465 lines
10 KiB
465 lines
10 KiB
package IkiWiki;
use warnings;
use strict;
use IkiWiki;
use IkiWiki::UserInfo;
use open qw{:utf8 :std};
use Encode;
sub printheader ($) {
my $session=shift;
if ($config{sslcookie}) {
print $session->header(-charset => 'utf-8',
-cookie => $session->cookie(-httponly => 1, -secure => 1));
} else {
print $session->header(-charset => 'utf-8',
-cookie => $session->cookie(-httponly => 1));
sub showform ($$$$;@) {
my $form=shift;
my $buttons=shift;
my $session=shift;
my $cgi=shift;
if (exists $hooks{formbuilder}) {
run_hooks(formbuilder => sub {
shift->(form => $form, cgi => $cgi, session => $session,
buttons => $buttons);
print misctemplate($form->title, $form->render(submit => $buttons), @_);
sub redirect ($$) {
my $q=shift;
my $url=shift;
if (! $config{w3mmode}) {
print $q->redirect($url);
else {
print "Content-type: text/plain\n";
print "W3m-control: GOTO $url\n\n";
sub decode_cgi_utf8 ($) {
# decode_form_utf8 method is needed for 5.10
if ($] < 5.01) {
my $cgi = shift;
foreach my $f ($cgi->param) {
$cgi->param($f, map { decode_utf8 $_ } $cgi->param($f));
sub decode_form_utf8 ($) {
if ($] >= 5.01) {
my $form = shift;
foreach my $f ($form->field) {
$form->field(name => $f,
value => decode_utf8($form->field($f)),
force => 1,
# Check if the user is signed in. If not, redirect to the signin form and
# save their place to return to later.
sub needsignin ($$) {
my $q=shift;
my $session=shift;
if (! defined $session->param("name") ||
! userinfo_get($session->param("name"), "regdate")) {
$session->param(postsignin => $ENV{QUERY_STRING});
cgi_signin($q, $session);
sub cgi_signin ($$) {
my $q=shift;
my $session=shift;
eval q{use CGI::FormBuilder};
error($@) if $@;
my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
title => "signin",
name => "signin",
charset => "utf-8",
method => 'POST',
required => 'NONE',
javascript => 0,
params => $q,
action => $config{cgiurl},
header => 0,
template => {type => 'div'},
stylesheet => baseurl()."style.css",
my $buttons=["Login"];
if ($q->param("do") ne "signin" && !$form->submitted) {
$form->text(gettext("You need to log in first."));
$form->field(name => "do", type => "hidden", value => "signin",
force => 1);
run_hooks(formbuilder_setup => sub {
shift->(form => $form, cgi => $q, session => $session,
buttons => $buttons);
if ($form->submitted) {
showform($form, $buttons, $session, $q);
sub cgi_postsignin ($$) {
my $q=shift;
my $session=shift;
# Continue with whatever was being done before the signin process.
if (defined $session->param("postsignin")) {
my $postsignin=CGI->new($session->param("postsignin"));
cgi($postsignin, $session);
else {
error(gettext("login failed, perhaps you need to turn on cookies?"));
sub cgi_prefs ($$) {
my $q=shift;
my $session=shift;
needsignin($q, $session);
# The session id is stored on the form and checked to
# guard against CSRF.
my $sid=$q->param('sid');
if (! defined $sid) {
elsif ($sid ne $session->id) {
error(gettext("Your login session has expired."));
eval q{use CGI::FormBuilder};
error($@) if $@;
my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
title => "preferences",
name => "preferences",
header => 0,
charset => "utf-8",
method => 'POST',
validate => {
email => 'EMAIL',
required => 'NONE',
javascript => 0,
params => $q,
action => $config{cgiurl},
template => {type => 'div'},
stylesheet => baseurl()."style.css",
fieldsets => [
[login => gettext("Login")],
[preferences => gettext("Preferences")],
[admin => gettext("Admin")]
my $buttons=["Save Preferences", "Logout", "Cancel"];
run_hooks(formbuilder_setup => sub {
shift->(form => $form, cgi => $q, session => $session,
buttons => $buttons);
$form->field(name => "do", type => "hidden", value => "prefs",
force => 1);
$form->field(name => "sid", type => "hidden", value => $session->id,
force => 1);
$form->field(name => "email", size => 50, fieldset => "preferences");
my $user_name=$session->param("name");
if (! $form->submitted) {
$form->field(name => "email", force => 1,
value => userinfo_get($user_name, "email"));
if ($form->submitted eq 'Logout') {
redirect($q, $config{url});
elsif ($form->submitted eq 'Cancel') {
redirect($q, $config{url});
elsif ($form->submitted eq 'Save Preferences' && $form->validate) {
if (defined $form->field('email')) {
userinfo_set($user_name, 'email', $form->field('email')) ||
error("failed to set email");
$form->text(gettext("Preferences saved."));
showform($form, $buttons, $session, $q);
sub check_banned ($$) {
my $q=shift;
my $session=shift;
my $name=$session->param("name");
if (defined $name) {
if (grep { $name eq $_ } @{$config{banned_users}}) {
print $q->header(-status => "403 Forbidden");
print gettext("You are banned.");
sub cgi_getsession ($) {
my $q=shift;
eval q{use CGI::Session; use HTML::Entities};
error($@) if $@;
my $oldmask=umask(077);
my $session = eval {
CGI::Session->new("driver:DB_File", $q,
{ FileName => "$config{wikistatedir}/sessions.db" })
if (! $session || $@) {
error($@." ".CGI::Session->errstr());
return $session;
