions as a security perimeter between the imperial center and the global south. In the afternoon the Zapatista delegation made a presentation of their struggle in five points.
After that there was just enough light left in the day for us to make a short detour and visit the historical site of Baza 20, where we spoke about the struggle of the partisans during the 2nd World War, the political functioning of the liberated territory at the time and the legacy of resistance in the region. The Delegation returned back to the valley in total darkness, yet in an extremely inspired mood.
25/09/2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
*Coordination for preparation and realization of the Zapatista meeting on the territory of Slovenia (Balkan Route)*<br><br>