James Young a03aa301de
Remove Full Bootmagic (#13846)
* disambiguate Bootmagic rules in keymaps

The files edited by this commit were added at a point in time where `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = yes` enabled full Bootmagic.

This commit edits the files to specify that full Bootmagic is intended.

* remove BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE=full setting

* unify commented BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE rules in keyboards

Explicitly sets `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = no` in keyboards where the rule was commented out.


find keyboards/ -type f -name 'rules.mk' -and -not -path '*/keymaps/*' -exec sed -i -e 's;#[ \t]*\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE\)[ \t=]\+\([a-zA-Z]\+\).*;\1 = no       # Virtual DIP switch configuration;g' {} +

* remove commented Bootmagic rules from keymap/user level


find keyboards/ layouts/ users/ -type f -name 'rules.mk' -exec sed -i -e '/#.*\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE\)[ \t=]\+\([a-z]\+\).*/d' {} +

* update keyboard BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE rule formatting

Sets the formatting of BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE rules to `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = [value]`, without the inline comments (which will be replaced later).


find keyboards/ -type f -name 'rules.mk' -and -not -path '*/keymaps/*' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE\)[ \t=]\+\([a-z]\+\).*;\1 = \2;g' '{}' +

* update keyboards' BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE settings

Updates keyboard `rules.mk` files to use `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = lite` where `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = full` was being used.


find keyboards/ -type f -name 'rules.mk' -and -not -path '*/keymaps/*' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = \)full;\1lite;g' '{}' +

* update keymap/user BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE settings

Updates keymap/user `rules.mk` files to use `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = lite` where `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = full` was being used.


find keyboards/ -type f -name 'rules.mk' -and -path '*/keymaps/*' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE[ \t=]\+\)full;\1lite;g' '{}' +
find layouts/community/ users/ -type f -name 'rules.mk' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE[ \t=]\+\)full;\1lite;g' '{}' +

* remove and replace inline comments in keyboards and keymap/user files

Removes and replaces the inline comments, which have been updated to read `Enable Bootmagic Lite`.


find keyboards/ -type f -name 'rules.mk' -and -path '*/keymaps/*' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE\)[ \t=]\+\([a-z]\+\).*;\1 = \2;g' '{}' +
find layouts/community/ users/ -type f -name 'rules.mk' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE\)[ \t=]\+\([a-z]\+\).*;\1 = \2;g' '{}' +
find keyboards/ layouts/community/ users/ -type f -name 'rules.mk' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = lite\);\1     # Enable Bootmagic Lite;g' '{}' +
find keyboards/ layouts/community/ users/ -type f -name 'rules.mk' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = yes\);\1      # Enable Bootmagic Lite;g' '{}' +
find keyboards/ layouts/community/ users/ -type f -name 'rules.mk' -exec sed -i -e 's;\(BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE = no\);\1       # Enable Bootmagic Lite;g' '{}' +

* rename improperly named makefiles

Some files intended to be used as makefiles had improper names causing them to not be used as intended when building.

This commit corrects the filenames of the affected files.

* update renamed file with new rule formatting

* update QMK's template files

Updates QMK's `rules.mk` templates to use the new inline comment.

* update QMK Docs

- remove documentation of full Bootmagic
- update links to Bootmagic Lite doc
- add doc for Magic Keycodes

* rules.mk patch for coarse/ixora and coarse/vinta
2021-08-06 23:59:56 -07:00
README.md Userspace update for user bbaserdem (#3443) 2018-07-18 20:17:55 -07:00
bbaserdem.c [Bug] Develop - Change uint32_t to layer_state_t (#13596) 2021-07-19 09:50:55 -07:00
bbaserdem.h Remove redundant KC_TRNS and KC_NO fillers in userspace (#5140) 2019-02-15 16:18:13 -08:00
config.h Userspace update for user bbaserdem (#3443) 2018-07-18 20:17:55 -07:00
rules.mk Remove Full Bootmagic (#13846) 2021-08-06 23:59:56 -07:00



I have mostly ortholinear keyboards, which share a lot of functions. For this purpose, I collected them here.

I have the following keymaps:

  • Gherkin (Does not use the user space)
  • XD75RE (Uses different keymap)
  • Let's Split
  • Let's Split It Up
  • Planck


I use DVORAK with an unorthodox Turkish layout. If you wanna grab my code, and you used a layout with a persistent base layer change, change it to layer 0 before proceeding.


  • Dvorak: Base layer,with dvorak layout.
  • Alternative: Has alternate characters.
  • Game: Toggled from Function, comfortable for gaming use.
  • Numeric: Has numericals and symbols. Can be locked.
  • Function: Layer has media and function keys.
  • Mouse: Manipulates mouse. Can be locked.
  • Music Allows playing sounds.


  • RGB Backlight: With layer indication, and ability to change base layer lighting mode.
  • Secrets: By placing a secrets.h, and not tracking it, passwords can be stored.
  • Mouse: Mouse emulation, complete with diagonal keys.
  • Turkish: An AltGr-like overlay that allows some non-common letters, in unicode.

I suggest checking out how I enabled Turkish keys, how I planned out RGB lighting, and my mouse implementation; they might offer some insight into fringe user cases.


All features are too big for the 32kB bootloader. Offenders are audio and rgb lights; it comes down to one or the other.

~The Proton board, and rev 6 might fix that.~


I have previously written my keymap by myself before, but I rewrote it here,