Add installation guide

loopier 2022-03-02 21:05:15 +01:00
parent 1c8f642647
commit 4fbafb31f6
1 changed files with 29 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Installation
Start Arduino as root.
## Setup board
- In `Arduino/Preferences` add `` to **Additional Boards Manager URLs**.
- In `Arduino/Tools/Boards/Boards Manager/` search for **esp32** and install it.
- In `Arduino/Tools/Boards/ESP Arduino/` select **ESP32S2 Dev Module**.
- In `Arduino/Tools/Port/` select **/dev/ttyUSB0**.
## Add libraries
### OSC
- Download **OSC** as `.ZIP` file from
- In `Arduino/Sketch/Include Library/` click **Add .ZIP Library...**
- Choose the .zip file you downloaded from the repo.
- In `Arduino/Sketch/Include Library/` selecte **OSC**.
### MPU6050
- In `Arduino/Sketch/Include Library/Manage Libraries` serach for **MPU6050** and install it (*WARNING:* plain *MPU6050*, not any *xxxMPU5060xxx*)
## Python serial
In a terminal run:
`sudo pip install pyserial`