There are now 4 or more ikiwiki bootstrap themes flying around in the [[theme_market]]. It is quite confusing. In order to figure out exactly which ones fares the best, i made test wikis for all of them. All the wikis have a sidebar with the sidebar plugin enable, so if you don't see it, it's because the theme doesn't support it. * demos the []( original bootstrap 2 theme, now updated to 3.3.4. note that this theme needs the [bootmenu]( plugin to generate a menu, and doesn't support the sidebar plugin * demos the [ramseydsilva]( bootstrap 3 theme * demos the [hiatobr]( fork of the above * demos the [dequis]( theme, *another* fork of the above * demos the [tgpfeiffer]( rewrite * demos the theme from [anderbubble](, another separate implementation Hopefully this will help others figure out what the heck is going on here... Personnally, I think I prefer the JAK linux one, but i don't like the idea of depending on a theme-specific plugin... -- [[anarcat]] Update: I ended up forking the Jak theme also... My experience has been documented in [this blog post]( --[[anarcat]]