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# OSCMessage
An OSCMessage is an address followed by any number of data. Messages can have mixed data types like an integer followed by a string followed by a float, etc.
## Constructor
OSCMessages can be constructed with or without an address.
### `OSCMessage(const char *)`
Set the address of the message in the constructor
OSCMessage msg("/address");
### `OSCMessage()`
An OSCMessage constructed without an address is not valid until it is given an address.
## Add/Set Data
### `OSCMessage& add(int i)`
Append an integer to the OSCMessage.
### `OSCMessage& add(float f)`
Append a float to the OSCMessage.
### `OSCMessage& add(bool b)`
Append a boolean to the OSCMessage.
### `OSCMessage& add(const char * str)`
Append a string to the OSCMessage.
### `OSCMessage& add(uint8_t * blob, int length)`
Append a [blob](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_large_object) to the OSCMessage. Pass in the length of the blob as the second argument.
### `OSCMessage& set(int position, Type data)`
Replace the data at the given position with the data. `Type` can be any of the supported data types.
//replace the data at the 0th position with a string
msg.set(0, "string");
### `OSCMessage& set(int position, uint8_t * data, int length)`
Set the data at the given position to be a blob of the given length.
### `OSCMessage& add(double d)`
Append a double precision floating point value to the OSCMessage. NOTE: double is not supported on most Arduino platforms. It will fall back to float, when double is not supported.
## Get Data
### `int getInt(int position)`
Returns the integer at the given position
//returns the integer at the third position
### `float getFloat(int position)`
Returns the float at the given position
### `bool getBoolean(int position)`
Returns the boolean at the given position
### `double getDouble(int position)`
Returns the double at the given position. NOTE: double is not supported by most Arduino platforms. This will fail silently if double is not supported.
### `int getString(int position, char * strBuffer)`
Copy the strings characters into the `strBuffer`, without any safety check.
Returns the number of copied characters.
### `int getString(int position, char * strBuffer, int length)`
Copy the strings characters into the `strBuffer`, after checking that this doesnt exceed the buffers `length`.
Returns the number of copied characters. NOTE that if the string length is greater than the available buffer length, then NO characters are copied.
### `int getString(int position, char * strBuffer, int length, int offset, int size)`
Copy `size` number of characters from the given `offset` into the `strBuffer`, after checking that this doesnt exceed the buffers `length`. Returns `size`, even if the number of copied characters is lower.
char str[8];
//fill str with 8 characters from the 0th datum
msg.getString(0, str, 8, 0, 8);
### `int getBlob(int position, uint8_t * blobBuffer)`
Directly copy the blobs bytes into the `blob` buffer (without safety-check).
Returns the number of bytes from the blob.
### `int getBlob(int position, uint8_t * blobBuffer, int length)`
Copy the blob's bytes into the given `blobBuffer`, if the blob's size doesnt exceed the blobBuffer's `length`.
Returns the number of bytes copied from the blob. NOTE that if the blob length is greater than the available buffer length, then NO bytes are copied.
### `int getBlob(int position, uint8_t * blobBuffer, int length, int offset, int size)`
Copy `size` bytes from the blob, starting from `offset`, into the given `blobBuffer`, if the size doesnt exceed the buffers `length` or the blobs data length.
Returns the number of bytes copied from the blob. NOTE that if the requested size is greater than *either* the available buffer length *or* the (partial) blob length, then NO bytes are copied.
### `const uint8_t* getBlob(int position)`
Get a pointer to blob data.
### `int getBlobLength(int position)`
Returns the length of the blob in bytes.
### `char getType(int position)`
Returns the type of the data at the given position.
OSCMessage msg("/address");
msg.getType(0); //-> returns 'i'
## Query Data
### `bool isInt(int position)`
Returns `true` when the data at the given position is an integer.
### `bool isFloat(int position)`
Returns `true` when the data at the given position is a float.
### `bool isBoolean(int position)`
Returns `true` when the data at the given position is a boolean.
### `bool isString(int position)`
Returns `true` when the data at the given position is a string.
### `bool isBlob(int position)`
Returns `true` when the data at the given position is a blob.
### `bool isDouble(int position)`
Returns `true` when the data at the given position is a double.
### `int size()`
Returns the number of data the OSCMessage has.
### `int bytes()`
Returns the size of the OSCMessage in bytes (if everything is 32-bit aligned).
## Address
### `OSCMessage& setAddress(const char * address)`
Set the address of the OSCMessage.
### `int getAddress(char * str, int offset=0)`
Copy the address of the OSCMessage into the `str` buffer. Copy after the given address `offset` (defaults to 0). Returns the length of the resulting string. If the offset is past the end of the address an empty string / zero length are returned.