# To guard against CSRF, the user's session id (sid)
# can be stored on a form. This function will check
# (for logged in users) that the sid on the form matches
# the session id in the cookie.
sub checksessionexpiry ($$) {
my $q=shift;
my $session = shift;
if (defined $session->param("name")) {
my $sid=$q->param('sid');
if (! defined $sid || $sid ne $session->id) {
error(gettext("Your login session has expired."));
sub cgi_savesession ($) {
my $session=shift;
# Force session flush with safe umask.
my $oldmask=umask(077);
# cgi_goto(CGI, [page])
# Redirect to a specified page, or display "not found". If not specified,
# the page param from the CGI object is used.
sub cgi_goto ($;$) {
my $q = shift;
my $page = shift;
if (!defined $page) {
$page = decode_utf8($q->param("page"));
if (!defined $page) {
error("missing page parameter");
# If the page is internal (like a comment), see if it has a
# permalink. Comments do.
if (isinternal($page) &&
defined $pagestate{$page}{meta}{permalink}) {
redirect($q, $pagestate{$page}{meta}{permalink});
my $link = bestlink("", $page);
if (! length $link) {
print $q->header(-status => "404 Not Found");
print misctemplate(gettext("missing page"),
sprintf(gettext("The page %s does not exist."),
htmllink("", "", $page)).
else {
redirect($q, urlto($link, undef, 1));
sub cgi_page_from_404 ($$$) {
my $path = shift;
my $baseurl = shift;
my $usedirs = shift;
# fail if missing from environment or whatever
return undef unless defined $path;
return undef unless defined $baseurl;
# with usedirs on, path is like /~fred/foo/bar/ or /~fred/foo/bar or
# /~fred/foo/bar/index.html
# with usedirs off, path is like /~fred/foo/bar.html
# baseurl is like 'http://people.example.com/~fred'
# convert baseurl to ~fred
unless ($baseurl =~ s{^https?://[^/]+/?}{}) {
return undef;
# convert path to /~fred/foo/bar
if ($usedirs) {
$path =~ s/\/*(?:index\.$config{htmlext})?$//;
else {
$path =~ s/\.$config{htmlext}$//;
# remove /~fred/
unless ($path =~ s{^/*\Q$baseurl\E/*}{}) {
return undef;
# special case for the index
unless ($path) {
return 'index';
return $path;
sub cgi (;$$) {
my $q=shift;
my $session=shift;
eval q{use CGI};
error($@) if $@;
if (! $q) {
binmode(STDIN, ":utf8");
run_hooks(cgi => sub { shift->($q) });
my $do=$q->param('do');
if (! defined $do || ! length $do) {
my $error = $q->cgi_error;
if ($error) {
error("Request not processed: $error");
else {
error("\"do\" parameter missing");
# goto is the preferred name for this; recentchanges_link and
# commenter are for compatibility with any saved URLs
if ($do eq 'goto' || $do eq 'recentchanges_link' ||
$do eq 'commenter') {
# Need to lock the wiki before getting a session.
if (! $session) {
# Auth hooks can sign a user in.
if ($do ne 'signin' && ! defined $session->param("name")) {
run_hooks(auth => sub {
shift->($q, $session)
if (defined $session->param("name")) {
# Make sure whatever user was authed is in the
# userinfo db.
if (! userinfo_get($session->param("name"), "regdate")) {
userinfo_setall($session->param("name"), {
email => "",
password => "",
regdate => time,
}) || error("failed adding user");
check_banned($q, $session);
run_hooks(sessioncgi => sub { shift->($q, $session) });
if ($do eq 'signin') {
cgi_signin($q, $session);
elsif ($do eq 'prefs') {
cgi_prefs($q, $session);
elsif (defined $session->param("postsignin") || $do eq 'postsignin') {
cgi_postsignin($q, $session);
else {
error("unknown do parameter");
# Does not need to be called directly; all errors will go through here.
sub cgierror ($) {
my $message=shift;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print misctemplate(gettext("Error"),
"<p class=\"error\">".gettext("Error").": $message</p>");
die $@;