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# Configuration
You need to follow these steps to configure your RAPIDS deployment before you can extract behavioral features
1. Add your [database credentials](#database-credentials)
2. Choose the [timezone of your study](#timezone-of-your-study)
3. Create your [participants files](#participant-files)
4. Select what [time segments](#time-segments) you want to extract features on
5. Modify your [device data source configuration](#device-data-source-configuration)
6. Select what [sensors and features](#sensor-and-features-to-process) you want to process
When you are done with this configuration, go to [executing RAPIDS](../execution).
!!! hint
Every time you see `config["KEY"]` or `[KEY]` in these docs we are referring to the corresponding key in the `config.yaml` file.
## Database credentials
1. Create an empty file called `#!bash .env` in your RAPIDS root directory
2. Add the following lines and replace your database-specific credentials (user, password, host, and database):
``` yaml
!!! warning
The label `MY_GROUP` is arbitrary but it has to match the following `config.yaml` key:
DATABASE_GROUP: &database_group
!!! hint
If you are using RAPIDS' docker container and Docker-for-mac or Docker-for-Windows 18.03+, you can connect to a MySQL database in your host machine using the `host.docker.internal` instead of `` or `localhost`
!!! note
- You can ignore this step if you are only processing Fitbit data in CSV files.
- RAPIDS only supports MySQL/MariaDB databases. If you would like to add support for a different database engine get in touch and we can discuss how to implement it.
## Timezone of your study
### Single timezone
If your study only happened in a single time zone, select the appropriate code form this [list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones) and change the following config key. Double check your timezone code pick, for example US Eastern Time is `America/New_York` not `EST`
``` yaml
TIMEZONE: &timezone
### Multiple timezones
Support coming soon.
## Participant files
Participant files link together multiple devices (smartphones and wearables) to specific participants and identify them throughout RAPIDS. You can create these files manually or [automatically](#automatic-creation-of-participant-files). Participant files are stored in `data/external/participant_files/pxx.yaml` and follow a unified [structure](#structure-of-participants-files).
!!! note
The list `PIDS` in `config.yaml` needs to have the participant file names of the people you want to process. For example, if you created `p01.yaml`, `p02.yaml` and `p03.yaml` files in `/data/external/participant_files/ `, then `PIDS` should be:
PIDS: [p01, p02, p03]
!!! tip
Attribute *values* of the `[PHONE]` and `[FITBIT]` sections in every participant file are optional which allows you to analyze data from participants that only carried smartphones, only Fitbit devices, or both.
??? hint "Optional: Migrating participants files with the old format"
If you were using the pre-release version of RAPIDS with participant files in plain text (as opposed to yaml), you can run the following command and your old files will be converted into yaml files stored in `data/external/participant_files/`
python tools/update_format_participant_files.py
### Structure of participants files
!!! example "Example of the structure of a participant file"
In this example, the participant used an android phone, an ios phone, and a fitbit device throughout the study between Apr 23rd 2020 and Oct 28th 2020
DEVICE_IDS: [a748ee1a-1d0b-4ae9-9074-279a2b6ba524, dsadas-2324-fgsf-sdwr-gdfgs4rfsdf43]
PLATFORMS: [android,ios]
LABEL: test01
START_DATE: 2020-04-23
END_DATE: 2020-10-28
DEVICE_IDS: [fitbit1]
LABEL: test01
START_DATE: 2020-04-23
END_DATE: 2020-10-28
**For `[PHONE]`**
| Key                      | Description |
| `[DEVICE_IDS]` | An array of the strings that uniquely identify each smartphone, you can have more than one for when participants changed phones in the middle of the study, in this case, data from all their devices will be joined and relabeled with the last 1 on this list. |
| `[PLATFORMS]` | An array that specifies the OS of each smartphone in `[DEVICE_IDS]` , use a combination of `android` or `ios` (we support participants that changed platforms in the middle of your study!). If you have an `aware_device` table in your database you can set `[PLATFORMS]: [multiple]` and RAPIDS will infer them automatically. |
| `[LABEL]` | A string that is used in reports and visualizations. |
| `[START_DATE]` | A string with format `YYY-MM-DD` . Only data collected *after* this date will be included in the analysis |
| `[END_DATE]` | A string with format `YYY-MM-DD` . Only data collected *before* this date will be included in the analysis |
**For `[FITBIT]`**
| Key                      | Description |
| `[DEVICE_IDS]` | An array of the strings that uniquely identify each Fitbit, you can have more than one in case the participant changed devices in the middle of the study, in this case, data from all devices will be joined and relabeled with the last `device_id` on this list. |
| `[LABEL]` | A string that is used in reports and visualizations. |
| `[START_DATE]` | A string with format `YYY-MM-DD` . Only data collected *after* this date will be included in the analysis |
| `[END_DATE]` | A string with format `YYY-MM-DD` . Only data collected *before* this date will be included in the analysis |
### Automatic creation of participant files
You have two options a) use the `aware_device` table in your database or b) use a CSV file. In either case, in your `config.yaml`, set `[PHONE_SECTION][ADD]` or `[FITBIT_SECTION][ADD]` to `TRUE` depending on what devices you used in your study. Set `[DEVICE_ID_COLUMN]` to the name of the column that uniquely identifies each device and include any device ids you want to ignore in `[IGNORED_DEVICE_IDS]`.
