 TimelineLite TimelineLite is a powerful sequencing tool that acts as a container for tweens and other timelines, making it simple to control them as a whole and precisely manage their timing.
 TimelineMax TimelineMax extends TimelineLite, offering exactly the same functionality plus useful (but non-essential) features like repeat, repeatDelay, yoyo, currentLabel(), addCallback(), removeCallback(), tweenTo(), tweenFromTo(), getLabelAfter(), getLabelBefore(), getActive() (and probably more in the future).
 TweenLite TweenLite is an extremely fast, lightweight, and flexible animation tool that serves as the foundation of the GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP), available in AS2, AS3, and JavaScript.
 TweenMax TweenMax extends TweenLite, adding many useful (but non-essential) features like timeScale(), repeat(), repeatDelay(), yoyo(), updateTo(), and more.