Refactored possible_moves method
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ from unicodedata import lookup
def cross(A, B):
return tuple(a+b for a in A for b in B)
pieces = ["pawn", "knight", "bishop", "rook", "queen", "king"]
colors = ["white", "black"]
ranks = "87654321"
files = "abcdefgh"
squares = cross(files, ranks)
@ -18,14 +21,17 @@ init_positions = {"pawn" : cross(files, pawn_ranks),
"king" : cross("e", home_ranks)
def addv(sq, v):
def move(sq, v):
return chr(ord(sq[0]) + v[0]) + str(int(sq[1]) + v[1])
def addvs(sq, vectors):
return [addv(sq, v) for v in vectors]
up, down = (0, 1), (0, -1)
left, right = (-1, 0), (1, 0)
rook_dirs = (up, down, left, right)
def negatevs(vectors):
return [(-a, -b) for a,b in vectors]
up_left, up_right = (-1, 1), (1, 1)
down_left, down_right = (-1, -1), (1, -1)
bishop_dirs = (up_left, up_right,
down_left, down_right)
class Piece:
def __init__(self, color=None, piece=None):
@ -107,77 +113,73 @@ class Game:
return False
def possible_moves(self, sq):
def is_possible(target):
return target in squares and \
self.board[target].color != self.board[sq].color
def are_possible(vecs):
r = []
sqrs = addvs(sq, vecs)
for s in sqrs:
if not is_possible(s):
if not self.is_empty(s):
return r
def possible_rook():
rvecs = list(zip(range(1,8), [0]*7))
fvecs = [(b,a) for a,b in rvecs]
vecs = [rvecs, fvecs, negatevs(rvecs), negatevs(fvecs)]
return sum(map(are_possible, vecs), [])
def possible_bishop():
ldvecs = list(zip(range(1,8), range(1,8)))
rdvecs = list(zip(range(1,8), range(-1, -8, -1)))
vecs = [ldvecs, rdvecs, negatevs(ldvecs), negatevs(rdvecs)]
return sum(map(are_possible, vecs), [])
if sq not in squares:
return []
board = self.board
piece = board[sq].piece
color = board[sq].color
def can_eat(target):
if target not in board:
return False
eaten = board[target]
return eaten != None and color != eaten.color
def can_move_to(sq):
return sq in board and self.is_empty(sq)
def possible_line(dir):
target = move(sq, dir)
while can_move_to(target):
yield target
target = move(target, dir)
if can_eat(target):
yield target
def possible_lines(dirs):
return sum(list(map(list, map(possible_line, dirs))), [])
rook = possible_lines(rook_dirs)
bishop = possible_lines(bishop_dirs)
if piece == "pawn":
r = []
direction = (0,1)
dir = up
if color == "black":
direction = (0, -1)
frwd = addv(sq, direction)
jump = addv(frwd, direction)
eatl = addv(frwd, (-1, 0))
eatr = addv(frwd, (1, 0))
dir = down
frwd = move(sq, dir)
jump = move(frwd, dir)
eat = (move(frwd, left),
move(frwd, right))
if is_possible(frwd) and self.is_empty(frwd):
if can_move_to(frwd):
checklr = lambda x: is_possible(x) \
and \
not self.is_empty(x) \
and \
board[x].color != color
if checklr(eatl):
if checklr(eatr):
is_on_pawn_rank = (color == "black" and sq[1]=='7') \
or \
(color == "white" and sq[1]=='2')
if is_possible(jump) and frwd in r and self.is_empty(jump) and is_on_pawn_rank:
if can_move_to(jump) and is_on_pawn_rank:
return r
return r + [sq for sq in eat if can_eat(sq)]
elif piece == "knight":
vecs = list(product((1,-1), (2,-2)))
vecs += list(product((2,-2), (1,-1)))
return [sq for sq in addvs(sq, vecs) if is_possible(sq)]
nums = [2, -2, 1, -1]
vectors = [(a, b) for a,b in product(nums, nums)
if abs(a) != abs(b)]
targets = [move(sq, v) for v in vectors]
return [sq for sq in targets
if can_move_to(sq) or can_eat(sq)]
elif piece == "rook":
return possible_rook()
return rook
elif piece == "bishop":
return possible_bishop()
return bishop
elif piece == "queen":
return possible_bishop() + possible_rook()
return rook + bishop
elif piece == "king":
vecs = product([-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1])
return [sq for sq in addvs(sq, vecs)
if is_possible(sq) and not self.is_attacked(sq)]
vectors = rook_dirs + bishop_dirs
targets = [move[sq, v] for v in vectors]
return [sq for sq in targets
if can_move_to(sq) and not is_attacked(sq)]
return []
Reference in New Issue