=== "aware_device table"
Set the following keys in your `config.yaml`
DATABASE_GROUP: *database_group
TIMEZONE: *timezone
DEVICE_ID_COLUMN: device_id # column name
DEVICE_ID_COLUMN: fitbit_id # column name
Then run
snakemake -j1 create_participants_files
=== "CSV file"
Set the following keys in your `config.yaml`.
CSV_FILE_PATH: "your_path/to_your.csv"
TIMEZONE: *timezone
DEVICE_ID_COLUMN: device_id # column name
DEVICE_ID_COLUMN: fitbit_id # column name
Your CSV file (`[SOURCE][CSV_FILE_PATH]`) should have the following columns but you can omit any values you don't have on each column:
| Column | Description |
| phone device id | The name of this column has to match `[PHONE_SECTION][DEVICE_ID_COLUMN]`. Separate multiple ids with `;` |
| fitbit device id | The name of this column has to match `[FITBIT_SECTION][DEVICE_ID_COLUMN]`. Separate multiple ids with `;` |
| pid | Unique identifiers with the format pXXX (your participant files will be named with this string |
| platform | Use `android`, `ios` or `multiple` as explained above, separate values with `;` |
| label | A human readable string that is used in reports and visualizations. |
| start_date | A string with format `YYY-MM-DD`. |
| end_date | A string with format `YYY-MM-DD`. |
!!! example
Then run
snakemake -j1 create_participants_files
## Time Segments
Time segments (or epochs) are the time windows on which you want to extract behavioral features. For example, you might want to process data on every day, every morning, or only during weekends. RAPIDS offers three categories of time segments that are flexible enough to cover most use cases: **frequency** (short time windows every day), **periodic** (arbitrary time windows on any day), and **event** (arbitrary time windows around events of interest). See also our [examples](#segment-examples).
=== "Frequency Segments"
These segments are computed on every day and all have the same duration (for example 30 minutes). Set the following keys in your `config.yaml`
TIME_SEGMENTS: &time_segments
FILE: "data/external/your_frequency_segments.csv"
The file pointed by `[TIME_SEGMENTS][FILE]` should have the following format and can only have 1 row.
| Column | Description |
| label | A string that is used as a prefix in the name of your time segments |
| length | An integer representing the duration of your time segments in minutes |
!!! example
This configuration will compute 48 time segments for every day when any data from any participant was sensed. For example:
=== "Periodic Segments"
These segments can be computed every day, or on specific days of the week, month, quarter, and year. Their minimum duration is 1 minute but they can be as long as you want. Set the following keys in your `config.yaml`.
TIME_SEGMENTS: &time_segments
FILE: "data/external/your_periodic_segments.csv"
If `[INCLUDE_PAST_PERIODIC_SEGMENTS]` is set to `TRUE`, RAPIDS will consider instances of your segments back enough in the past as to include the first row of data of each participant. For example, if the first row of data from a participant happened on Saturday March 7th 2020 and the requested segment duration is 7 days starting on every Sunday, the first segment to be considered would start on Sunday March 1st if `[INCLUDE_PAST_PERIODIC_SEGMENTS]` is `TRUE` or on Sunday March 8th if `FALSE`.
