The idea behind this layout is to have an American Keyboard with accented vowels (for Italian) to avoid switching language on the Mac every time you switch form English to Italian and being able to get the advantages that comes with the American (ANSI) keyboard when you write in English, code, or just want to use keybaord shorcuts (most of which are based on the American Keybaord).
Some things I did, useful to you fi you want to have a look to the scheme or even replicate it for your language.
- [x] add keycode NUMPAD to toggle _NUMPAD (moved in users/sigul/sigul.h)
- [x] modify layer ADJUST to simplify remembering commands (Reset on R, Eeprom reset on E and so)
- [x] add custom keycodes ESCFN and TABFN on QUERTYi (default) layer to add the ability to use arrows with hjkl by activating layer FN when held with the definition LT(_FN,KC_ESC) and LT(_FN, KC_TAB)
- [x] added "#define USB_MAX_POWER_CONSUMPTION 100" in config.h to use the keyboard with the iPad (moved to users/sigul/config.h)
- [x] add "#define TAPPING_TOGGLE 3" in config.h to enable tapping toggle with 3 taps on LOWER and RAISE (moved to users/sigul/config.h)