
597 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright 2011 Blars Blarson
# Released under GPL version 2
package IkiWiki::Plugin::osm;
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IkiWiki 3.0;
sub import {
hook(type => "getsetup", id => "osm", call => \&getsetup);
hook(type => "format", id => "osm", call => \&format);
hook(type => "preprocess", id => "osm", call => \&preprocess);
hook(type => "preprocess", id => "waypoint", call => \&process_waypoint);
hook(type => "savestate", id => "waypoint", call => \&savestate);
hook(type => "cgi", id => "osm", call => \&cgi);
sub getsetup () {
plugin => {
safe => 1,
rebuild => 1,
section => "special-purpose",
osm_default_zoom => {
type => "integer",
example => "15",
description => "the default zoom when you click on the map link",
safe => 1,
rebuild => 1,
osm_default_icon => {
type => "string",
example => "ikiwiki/images/osm.png",
description => "the icon shown on links and on the main map",
safe => 0,
rebuild => 1,
osm_alt => {
type => "string",
example => "",
description => "the alt tag of links, defaults to empty",
safe => 0,
rebuild => 1,
osm_format => {
type => "string",
example => "KML",
description => "the output format for waypoints, can be KML, GeoJSON or CSV (one or many, comma-separated)",
safe => 1,
rebuild => 1,
osm_tag_default_icon => {
type => "string",
example => "icon.png",
description => "the icon attached to a tag, displayed on the map for tagged pages",
safe => 0,
rebuild => 1,
osm_openlayers_url => {
type => "string",
example => "http://www.openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js",
description => "Url for the OpenLayers.js file",
safe => 0,
rebuild => 1,
osm_layers => {
type => "string",
example => { 'OSM', 'GoogleSatellite' },
description => "Layers to use in the map. Can be either the 'OSM' string or a type option for Google maps (GoogleNormal, GoogleSatellite, GoogleHybrid or GooglePhysical). It can also be an arbitrary URL in a syntax acceptable for OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.url parameter.",
safe => 0,
rebuild => 1,
osm_google_apikey => {
type => "string",
example => "",
description => "Google maps API key, Google layer not used if missing, see https://code.google.com/apis/console/ to get an API key",
safe => 1,
rebuild => 1,
sub register_rendered_files {
my $map = shift;
my $page = shift;
my $dest = shift;
if ($page eq $dest) {
my %formats = get_formats();
if ($formats{'GeoJSON'}) {
will_render($page, "$map/pois.json");
if ($formats{'CSV'}) {
will_render($page, "$map/pois.txt");
if ($formats{'KML'}) {
will_render($page, "$map/pois.kml");
sub preprocess {
my %params=@_;
my $page = $params{page};
my $dest = $params{destpage};
my $loc = $params{loc}; # sanitized below
my $lat = $params{lat}; # sanitized below
my $lon = $params{lon}; # sanitized below
my $href = $params{href};
my ($width, $height, $float);
$height = scrub($params{'height'} || "300px", $page, $dest); # sanitized here
$width = scrub($params{'width'} || "500px", $page, $dest); # sanitized here
$float = (defined($params{'right'}) && 'right') || (defined($params{'left'}) && 'left'); # sanitized here
my $zoom = scrub($params{'zoom'} // $config{'osm_default_zoom'} // 15, $page, $dest); # sanitized below
my $map;
$map = $params{'map'} || 'map';
$map = scrub($map, $page, $dest); # sanitized here
my $name = scrub($params{'name'} || $map, $page, $dest);
if (defined($lon) || defined($lat) || defined($loc)) {
($lon, $lat) = scrub_lonlat($loc, $lon, $lat);
if ($zoom !~ /^\d\d?$/ || $zoom < 2 || $zoom > 18) {
error("Bad zoom");
if (! defined $href || ! length $href) {
do => "osm",
map => $map,
register_rendered_files($map, $page, $dest);
$pagestate{$page}{'osm'}{$map}{'displays'}{$name} = {
height => $height,
width => $width,
float => $float,
zoom => $zoom,
fullscreen => 0,
editable => defined($params{'editable'}),
lat => $lat,
lon => $lon,
href => $href,
google_apikey => $config{'osm_google_apikey'},
return "<div id=\"mapdiv-$name\"></div>";
sub process_waypoint {
my %params=@_;
my $loc = $params{'loc'}; # sanitized below
my $lat = $params{'lat'}; # sanitized below
my $lon = $params{'lon'}; # sanitized below
my $page = $params{'page'}; # not sanitized?
my $dest = $params{'destpage'}; # not sanitized?
my $hidden = defined($params{'hidden'}); # sanitized here
my ($p) = $page =~ /(?:^|\/)([^\/]+)\/?$/; # shorter page name
my $name = scrub($params{'name'} || $p, $page, $dest); # sanitized here
my $desc = scrub($params{'desc'} || '', $page, $dest); # sanitized here
my $zoom = scrub($params{'zoom'} // $config{'osm_default_zoom'} // 15, $page, $dest); # sanitized below
my $icon = $config{'osm_default_icon'} || "ikiwiki/images/osm.png"; # sanitized: we trust $config
my $map = scrub($params{'map'} || 'map', $page, $dest); # sanitized here
my $alt = $config{'osm_alt'} ? "alt=\"$config{'osm_alt'}\"" : ''; # sanitized: we trust $config
if ($zoom !~ /^\d\d?$/ || $zoom < 2 || $zoom > 18) {
error("Bad zoom");
($lon, $lat) = scrub_lonlat($loc, $lon, $lat);
if (!defined($lat) || !defined($lon)) {
error("Must specify lat and lon");
my $tag = $params{'tag'};
foreach my $t (keys %{$typedlinks{$page}{'tag'}}) {
if ($icon = get_tag_icon($t)) {
$tag = $t;
$t =~ s!/$config{'tagbase'}/!!;
if ($icon = get_tag_icon($t)) {
$tag = $t;
$icon = urlto($icon, $dest, 1);
$icon =~ s!/*$!!; # hack - urlto shouldn't be appending a slash in the first place
$tag = '' unless $tag;
register_rendered_files($map, $page, $dest);
$pagestate{$page}{'osm'}{$map}{'waypoints'}{$name} = {
page => $page,
desc => $desc,
icon => $icon,
tag => $tag,
lat => $lat,
lon => $lon,
# How to link back to the page from the map, not to be
# confused with the URL of the map itself sent to the
# embeded map below. Note: used in generated KML etc file,
# so must be absolute.
href => urlto($page),
my $mapurl = IkiWiki::cgiurl(
do => "osm",
map => $map,
lat => $lat,
lon => $lon,
zoom => $zoom,
my $output = '';
if (defined($params{'embed'})) {
$output .= preprocess(%params,
href => $mapurl,
if (!$hidden) {
$output .= "<a href=\"$mapurl\"><img class=\"img\" src=\"$icon\" $alt /></a>";
return $output;
# get the icon from the given tag
sub get_tag_icon($) {
my $tag = shift;
# look for an icon attached to the tag
my $attached = $tag . '/' . $config{'osm_tag_default_icon'};
if (srcfile($attached)) {
return $attached;
else {
return undef;
sub scrub_lonlat($$$) {
my ($loc, $lon, $lat) = @_;
if ($loc) {
if ($loc =~ /^\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d*°?|(?:°?|\s)\s*\d+(?:\.\d*\'?|(?:\'|\s)\s*\d+(?:\.\d*)?\"?|\'?)°?)[NS]?)\s*\,?\;?\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d*°?|(?:°?|\s)\s*\d+(?:\.\d*\'?|(?:\'|\s)\s*\d+(?:\.\d*)?\"?|\'?)°?)[EW]?)\s*$/) {
$lat = $1;
$lon = $2;
else {
error("Bad loc");
if (defined($lat)) {
if ($lat =~ /^(\-?)(\d+)(?:(\.\d*)°?|(?:°|\s)\s*(\d+)(?:(\.\d*)\'?|(?:\'|\s)\s*(\d+(?:\.\d*)?\"?)|\'?)|°?)\s*([NS])?\s*$/) {
$lat = $2 + ($3//0) + ((($4//0) + (($5//0) + (($6//0)/60.)))/60.);
if (($1 eq '-') || (($7//'') eq 'S')) {
$lat = - $lat;
else {
error("Bad lat");
if (defined($lon)) {
if ($lon =~ /^(\-?)(\d+)(?:(\.\d*)°?|(?:°|\s)\s*(\d+)(?:(\.\d*)\'?|(?:\'|\s)\s*(\d+(?:\.\d*)?\"?)|\'?)|°?)\s*([EW])?$/) {
$lon = $2 + ($3//0) + ((($4//0) + (($5//0) + (($6//0)/60.)))/60.);
if (($1 eq '-') || (($7//'') eq 'W')) {
$lon = - $lon;
else {
error("Bad lon");
if ($lat < -90 || $lat > 90 || $lon < -180 || $lon > 180) {
error("Location out of range");
return ($lon, $lat);
sub savestate {
my %waypoints = ();
my %linestrings = ();
foreach my $page (keys %pagestate) {
if (exists $pagestate{$page}{'osm'}) {
foreach my $map (keys %{$pagestate{$page}{'osm'}}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$pagestate{$page}{'osm'}{$map}{'waypoints'}}) {
debug("found waypoint $name");
$waypoints{$map}{$name} = $pagestate{$page}{'osm'}{$map}{'waypoints'}{$name};
foreach my $page (keys %pagestate) {
if (exists $pagestate{$page}{'osm'}) {
foreach my $map (keys %{$pagestate{$page}{'osm'}}) {
# examine the links on this page
foreach my $name (keys %{$pagestate{$page}{'osm'}{$map}{'waypoints'}}) {
if (exists $links{$page}) {
foreach my $otherpage (@{$links{$page}}) {
if (exists $waypoints{$map}{$otherpage}) {
push(@{$linestrings{$map}}, [
[ $waypoints{$map}{$name}{'lon'}, $waypoints{$map}{$name}{'lat'} ],
[ $waypoints{$map}{$otherpage}{'lon'}, $waypoints{$map}{$otherpage}{'lat'} ]
# clear the state, it will be regenerated on the next parse
# the idea here is to clear up removed waypoints...
$pagestate{$page}{'osm'} = ();
my %formats = get_formats();
if ($formats{'GeoJSON'}) {
writejson(\%waypoints, \%linestrings);
if ($formats{'CSV'}) {
writecsvs(\%waypoints, \%linestrings);
if ($formats{'KML'}) {
writekml(\%waypoints, \%linestrings);
sub writejson($;$) {
my %waypoints = %{$_[0]};
my %linestrings = %{$_[1]};
eval q{use JSON};
error $@ if $@;
foreach my $map (keys %waypoints) {
my %geojson = ( "type" => "FeatureCollection", "features" => []);
foreach my $name (keys %{$waypoints{$map}}) {
my %marker = ( "type" => "Feature",
"geometry" => { "type" => "Point", "coordinates" => [ $waypoints{$map}{$name}{'lon'}, $waypoints{$map}{$name}{'lat'} ] },
"properties" => $waypoints{$map}{$name} );
push @{$geojson{'features'}}, \%marker;
foreach my $linestring (@{$linestrings{$map}}) {
my %json = ( "type" => "Feature",
"geometry" => { "type" => "LineString", "coordinates" => $linestring });
push @{$geojson{'features'}}, \%json;
writefile("pois.json", $config{destdir} . "/$map", to_json(\%geojson));
sub writekml($;$) {
my %waypoints = %{$_[0]};
my %linestrings = %{$_[1]};
eval q{use XML::Writer};
error $@ if $@;
foreach my $map (keys %waypoints) {
my $output;
my $writer = XML::Writer->new( OUTPUT => \$output,
$writer->startTag("kml", "xmlns" => "http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2");
# first pass: get the icons
my %tags_map = (); # keep track of tags seen
foreach my $name (keys %{$waypoints{$map}}) {
my %options = %{$waypoints{$map}{$name}};
if (!$tags_map{$options{tag}}) {
debug("found new style " . $options{tag});
$tags_map{$options{tag}} = ();
$writer->startTag("Style", id => $options{tag});
$tags_map{$options{tag}}{$name} = \%options;
foreach my $name (keys %{$waypoints{$map}}) {
my %options = %{$waypoints{$map}{$name}};
$writer->characters('#' . $options{tag});
#$writer->emptyTag('atom:link', href => $options{href});
# to make it easier for us as the atom:link parameter is
# hard to access from javascript
$writer->characters($options{lon} . "," . $options{lat});
my $i = 0;
foreach my $linestring (@{$linestrings{$map}}) {
$writer->characters("linestring " . $i++);
my $str = '';
foreach my $coord (@{$linestring}) {
$str .= join(',', @{$coord}) . " \n";
writefile("pois.kml", $config{destdir} . "/$map", $output);
sub writecsvs($;$) {
my %waypoints = %{$_[0]};
foreach my $map (keys %waypoints) {
my $poisf = "lat\tlon\ttitle\tdescription\ticon\ticonSize\ticonOffset\n";
foreach my $name (keys %{$waypoints{$map}}) {
my %options = %{$waypoints{$map}{$name}};
my $line =
$options{'lat'} . "\t" .