The file pointed by `[TIME_SEGMENTS][FILE]` should have the following format and can have multiple rows.
| Column | Description |
| label | A string that is used as a prefix in the name of your time segments. It has to be **unique** between rows |
| start_time | A string with format `HH:MM:SS` representing the starting time of this segment on any day |
| length | A string representing the length of this segment.It can have one or more of the following strings **`XXD XXH XXM XXS`** to represent days, hours, minutes and seconds. For example `7D 23H 59M 59S` |
| repeats_on | One of the follow options `every_day`, `wday`, `qday`, `mday`, and `yday`. The last four represent a week, quarter, month and year day |
| repeats_value | An integer complementing `repeats_on`. If you set `repeats_on` to `every_day` set this to `0`, otherwise `1-7` represent a `wday` starting from Mondays, `1-31` represent a `mday`, `1-91` represent a `qday`, and `1-366` represent a `yday` |
!!! example
daily,00:00:00,23H 59M 59S,every_day,0
morning,06:00:00,5H 59M 59S,every_day,0
afternoon,12:00:00,5H 59M 59S,every_day,0
evening,18:00:00,5H 59M 59S,every_day,0
night,00:00:00,5H 59M 59S,every_day,0
This configuration will create five segments instances (`daily`, `morning`, `afternoon`, `evening`, `night`) on any given day (`every_day` set to 0). The `daily` segment will start at midnight and will last `23:59:59`, the other four segments will start at 6am, 12pm, 6pm, and 12am respectively and last for `05:59:59`.
=== "Event segments"
These segments can be computed before or after an event of interest (defined as any UNIX timestamp). Their minimum duration is 1 minute but they can be as long as you want. The start of each segment can be shifted backwards or forwards from the specified timestamp. Set the following keys in your `config.yaml`.
TIME_SEGMENTS: &time_segments
FILE: "data/external/your_event_segments.csv"
The file pointed by `[TIME_SEGMENTS][FILE]` should have the following format and can have multiple rows.
| Column | Description |
| label | A string that is used as a prefix in the name of your time segments. If labels are unique, every segment is independent; if two or more segments have the same label, their data will be grouped when computing auxiliary data for features like the `most frequent contact` for calls (the most frequent contact will be computed across all these segments). There cannot be two *overlaping* event segments with the same label (RAPIDS will throw an error) |
| event_timestamp | A UNIX timestamp that represents the moment an event of interest happened (clinical relapse, survey, readmission, etc.). The corresponding time segment will be computed around this moment using `length`, `shift`, and `shift_direction` |
| length | A string representing the length of this segment. It can have one or more of the following keys `XXD XXH XXM XXS` to represent a number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds. For example `7D 23H 59M 59S` |
| shift | A string representing the time shift from `event_timestamp`. It can have one or more of the following keys `XXD XXH XXM XXS` to represent a number of days, hours, minutes and seconds. For example `7D 23H 59M 59S`. Use this value to change the start of a segment with respect to its `event_timestamp`. For example, set this variable to `1H` to create a segment that starts 1 hour from an event of interest (`shift_direction` determines if it's before or after). |
| shift_direction | An integer representing whether the `shift` is before (`-1`) or after (`1`) an `event_timestamp` |
|device_id| The device id (smartphone or fitbit) to whom this segment belongs to. You have to create a line in this event segment file for each event of a participant that you want to analyse. If you have participants with multiple device ids you can choose any of them|
!!! example
This example will create eight segments for a single participant (`a748ee1a...`), five independent `stressX` segments with various lengths (1,4,3,7, and 9 hours). Segments `stress1`, `stress3`, and `stress5` are shifted forwards by 5 minutes and `stress2` and `stress4` are shifted backwards by 4 hours (that is, if the `stress4` event happened on March 15th at 1pm EST (`1584291600000`), the time segment will start on that day at 9am and end at 4pm).
The three `mood` segments are 1 hour, 1 day and 7 days long and have no shift. In addition, these `mood` segments are grouped together, meaning that although RAPIDS will compute features on each one of them, some necessary information to compute a few of such features will be extracted from all three segments, for example the phone contact that called a participant the most or the location clusters visited by a participant.
