| Not defined | Not defined | You are using the included matrix.c and debounce.c | Nothing. Debounce_sym_g used. |
| manual | Not defined | You are using the included matrix.c but your own debounce.c | ```SRC += debounce.c``` add your own debounce.c and implement necessary functions |
| sym_g / eager_pk | Not defined | You are using the included matrix.c and debounce.c | Nothing. Chosen debounce method used. |
| Not defined | YES | You have your own matrix.c, and your own debounce | Write the fully debounced matrix into matrix.c's matrix |
* Add your own ```debounce.c```. Look at included debounce.c's for sample implementations.
* Debouncing occurs after every raw matrix scan.
# Changing between included debouncing methods
You can either use your own code, by including your own debounce.c, or switch to another included one.
Included debounce methods are:
* debounce_eager_pk - debouncing per key. On any state change, response is immediate, followed by ```DEBOUNCE_DELAY``` millseconds of no further input for that key
* debounce_sym_g - debouncing per keyboard. On any state change, a global timer is set. When ```DEBOUNCE_DELAY``` milliseconds of no changes has occured, all input changes are pushed.