Further refactoring of possible_moves and helper functions
@ -21,17 +21,32 @@ init_positions = {"pawn" : cross(files, pawn_ranks),
"king" : cross("e", home_ranks)
def get_rank(sq):
return int(sq[1])
def get_file(sq):
return sq[0]
def move(sq, v):
return chr(ord(sq[0]) + v[0]) + str(int(sq[1]) + v[1])
def moves(sq, dirs):
targets = [move(sq, dir) for dir in dirs]
return [sq for sq in targets if sq in squares]
def invert(color):
if color == "white":
return "black"
return "white"
up, down = (0, 1), (0, -1)
left, right = (-1, 0), (1, 0)
rook_dirs = (up, down, left, right)
up_left, up_right = (-1, 1), (1, 1)
down_left, down_right = (-1, -1), (1, -1)
bishop_dirs = (up_left, up_right,
down_left, down_right)
upper_left, upper_right = (-1, 1), (1, 1)
lower_left, lower_right = (-1, -1), (1, -1)
bishop_dirs = (upper_left, upper_right,
lower_left, lower_right)
class Piece:
def __init__(self, color=None, piece=None):
@ -109,10 +124,50 @@ class Game:
def is_legal(self, source, target):
return target in self.possible_moves(source)
def is_attacked(self, sq):
return False
def is_attacked(self, color, sq):
enemy_color = invert(color)
attacked = []
for piece in pieces:
occupied = self.occupying(Piece(enemy_color, piece))
attacked += sum(list(map(self.attacks, occupied)), [])
return sq in attacked
def possible_moves(self, sq):
board = self.board
piece = board[sq].piece
color = board[sq].color
def can_eat(target):
eaten = board[target]
return eaten != None and eaten.color != color
is_empty = self.is_empty
targets = [t for t in self.attacks(sq)
if can_eat(t) or is_empty(t)]
if piece == "pawn":
r = []
dir = up
if color == "black":
dir = down
frwd = move(sq, dir)
jump = move(frwd, dir)
if frwd in squares and is_empty(frwd):
is_on_pawn_rank = color == "white" and get_rank(sq)==2 \
or \
color == "black" and get_rank(sq)==7
if is_on_pawn_rank and is_empty(jump):
return r + [sq for sq in targets if can_eat(sq)]
elif piece == "king":
return [sq for sq in targets if not self.is_attacked(color, sq)]
return targets
def attacks(self, sq):
if sq not in squares:
return []
@ -120,21 +175,12 @@ class Game:
piece = board[sq].piece
color = board[sq].color
def can_eat(target):
if target not in board:
return False
eaten = board[target]
return eaten != None and color != eaten.color
def can_move_to(sq):
return sq in board and self.is_empty(sq)
def possible_line(dir):
target = move(sq, dir)
while can_move_to(target):
while target in board and self.is_empty(target):
yield target
target = move(target, dir)
if can_eat(target):
if target in board:
yield target
def possible_lines(dirs):
@ -144,31 +190,16 @@ class Game:
bishop = possible_lines(bishop_dirs)
if piece == "pawn":
r = []
dir = up
if color == "black":
dir = down
frwd = move(sq, dir)
jump = move(frwd, dir)
eat = (move(frwd, left),
move(frwd, right))
if can_move_to(frwd):
is_on_pawn_rank = (color == "black" and sq[1]=='7') \
or \
(color == "white" and sq[1]=='2')
if can_move_to(jump) and is_on_pawn_rank:
return r + [sq for sq in eat if can_eat(sq)]
if color == "white":
dirs = upper_left, upper_right
dirs = lower_left, lower_right
return moves(sq, dirs)
elif piece == "knight":
nums = [2, -2, 1, -1]
vectors = [(a, b) for a,b in product(nums, nums)
if abs(a) != abs(b)]
targets = [move(sq, v) for v in vectors]
return [sq for sq in targets
if can_move_to(sq) or can_eat(sq)]
dirs = [(a, b) for a,b in product(nums, nums)
if abs(a) != abs(b)]
return moves(sq, dirs)
elif piece == "rook":
return rook
elif piece == "bishop":
@ -176,10 +207,8 @@ class Game:
elif piece == "queen":
return rook + bishop
elif piece == "king":
vectors = rook_dirs + bishop_dirs
targets = [move[sq, v] for v in vectors]
return [sq for sq in targets
if can_move_to(sq) and not is_attacked(sq)]
dirs = rook_dirs + bishop_dirs
return moves(sq, dirs)
return []
@ -188,9 +217,15 @@ def test():
game = Game()
assert len(squares) == 8**2
assert sum(map(len, init_positions.values())) == 8*4
moves = [("a2", "a3"), ("b1", "c3"), ("d1", "d2")]
moves = [("a2", "a3"), ("b1", "c3"), ("c3", "b5"), ("b5", "c7")]
for m in moves:
print (game)
game.board["c3"] = Piece("black", "king")
print (game.attacks("c3"))
print(game.is_attacked("black", "d8"))
Reference in New Issue