Commit Graph

14 Commits (2728603fe6d73e805a539d337fd01051c46ca806)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Joel Challis 2728603fe6
Move tmk_core/common/<plat> (#13918) 2021-11-19 10:41:02 -08:00
Sergey Vlasov 2d3bd7cfcf
Fix OLED timeout on satisfaction75 after migration from QWIIC (#14780)
The custom OLED_OFF mode implemented on satisfaction75 is incompatible
with the OLED_TIMEOUT feature (the OLED_TIMEOUT code assumes that any
key or encoder action should turn the OLED display on, and does not
provide any way to disable that behavior).  To keep the OLED_OFF mode
functioning as before while still having a working OLED idle timeout, a
custom implementation of the OLED idle timeout code is added.
2021-10-10 17:01:29 +01:00
Joel Challis 22cafb9a20
Migrate satisfaction75 away from QWIIC_DRIVERS (#14747)
* stash

* refactor old draw

* refactor old draw - tidy

* refactor old draw - tidy

* refactor old draw - reorder for diffs

* refactor old draw - reorder for diffs
2021-10-09 14:46:47 +01:00
Xelus22 b73a29aaea
[Bug] Develop - Change uint32_t to layer_state_t (#13596)
* fix sat75

* update uint32_t to layer_state
2021-07-19 09:50:55 -07:00
Drashna Jaelre a0fed0ea17
Convert Encoder callbacks to be boolean functions (#12805)
Co-authored-by: James Young <>
2021-05-21 23:17:32 -07:00
Nick Brassel a0089aa345
Fixup Satisfaction75 bootprocess. (#12621)
- Use normal ChibiOS I2C driver.
- Move drawing code to housekeeping -- previously it was during matrix
  scan, which gets executed during bootmagic checks. However, bootmagic
  is invoked before QWIIC subsystem is enabled, which means I2C isn't
  configured yet. All I2C calls to the OLED fail with timeouts while
  bootmagic is being checked. Housekeeping ensures this is executed once
  the system has initialised and settled.
- QWIIC OLED driver: properly clear out OLED buffer when clearing screen.
2021-04-19 13:08:01 +10:00
Ryan 9366ed7282
Normalise include statements in keyboard code (#11185) 2020-12-16 14:27:23 +11:00
James Young c66df16644
2020 November 28 Breaking Changes Update (#11053)
* Branch point for 2020 November 28 Breaking Change                                                

* Remove matrix_col_t to allow MATRIX_ROWS > 32 (#10183)                                           

* Add support for soft serial to ATmega32U2 (#10204)                                               

* Change MIDI velocity implementation to allow direct control of velocity value (#9940)            

* Add ability to build a subset of all keyboards based on platform.                                

* Actually use eeprom_driver_init().                                                               

* Make bootloader_jump weak for ChibiOS. (#10417)                                                  

* Joystick 16-bit support (#10439)                                                                 

* Per-encoder resolutions (#10259)                                                                 

* Share button state from mousekey to pointing_device (#10179)                                     

* Add hotfix for chibios keyboards not wake (#10088)                                               

* Add advanced/efficient RGB Matrix Indicators (#8564)                                             

* Naming change.                                                                                   

* Support for STM32 GPIOF,G,H,I,J,K (#10206)                                                       

* Add milc as a dependency and remove the installed milc (#10563)                                  

* ChibiOS upgrade: early init conversions (#10214)                                                 

* ChibiOS upgrade: configuration file migrator (#9952)                                             

* Haptic and solenoid cleanup (#9700)                                                              

* XD75 cleanup (#10524)                                                                            

* OLED display update interval support (#10388)                                                    

* Add definition based on currently-selected serial driver. (#10716)                               

* New feature: Retro Tapping per key (#10622)                                                      

* Allow for modification of output RGB values when using rgblight/rgb_matrix. (#10638)             

* Add housekeeping task callbacks so that keyboards/keymaps are capable of executing code for each main loop iteration. (#10530)

* Rescale both ChibiOS and AVR backlighting.                                                       

* Reduce Helix keyboard build variation (#8669)                                                    

* Minor change to behavior allowing display updates to continue between task ticks (#10750)        

* Some GPIO manipulations in matrix.c change to atomic. (#10491)                                   

* qmk cformat (#10767)                                                                             

* [Keyboard] Update the Speedo firmware for v3.0 (#10657)                                          

* Maartenwut/Maarten namechange to evyd13/Evy (#10274)                                             

* [quantum] combine repeated lines of code (#10837)                                                

* Add step sequencer feature (#9703)                                                               

* aeboards/ext65 refactor (#10820)                                                                 