### `int getAddress(char * str, int offset, int len)`
Copy a maximum of len characters of the address of the OSCMessage into the `str` buffer, starting at at the given address `offset`. Returns the length of the resulting string. If the offset is past the end of the address an empty string / zero length are returned.
### `int getAddressLength(int offset=0)`
Returns the length of the OSCMessage's address, starting after the given address `offset` (defaults to 0). If the offset is
greater than the address length then it returns zero.
### `const char* getAddress()`
Get a pointer to the address as a C string.
## Send Receive
### `OSCMessage& send(Print &p)`
Output the message to the given transport layer which extends Arduino's [Print class](http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/Printclass) like the `Serial` out.
### `OSCMessage& fill(uint8_t incomingByte)`
Add the incoming byte to the OSCMessage where it will be decoded.
### `OSCMessage& fill(uint8_t * bytes, int length)`
Add and decode the array of `bytes` as an OSCMessage.
## Matching / Routing
### `bool fullMatch( const char * pattern, int offset = 0)`
Returns true if the message's address is a full match to the given `pattern` after the `offset`.
OSCMessage msg("/a/0");
msg.fullMatch("/0", 2); // ->returns true
### `int match( const char * pattern, int offset = 0)`
Returns the number of matched characters of the message's address against the given `pattern` (optionally with an `offset`). Unlike `fullMatch`, `match` allows for partial matches
OSCMessage msg("/a/0");
msg.match("/a"); // ->returns 2
### `bool dispatch(const char * pattern, void (*callback)(OSCMessage &), int offset = 0)`
Invoke the given `callback` if the address is a full match with the `pattern` (after the `offset`). The message is passed into the callback function. Returns true if the pattern was a match and the callback function was invoked.
### `bool route(const char * pattern, void (*callback)(OSCMessage &, int), int offset = 0)`
Invoke the given `callback` if the address if a match with the `pattern` (after the `offset`). The OSCMessage and the address offset is passed into the callback function. Returns true if the pattern was a match and the callback function was invoked.
//define a callback function for matching messages
void routeCallback(OSCMessage & message, int addressOffset){
//do something with the message...
//with the message below, the addressOffset will equal 2.
OSCMessage msg("/a/0");
msg.route("/a", routeCallback);
## Address Patterns
OSCMessages can be constructed with patterns and later routed or dispatched against addresses.
OSCMessage msg("/{a,b}/[0-9]");
msg.route("/a/0", a0_callback); //matches the address
msg.route("/b/2", b2_callback); //matches the address
msg.route("/c/11", c11_callback); //not invoked
# OSCBundle
A bundle is a group of OSCMessages with a timetag.
## Constructor
### `OSCBundle()`
Construct an empty OSCBundle.
### `OSCBundle(osctime_t = zerotime)`
Construct the bundle with a timetag. timetag defaults to 0 (immediate).
## Add OSCMessage
### `OSCMessage & add(char * address)`
Create a new message with the given `address` in the bundle. Returns the newly created OSCMessage.
//create a new OSCMessage and add some data to it
## Get OSCMessage
### `OSCMessage * getOSCMessage(int position)`
Return the OSCMessage in the bundle at the given `position`.
OSCBundle bundle
bundle.getOSCMessage(0);//returns the OSCMessage with the address "/a".
### `OSCMessage * getOSCMessage(char * address)`
Return the OSCMessage in the bundle which matches the given address.
OSCBundle bundle
bundle.getOSCMessage("/b");//returns the second OSCMessage in the bundle
## Routing
### `bool dispatch(const char * pattern, void (*callback)(OSCMessage&), int offset = 0)`
Invoke the `callback` function with all messages in the bundle which match the given pattern after the offset.
bundle.dispatch("/0", dispatchZero, 2);
### `bool route(const char * pattern, void (*callback)(OSCMessage &, int), int offset = 0)`
Invoke the `callback` with all the OSCMessages in the bundle which match the given `pattern`. `route` allows for partial matches.
## Send/Receive
### `OSCBundle& send(Print &p)`
Output the bundle to the given transport layer which extends Arduino's [Print class](http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/Printclass) (such as `SLIPSerial` out).
### `OSCBundle& fill(uint8_t incomingByte)`
Add the incoming byte to the OSCBundle where it will be decoded.
### `OSCBundle& fill(uint8_t * bytes, int length)`
Add and decode the array of bytes as an OSCBundle.
# Chaining
Many methods return `this` which enables you to string together multiple commands.
This technique allows multiple lines to be condensed into one: