
Jure Podgoršek 2018-08-11 01:36:47 +02:00
parent e8e76bb716
commit 1ccb3d14a1
7 changed files with 64 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/three.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/audioRecorder.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/audioRecorderWorker.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/NoSleep.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/compiled/sliva.js"></script>

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -32,4 +32,5 @@
(.enable (js/NoSleep.))

View File

@ -8,9 +8,11 @@
;; ☭☭☭☭ Parametri razni ☭☭☭☭ ;;
;;;;; ☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭ ;;;;;;
{:odmik-kamere 100
:rotacija-kamere 1
;;:rotacija-kamere 1
:rotacija-kamere 0.5
:bg-barva 0x000000
:FOV 140
;;:FOV 140
:FOV 65
:lik-sirina 2
:obj-limit 1000
:objekti []
@ -21,8 +23,10 @@
:center-x 0
:center-y 0
:center-z 0
:zamik-barve 0.0000666
:zacetna-barva 0.333
;;:zamik-barve 0.0000666
:zamik-barve 0.000000006
;;:zacetna-barva 0.333
:zacetna-barva 0.01
:saturacija 1
:svetlost 0.4
:w-diff 0.5

View File

@ -52,30 +52,37 @@
(let [obj (js/THREE.Line. geo mat (.-LineSegments js/THREE))
position (.-position obj)
stari-objekti (drop (get-param :obj-limit) (get-param :objekti))
novi-objekti (conj (take (get-param :obj-limit) (get-param :objekti))
(-> position
(.setX (get-param :center-x))
(.setY (get-param :center-y))
(.setZ (get-param :center-z)))
(.add scena obj)
(->> stari-objekti
(run! (fn [old-obj]
(.remove scena old-obj))))
;; pucaj sceno ane
(set-param :objekti novi-objekti))))
(defn obj-anim [obj]
(.rotateY obj (get-param :rotacija-y))
(.rotateZ obj (get-param :rotacija-z))
(.rotateX obj (get-param :rotacija-x))
(let [new-scale (+ (aget obj "scale" "x")
(let [position (.-position obj)
new-scale (+ (aget obj "scale" "x")
(get-param :w-diff))]
(aset obj "scale" "x" new-scale)
(aset obj "scale" "y" new-scale)
(aset obj "scale" "z" new-scale))
(doto position
(.setX (+ (.-x position) (get-param :center-x)))
(.setY (+ (.-y position) (get-param :center-y)))
(.setZ (+ (.-z position) (get-param :center-z))))
(.offsetHSL (aget obj "material" "color") (get-param :zamik-barve) 0 0))
(doto obj
(.rotateY (get-param :rotacija-y))
(.rotateZ (get-param :rotacija-z))
(.rotateX (get-param :rotacija-x))
(aset "scale" "x" new-scale)
(aset "scale" "y" new-scale)
(aset "scale" "z" new-scale))
(.offsetHSL (aget obj "material" "color") (get-param :zamik-barve) 0 0)))
(defn cam-rotate []
(.translateX kamera (get-param :rotacija-kamere))
@ -118,14 +125,14 @@
(.removeChild container (.-firstChild container)))
(defn spin-objects [[cas a b g]]
;; (update-param :rotacija-x (fn [old] (+ old (/ x 1000))))
;; (update-param :rotacija-y (fn [old] (+ old (/ y 1000))))
;; (update-param :rotacija-z (fn [old] (+ old (/ z 1000)))))
;;(update-param :rotacija-x (fn [old] (+ old (/ a 100000))))
;;(update-param :rotacija-y (fn [old] (+ old (/ b 100000))))
;;(update-param :rotacija-z (fn [old] (+ old (/ g 100000)))))
(set-param :rotacija-x (/ a 10000))
(set-param :rotacija-y (/ b 10000))
(set-param :rotacija-z (/ g 10000)))
(defn displace-objects [[cas x y z]]
(update-param :center-x (fn [old] (+ old (* x 10))))
(update-param :center-y (fn [old] (+ old (* y 10))))
(update-param :center-z (fn [old] (+ old (* z 10)))))
(update-param :center-x (fn [old] (+ old (/ x 25))))
(update-param :center-y (fn [old] (+ old (/ y 25))))
(update-param :center-z (fn [old] (+ old (/ z 25)))))

View File

@ -19,13 +19,27 @@
(defn stop-motion-track []
(.removeEventListener js/window "devicemotion" motion-track))
(def rotation (reagent/atom nil))
(defn rotation-track [event]
(let [alpha (.-alpha event)
beta (.-beta event)
gamma (.-gamma event)
cas (-> (js/Date.)
(send-message "rotation" cas alpha beta gamma)))
(console.log "rotation:" @rotation)
(if @rotation
(let [da (- (:a @rotation) alpha)
db (- (:b @rotation) beta)
dg (- (:g @rotation) gamma)]
(swap! rotation merge {:a alpha
:b beta
:g gamma}))))
(defn start-rotation-track []
(.addEventListener js/window "deviceorientation" rotation-track))
@ -42,13 +56,18 @@
:component-will-unmount (fn []
:should-component-update #(true)
(fn []
[:h3 "gibaj me!"]
(let [vizual [:vizual @appstate]]
[:input {:type "range"
:min 0
:max 50}])
[:h4 "Rotacija"]
[:div "Alfa:" (:a @rotation)]
[:div "Beta:" (:b @rotation)]
[:div "Gama:" (:g @rotation)]]
[:input {:type "range"
:min 0
:max 50}]

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@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
(send-all "open" [cid])
(go-loop []
(let [{:keys [message]} (<! ws-ch)]
(println "GOT MSG!" message)
;;(println "GOT MSG!" message)
(let [[cmd & args] (str/split message #":")]
(println "command" cmd args)
;;(println "command" cmd args)
(condp = cmd
"ping" (>! ws-ch "pong")
"motion" (send-all "displace" args)