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Generative radio show of contemporary Slovenian independent music for Mariborski radio študent - MARŠ. Scripted using Liquidsoap and assorted other scripting glue, bash, python...

featured labels and artists: https://pharmafabrik.bandcamp.com/ https://kamizdat.bandcamp.com/ https://sploh.bandcamp.com/ https://zalozba.radiostudent.si/ https://13bratarhiv.bandcamp.com/ https://klopotec.bandcamp.com/ https://hexenbrutal.bandcamp.com https://musiclabstudio.bandcamp.com/ https://kataman.org/ https://matrixmusicarhiv.bandcamp.com/ https://moonleerecords.bandcamp.com/

https://sirom.bandcamp.com/music https://kikiriki.bandcamp.com

unziping bandcamp for i in *.zip; do b=basename "$i" .zip; echo unzip "$i" -d "$b" ; done

install notes

now using a venv so :

python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate

pip install tinytag scikit-image popen

run the script

// fresh start echo "" > playlists/track_playout_history.txt; rm show.db ; mk_master_playlist.sh; ./mk_show.py 2 2024-04-17;

// generate podcast episode 3 with a release date of 2024-02-23

/mk_show.py 3 2024-02-23