### Segment Examples
=== "5-minutes"
Use the following `Frequency` segment file to create 288 (12 * 60 * 24) 5-minute segments starting from midnight of every day in your study
=== "Daily"
Use the following `Periodic` segment file to create daily segments starting from midnight of every day in your study
daily,00:00:00,23H 59M 59S,every_day,0
=== "Morning"
Use the following `Periodic` segment file to create morning segments starting at 06:00:00 and ending at 11:59:59 of every day in your study
morning,06:00:00,5H 59M 59S,every_day,0
=== "Overnight"
Use the following `Periodic` segment file to create overnight segments starting at 20:00:00 and ending at 07:59:59 (next day) of every day in your study
morning,20:00:00,11H 59M 59S,every_day,0
=== "Weekly"
Use the following `Periodic` segment file to create **non-overlapping** weekly segments starting at midnight of every **Monday** in your study
weekly,00:00:00,6D 23H 59M 59S,wday,1
Use the following `Periodic` segment file to create **overlapping** weekly segments starting at midnight of **every day** in your study
weekly,00:00:00,6D 23H 59M 59S,every_day,0
=== "Week-ends"
Use the following `Periodic` segment file to create week-end segments starting at midnight of every **Saturday** in your study
weekend,00:00:00,1D 23H 59M 59S,wday,6
=== "Around surveys"
Use the following `Event` segment file to create two 2-hour segments that start 1 hour before surveys answered by 3 participants
## Device Data Source Configuration
You might need to modify the following config keys in your `config.yaml` depending on what devices your participants used and where you are storing your data. You can ignore `[PHONE_DATA_CONFIGURATION]` or `[FITBIT_DATA_CONFIGURATION]` if you are not working with either devices.
=== "Phone"
The relevant `config.yaml` section looks like this by default:
DATABASE_GROUP: *database_group
DEVICE_ID_COLUMN: device_id # column name
TYPE: SINGLE # SINGLE (MULTIPLE support coming soon)
VALUE: *timezone
**Parameters for `[PHONE_DATA_CONFIGURATION]`**
| Key | Description |
| `[SOURCE] [TYPE]` | Only `DATABASE` is supported (phone data will be pulled from a database) |
| `[SOURCE] [DATABASE_GROUP]` | `*database_group` points to the value defined before in [Database credentials](#database-credentials) |
| `[SOURCE] [DEVICE_ID_COLUMN]` | A column that contains strings that uniquely identify smartphones. For data collected with AWARE this is usually `device_id` |
| `[TIMEZONE] [TYPE]` | Only `SINGLE` is supported for now |
| `[TIMEZONE] [VALUE]` | `*timezone` points to the value defined before in [Timezone of your study](#timezone-of-your-study) |
=== "Fitbit"
The relevant `config.yaml` section looks like this by default:
TYPE: DATABASE # DATABASE or FILES (set each [FITBIT_SENSOR][TABLE] attribute with a table name or a file path accordingly)
DATABASE_GROUP: *database_group
DEVICE_ID_COLUMN: device_id # column name
TYPE: SINGLE # Fitbit devices don't support time zones so we read this data in the timezone indicated by VALUE
VALUE: *timezone
**Parameters for For `[FITBIT_DATA_CONFIGURATION]`**
| Key | Description |
| `[SOURCE]` `[TYPE]` | `DATABASE` or `FILES` (set each `[FITBIT_SENSOR]` `[TABLE]` attribute accordingly with a table name or a file path) |
| `[SOURCE]` `[COLUMN_FORMAT]` | `JSON` or `PLAIN_TEXT`. Column format of the source data. If you pulled your data directly from the Fitbit API the column containing the sensor data will be in `JSON` format |
| `[SOURCE]` `[DATABASE_GROUP]` | `*database_group` points to the value defined before in [Database credentials](#database-credentials). Only used if `[TYPE]` is `DATABASE` . |
| `[SOURCE]` `[DEVICE_ID_COLUMN]` | A column that contains strings that uniquely identify Fitbit devices. |
| `[TIMEZONE]` `[TYPE]` | Only `SINGLE` is supported (Fitbit devices always store data in local time). |
| `[TIMEZONE]` `[VALUE]` | `*timezone` points to the value defined before in [Timezone of your study](#timezone-of-your-study) |
## Sensor and Features to Process
Finally, you need to modify the `config.yaml` section of the sensors you want to extract behavioral features from. All sensors follow the same naming nomenclature (`DEVICE_SENSOR`) and parameter structure which we explain in the [Behavioral Features Introduction](../../features/feature-introduction/).
!!! done
Head over to [Execution](../execution/) to learn how to execute RAPIDS.