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These are some notes on installing ikiwiki on Mac OS X Snow Leopard. I have a three year old machine with a lot of stuff on it so it took quite a while, YMMV.
The best part of installing ikiwiki was learning how to use git. I never used source control before but its pretty slick.
## installing git:
curl http://kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-(latest version).tar.gz -O
tar xzvf git-(latest version).tar.gz
cd git-(latest version)
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
NO_MSGFMT=yes make prefix=/usr/local all
sudo make install
git config --global user.name "firstname lastname"
git config --global user.email "email here"
git config --global color.ui "auto"
curl http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-manpages- | sudo tar -xzC /opt/local/share/man/
## installing ikiwiki:
I had terrible trouble installing ikiwiki. It turned out I had accidentally installed Perl through ports. Uninstalling that made everything install nicely.
I like to install test software in /opt. No particular reason. You could install to defaults.
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/Library/Perl/5.10.0 LIB=/Library/Perl/5.10.0
perl Makefile.PL LIB=/Library/Perl/5.10.0
make install
sudo install -d /opt/ikiwiki
sudo install -m 0644 wikilist /opt/ikiwiki
sudo install -m 0644 auto.setup /opt/ikiwiki
sudo install -m 0644 auto-blog.setup /opt/ikiwiki
when you make ikiwiki it gives you a .git folder with the ikiwiki files. Stay out of this folder. You want to learn how to create a clone and make all your changes in the clone. When you push the changes ikiwiki will update. I moved a file in this folder by accident because I named my working file the same and I couldn't get into the setup page. I had apparently messed up my ikiwiki git repository. I did a pull into my clone, deleted the repository and webserver/ cgi folders and ran a new setup. Then I did a git clone and dragged all my old files into the new clone. Did the git dance and did git push. Then the angels sang.
## using git from inside a git folder:
start with git clone, then learn to do the git dance like this.
git pull
make your changes to your clone
git commit -a -m "message here"
git push
When you can't get into the setup page or you get strange behavior after a setup update the Utilities > Console app is your friend.
## installing gitweb
make GITWEB_PROJECTROOT="/opt/ikiwiki/" GITWEB_CSS="/gitweb/gitweb.css" GITWEB_LOGO="/gitweb/git-logo.png" GITWEB_FAVICON="/gitweb/git-favicon.png" bindir=/opt/local/bin
cp gitweb.cgi /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/gitweb/
sudo chmod 2755 gitweb.cgi
## installing xapian:
download xapian and omega
I needed pcre: sudo ports install pcre
sudo make install
## installing omega:
I had a build error do to libiconv undefined symbols. sudo port deactivate libiconv took care of it. After install I had trouble with ikiwiki so I did a sudo port install libiconv and ikiwiki came back.
sudo make install
## installing Search::Xapian from CPAN
for some reason this wouldn't install using CPAN console so I went to CPAN online and downloaded the source.
perl Makefile.PL
make test
sudo make install
it installed without issue so I'm baffled why it didn't install from command line.
## turning on search plugin:
I turned on the plugin from the setup page in ikiwiki but it gave an error when I went to search. Error "blah blah cgi-bin/omega/omega" does not exist or some such. I did a
find / -name "omega" -print
and found the omega program in
Then I went into the setup file and replaced the bad path, updated and badda-boom badda-bing.
Then I fell asleep.