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call(callback:Function, params:Array, scope:any, offsetOrLabel:any, baseTimeOrLabel:any) — method, class com.greensock.TimelineLite |
Appends a callback to the end of the timeline - this is
a convenience method that accomplishes exactly the same thing as
append( TweenLite.delayedCall(...) ) but with less code. |
Circ — final class, package com.greensock.easing |
Eases with an abrupt change in velocity either at the beginning (easeIn), the end (easeOut), or both (easeInOut). |
clear(labels:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.TimelineLite |
Empties the timeline of all tweens, timelines, and callbacks (and optionally labels too). |
ColorPropsPlugin — class, package com.greensock.plugins |
Tweens any color-related property of any object, like myObject.borderColor from "rgb(255,0,51)"
to "rgb(102,204,0)" (and you can define the initial color in almost any format like "#FF00CC"
or "rgba(255,0,51,0.5)" or "red" or "#f0c" or 0xFF00CC). |
com.greensock — package |
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com.greensock.core — package |
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com.greensock.easing — package |
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com.greensock.plugins — package |
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config(linearRatio:Number, power:Number, yoyoMode:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.easing.SlowMo |
Permits customization of the ease with various parameters. |
config(steps:int) — Static Method , class com.greensock.easing.SteppedEase |
Permits customization of the ease (defining a number of steps). |
CSSPlugin — class, package com.greensock.plugins |
With the help of the CSSPlugin, GSAP can animate almost any css-related property of DOM elements
including the obvious things like width, height, margins, padding, top, left, and more plus more interesting things like transforms
(rotation, scaleX, scaleY, skewX, skewY, x, y, rotationX, and rotationY), colors, opacity, and lots more. |
CSSRulePlugin — class, package com.greensock.plugins |
Allows TweenLite and TweenMax to animate the raw style sheet rules which affect all objects of a particular selector
rather than affecting an individual DOM element's style (that's what the CSSPlugin is for). |
Cubic — final class, package com.greensock.easing |
Provides an easeIn, easeOut, and easeInOut with a power (or strength)
of 2 which is identical to the Power2 ease. |
cubicToQuadratic(a:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class com.greensock.plugins.BezierPlugin |
Using the fixed midpoint approach, we return an array of 4 quadratic Beziers that
closely approximates the cubic Bezier data provided. |
currentLabel(value:String) — method, class com.greensock.TimelineMax |
Gets the closest label that is at or before the current time, or jumps to a provided label
(behavior depends on whether or not you pass a parameter to the method). |
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