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[[!meta title="Thomas Schwinge"]]
# Thomas Schwinge
I have converted the [GNU Hurd](http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/)'s previous
web pages and previous wiki pages to a *[[ikiwiki]]* system; and all that while
preserving the previous content's history, which was stored in a CVS repository
for the HTML web pages and a TWiki RCS repository for the wiki; see
# Issues to Work On
## Stability of Separate Builds
The goal is that separate builds of the same source files should yield the
exactly same HTML code (of course, except for changes due to differences in
Markdown rendering, for example).
* Timestamps -- [[forum/ikiwiki__39__s_notion_of_time]], [[forum/How_does_ikiwiki_remember_times__63__]]
Git set's the current *mtime* when checking out files. The result is that
<http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/contact_us.html> and
<http://www.bddebian.com:8888/~hurd-web/contact_us/> show different *Last
edited* timestamps.
This can either be solved by adding a facility to Git to set the
checked-out files' *mtime* according to the *AuthorDate* / *CommitDate*
(which one...), or doing that retroactively with the
<http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/set_mtimes> script before building, or
with a ikiwiki-internal solution.
* HTML character entities
### \[[!map]] behavior
The \[[!map]] on, for example,
<http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/tag/open_issue_hurd.html>, should not show
the complete hierarchy of pages, but instead just the pages that actually *do*
contain the \[[!tag open_issue_hurd]].
> `tagged(open_issue_hurd)` in its pagespec should do that. --[[Joey]]
>> Well, that's exactly what this page contains: \[[!map
>> pages="tagged(open_issue_hurd) and !open_issues and !*/discussion"
>> show=title]]
>> This is currently rendered as can be seen on
>> <http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/tag/open_issue_hurd.html>, but I'd imagine
>> it to be rendered by **only** linking to the pages that actually do contain
>> the tag, (**only** the outer leaf ones, which are *capturing stdout and
>> stderr*, *ramdisk*, *syncfs*, ...; but **not** to *hurd*, *debugging*,
>> *translator*, *libstore*, *examples*, ...). Otherwise, the way it's being
>> rendered at the moment, it appears to the reader that *hurd*, *debugging*,
>> *translator*, *libstore*, *examples*, ... were all tagged, too, and not only
>> the outer ones.
## Anchors -- [[ikiwiki/wikilink/discussion]]
## Default Content for Meta Values -- [[plugins/contrib/default_content_for___42__copyright__42___and___42__license__42__]]
This will decrease to be relevant, as we're going to add copyright and
licensing headers to every single file.
## [[bugs/img vs align]]
## Texinfo -- [[plugins/contrib/texinfo]]
Not very important. Have to consider external commands / files / security (see
[[plugins/teximg]] source code)?
## Shortcuts -- [[plugins/shortcut/discussion]]
## \[[!meta redir]] -- [[todo/__42__forward__42__ing_functionality_for_the_meta_plugin]]
Implement a checker that makes sure that no pages that use \[[!meta redir]]
redirect to another page (and are thus considered legacy pages for providing
stable URLs, for example) are linked to from other wiki pages. This is useful
w.r.t. backlinks. Alternative, the backlinks to the \[[!meta redir]]-using
pages could perhaps be passed on to the referred-to page?
> I found that backlinks was an easy way to find such links to such pages.
> (Although the redirection made it hard to see the backlinks!) --[[Joey]]
## \[[!meta redir]] -- tell what's going on
Add functionality that a text like *this page's content has moved to [new
page]; in a few seconds you'll be redirected thither* is displayed on every
page that uses \[[!meta redir]].
## Sendmail -- [[todo/passwordauth:_sendmail_interface]]
## [[bugs/Broken Parentlinks]]
## Modifying [[plugins/inline]] for showing only an *appetizer*
Currently ikiwiki's inline plugin will either show the full page or nothing of
it. Often that's too much. One can manually use the [[plugins/toggle]] plugin
-- see the *News* section on <http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/>. Adding a new
mode to the inline plugin to only show an *appetizer* ending with *... (read
on)* after a customizable amount of characters (or lines) would be a another
possibility. The *... (read on)* would then either toggle the full content
being displayed or link to the complete page.
> You're looking for [[plugins/more]] (or possibly a way to do that automatically,
> I suppose. --[[Joey]]
## Prefix For the HTML Title
The title of each page (as in `<html><head><title>`...) should be prefixed with
*GNU Project - GNU Hurd -*. We can either do this directly in `page.tmpl`, or
create a way to modify the `TITLE` template variable suitably.
## [[plugins/inline]] feedfile option
Not that important. Git commit b67632cdcdd333cf0a88d03c0f7e6e62921f32c3. This
would be nice to have even when *not* using *usedirs*. Might involve issues as
discussed in *N-to-M Mapping of Input and Output Files* on
## Unverified -- these may be bugs, but have yet to be verified
* ikiwiki doesn't change its internal database when \[[!meta date]] /
\[[!meta updated]] are added / removed, and thusly these meta values are
not promulgated in RSS / Atom feeds.
> I would rather see this filed as a bug, but FWIW, the problem
> is probably that meta does not override the mdate_3339
> template variable used by the atom and rss templates.
> (Meta does store ctime directly in the ikiwiki database, but cannot
> store mtime in \%pagemtime because it would mess up detection of when
> actual file mtimes change.) --[[Joey]]
* Complicated issue w.r.t. *no text was copied in this page*
([[plugins/cutpaste]]) in RSS feed (only; not Atom?) under some conditions
(refresh only, but not rebuild?). Perhaps missing to read in / parse some
* [[plugins/recentchanges]]
* Creates non-existing links to changes.
* Invalid *directory link* with `--usedirs`.
* Doesn't honor `$timeformat`.
* Does create `recentchangees.*` files even if that is overridden.