* Refactor xelus/dawn60 for Rev2 later (#10584)                                                    

* add DEBUG_MATRIX_SCAN_RATE_ENABLE to (#10824)                                 

* [Core] Added `add_oneshot_mods` & `del_oneshot_mods` (#10549)                                    

* update chibios os usb for the otg driver (#8893)                                                 

* Remove HD44780 References, Part 4 (#10735)                                                       

* [Keyboard] Add Valor FRL TKL (+refactor) (#10512)                                                

* Fix cursor position bug in oled_write_raw functions (#10800)                                     

* Fixup version.h writing when using SKIP_VERSION=yes (#10972)                                     

* Allow for certain code in the codebase assuming length of string. (#10974)                       

* Add AT90USB support for serial.c (#10706)                                                        

* Auto shift: support repeats and early registration (#9826)                                       

* Rename ledmatrix.h to match .c file (#7949)                                                      

* Split RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE into _ENABLE and _DRIVER (#10231)                                        

* Split LED_MATRIX_ENABLE into _ENABLE and _DRIVER (#10840)                                        

* Merge point for 2020 Nov 28 Breaking Change
2020-11-28 12:02:18 -08:00
Wilba 484a9b12bc Add VIA support for QMK backlight, QMK RGBLight (#7911)
* Add VIA support for QMK backlight, QMK RGBLight

* clang-format changes
2020-01-20 10:18:25 -08:00
Wilba 320822d75b VIA Configurator Refactor (#7268)
* VIA Refactor

* Remove old code

* review changes

* review changes

* Fix cannonkeys/satisfaction75/prototype:via build

* Add via.h to quantum.h

* Move backlight init to after backlight config load

* Merge branch 'master' into via_refactor_pr

* Update user's to new way of enabling VIA

* Added id_switch_matrix_state

* Review changes
2020-01-03 12:52:00 -08:00
Andrew Kannan e5aa28455e [Keyboard] 201909 s75 custom encoder (#6745)
* Handle custom encoder configuration

* Whitespace changes

* Undo broken stuff

* more

* Remove printfs

* fix the dumb bug
2019-09-18 17:41:46 -07:00
Wilba bffbb4b42d Refactoring PCBs, updating Rama Works U80-A (#6272)
* Added WT65-B, WT75-B, minor fixes

* Update keyboards/wilba_tech/wt65_b/config.h

Co-Authored-By: Drashna Jaelre <>

* Update keyboards/wilba_tech/wt65_b/

Co-Authored-By: fauxpark <>

* Update keyboards/wilba_tech/wt75_b/config.h

Co-Authored-By: Drashna Jaelre <>



* Move Zeal60/Zeal65 files to keyboards/wilba_tech


* Refactoring zeal60 code to wilba_tech

* Moved Rama Works PCBs to wilba_tech

* Rename Rama Works files

* Cleanup info.json

* Cleanup

* Cleanup USB device strings

* U80-A RGB matrix, IS31FL3731 driver changes

* Fixed #include from keyboards/zeal60
2019-07-21 07:46:22 -04:00
Andrew Kannan e046872a80 [Keyboard] Satisfaction75 Protoype/Rev1 split, and new VIA features (#5303)
* Add satisfaction75 revision 1

* Update manufacturer

* Add tester layout and update rev1 comments

* Add ifdef guards for OLED for tester

* Add oled disabling rules

* Update to save backlight settings and setup for VIA custom config

* Add new VIA values to satisfaction75

* Safety guard in clock set mode

* Fix mistaken doc edit

* Address PR comments

* bring the default back to pass travis CI

* Address further PR comments
2019-03-11 20:47:50 -07:00
Andrew Kannan 6b4549da8c Add Satisfaction75 to QMK, Enable EEPROM on stm32f072 (#5094)
* Add stm32f072 base ck4x4 to handwired

* add prints

* Save these tries

* Save changes again

* Working hadron oled

* OLEd working but ws2812b still iffy:

* save another try

* Encoder feature + OLED

* RTC code

* Implement clock setting mode

* Whitespace

* Encoder hooked up to working LED PWM code

* Add missing files

* eeprom changes

* Save changes

* Move i2c master

* Move satisfaction75 under cannonkeys

* Set proper default folder

* Revert some core changes

* Undo paved iris changes

* Reorganize code for maintainability and prep for new features

* Add starting code for clock OLED mode

* Clock set mode finished

* Add custom encoder modes

* Actually add VIA keymap

* Gate to only 072

* fix gate for only 072

* Update header guards and includes

* Update i2c selection strategy

* Update board.c to handle software reset to DFU
2019-02-13 08:03:26 -08:00