
105 lines
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package IkiWiki::Plugin::smiley;
use warnings;
use strict;
use IkiWiki 2.00;
my %smileys;
my $smiley_regexp;
sub import { #{{{
hook(type => "getsetup", id => "smiley", call => \&getsetup);
hook(type => "sanitize", id => "smiley", call => \&sanitize);
} # }}}
sub getsetup () { #{{{
plugin => {
safe => 1,
# force a rebuild because turning it off
# removes the smileys, which would break links
rebuild => 1,
} #}}}
sub build_regexp () { #{{{
my $list=readfile(srcfile("smileys.mdwn"));
while ($list =~ m/^\s*\*\s+\\\\([^\s]+)\s+\[\[([^]]+)\]\]/mg) {
my $smiley=$1;
my $file=$2;
# Add a version with < and > escaped, since they probably
# will be (by markdown) by the time the sanitize hook runs.
if (! %smileys) {
debug(gettext("failed to parse any smileys"));
# sort and reverse so that substrings come after longer strings
# that contain them, in most cases.
$smiley_regexp='('.join('|', map { quotemeta }
reverse sort keys %smileys).')';
} #}}}
sub sanitize (@) { #{{{
my %params=@_;
build_regexp() unless defined $smiley_regexp;
return $_ unless length $smiley_regexp;
MATCH: while (m{(?:^|(?<=\s|>))(\\?)$smiley_regexp(?:(?=\s|<)|$)}g) {
my $escape=$1;
my $smiley=$2;
my $epos=$-[1];
my $spos=$-[2];
# Smilies are not allowed inside <pre> or <code>.
# For each tag in turn, match forward to find the next <tag>
# or </tag> after the smiley.
my $pos=pos;
foreach my $tag ("pre", "code") {
if (m/<(\/)?\s*$tag\s*>/isg && defined $1) {
# </tag> found first, so the smiley is
# inside the tag, so do not expand it.
next MATCH;
# Reset pos back to where it was before this test.
if ($escape) {
# Remove escape.
substr($_, $epos, 1)="";
else {
# Replace the smiley with its expanded value.
substr($_, $spos, length($smiley))=
htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage},
$smileys{$smiley}, linktext => $smiley);
# Breaks out at end, otherwise it will scan through again,
# replacing de-escaped ones.
#last unless defined pos;
return $_;
} # }}}