$options{'lon'} . "\t" .
$name . "\t" .
$options{'desc'} . '<br /><a href="' . $options{'page'} . '">' . $name . "</a>\t" .
$options{'icon'} . "\n";
$poisf .= $line;
writefile("pois.txt", $config{destdir} . "/$map", $poisf);
# pipe some data through the HTML scrubber
# code taken from the meta.pm plugin
sub scrub($$$) {
if (IkiWiki::Plugin::htmlscrubber->can("sanitize")) {
return IkiWiki::Plugin::htmlscrubber::sanitize(
content => shift, page => shift, destpage => shift);
else {
return shift;
# taken from toggle.pm
sub format (@) {
my %params=@_;
if ($params{content}=~m!<div[^>]*id="mapdiv-[^"]*"[^>]*>!g) {
if (! ($params{content}=~s!</body>!include_javascript($params{page})."</body>"!em)) {
# no <body> tag, probably in preview mode
$params{content}=$params{content} . include_javascript($params{page});
return $params{content};
sub preferred_format() {
if (!defined($config{'osm_format'}) || !$config{'osm_format'}) {
$config{'osm_format'} = 'KML';
my @spl = split(/, */, $config{'osm_format'});
return shift @spl;
sub get_formats() {
if (!defined($config{'osm_format'}) || !$config{'osm_format'}) {
$config{'osm_format'} = 'KML';
map { $_ => 1 } split(/, */, $config{'osm_format'});
sub include_javascript ($) {
my $page=shift;
my $loader;
if (exists $pagestate{$page}{'osm'}) {
foreach my $map (keys %{$pagestate{$page}{'osm'}}) {
foreach my $name (keys %{$pagestate{$page}{'osm'}{$map}{'displays'}}) {
$loader .= map_setup_code($map, $name, %{$pagestate{$page}{'osm'}{$map}{'displays'}{$name}});
if ($loader) {
return embed_map_code($page) . "<script type=\"text/javascript\">$loader</script>";
else {
return '';
sub cgi($) {
my $cgi=shift;
return unless defined $cgi->param('do') &&
$cgi->param("do") eq "osm";
my $map = $cgi->param('map');
if (!defined $map || $map !~ /^[a-z]*$/) {
error("invalid map parameter");
print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n";
print ("\r\n");
print "<html><body>";
print "<div id=\"mapdiv-$map\"></div>";
print embed_map_code();
print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
print map_setup_code($map, $map,
lat => "urlParams['lat']",
lon => "urlParams['lon']",
zoom => "urlParams['zoom']",
fullscreen => 1,
editable => 1,
google_apikey => $config{'osm_google_apikey'},
print "</script>";
print "</body></html>";
exit 0;
sub embed_map_code(;$) {
my $page=shift;
my $olurl = $config{osm_openlayers_url} || "http://www.openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js";
my $code = '<script src="'.$olurl.'" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>'."\n".
'<script src="'.urlto("ikiwiki/osm.js", $page).
'" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>'."\n";
if ($config{'osm_google_apikey'}) {
$code .= '<script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key='.$config{'osm_google_apikey'}.'&sensor=false" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>';
return $code;
sub map_setup_code($;@) {
my $map=shift;
my $name=shift;
my %options=@_;
my $mapurl = $config{osm_map_url};
eval q{use JSON};
error $@ if $@;
$options{'format'} = preferred_format();
my %formats = get_formats();
if ($formats{'GeoJSON'}) {
$options{'jsonurl'} = urlto($map."/pois.json");
if ($formats{'CSV'}) {
$options{'csvurl'} = urlto($map."/pois.txt");
if ($formats{'KML'}) {
$options{'kmlurl'} = urlto($map."/pois.kml");
if ($mapurl) {
$options{'mapurl'} = $mapurl;
$options{'layers'} = $config{osm_layers};
$name=~s/'//g; # $name comes from user input
return "mapsetup('mapdiv-$name', " . to_json(\%options) . ");";