#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright © 2006-2008 Joey Hess # Copyright © 2008 Simon McVittie # Licensed under the GNU GPL, version 2, or any later version published by the # Free Software Foundation package IkiWiki::Plugin::comments; use warnings; use strict; use IkiWiki 2.00; use constant PREVIEW => "Preview"; use constant POST_COMMENT => "Post comment"; use constant CANCEL => "Cancel"; sub import { #{{{ hook(type => "getsetup", id => 'comments', call => \&getsetup); hook(type => "preprocess", id => 'comments', call => \&preprocess); hook(type => "sessioncgi", id => 'comment', call => \&sessioncgi); hook(type => "htmlize", id => "_comment", call => \&htmlize); hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "comments", call => \&pagetemplate); IkiWiki::loadplugin("inline"); IkiWiki::loadplugin("mdwn"); } # }}} sub htmlize { # {{{ eval q{use IkiWiki::Plugin::mdwn}; error($@) if ($@); return IkiWiki::Plugin::mdwn::htmlize(@_) } # }}} sub getsetup () { #{{{ return plugin => { safe => 1, rebuild => 1, }, # Pages where comments are shown, but new comments are not # allowed, will show "Comments are closed". comments_shown_pagespec => { type => 'pagespec', example => 'blog/*', default => '', description => 'PageSpec for pages where comments will be shown inline', link => 'ikiwiki/PageSpec', safe => 1, rebuild => 1, }, comments_open_pagespec => { type => 'pagespec', example => 'blog/* and created_after(close_old_comments)', default => '', description => 'PageSpec for pages where new comments can be posted', link => 'ikiwiki/PageSpec', safe => 1, rebuild => 1, }, comments_pagename => { type => 'string', example => 'comment_', default => 'comment_', description => 'Base name for comments, e.g. "comment_" for pages like "sandbox/comment_12"', safe => 0, # manual page moving will required rebuild => undef, }, comments_allowdirectives => { type => 'boolean', default => 0, example => 0, description => 'Allow directives in newly posted comments?', safe => 1, rebuild => 0, }, comments_commit => { type => 'boolean', example => 1, default => 1, description => 'commit comments to the VCS', # old uncommitted comments are likely to cause # confusion if this is changed safe => 0, rebuild => 0, }, } #}}} # Somewhat based on IkiWiki::Plugin::inline blog posting support sub preprocess (@) { #{{{ my %params=@_; return ""; my $page = $params{page}; $pagestate{$page}{comments}{comments} = defined $params{closed} ? (not IkiWiki::yesno($params{closed})) : 1; $pagestate{$page}{comments}{allowdirectives} = IkiWiki::yesno($params{allowdirectives}); $pagestate{$page}{comments}{commit} = defined $params{commit} ? IkiWiki::yesno($params{commit}) : 1; my $formtemplate = IkiWiki::template("comments_embed.tmpl", blind_cache => 1); $formtemplate->param(cgiurl => $config{cgiurl}); $formtemplate->param(page => $params{page}); if (not $pagestate{$page}{comments}{comments}) { $formtemplate->param("disabled" => gettext('comments are closed')); } elsif ($params{preview}) { $formtemplate->param("disabled" => gettext('not available during Preview')); } debug("page $params{page} => destpage $params{destpage}"); unless (defined $params{inline} && !IkiWiki::yesno($params{inline})) { my $posts = ''; eval q{use IkiWiki::Plugin::inline}; error($@) if ($@); my @args = ( pages => "internal($params{page}/_comment_*)", template => "comments_display", show => 0, reverse => "yes", # special stuff passed through page => $params{page}, destpage => $params{destpage}, preview => $params{preview}, ); push @args, atom => $params{atom} if defined $params{atom}; push @args, rss => $params{rss} if defined $params{rss}; push @args, feeds => $params{feeds} if defined $params{feeds}; push @args, feedshow => $params{feedshow} if defined $params{feedshow}; push @args, timeformat => $params{timeformat} if defined $params{timeformat}; push @args, feedonly => $params{feedonly} if defined $params{feedonly}; $posts = IkiWiki::preprocess_inline(@args); $formtemplate->param("comments" => $posts); } return $formtemplate->output; } # }}} # FIXME: logic taken from editpage, should be common code? sub getcgiuser ($) { # {{{ my $session = shift; my $user = $session->param('name'); $user = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} unless defined $user; debug("getcgiuser() -> $user"); return $user; } # }}} # FIXME: logic adapted from recentchanges, should be common code? # returns (author URL, pretty-printed version) sub linkuser ($) { # {{{ my $user = shift; my $oiduser = eval { IkiWiki::openiduser($user) }; if (defined $oiduser) { return ($user, $oiduser); } else { my $page = bestlink('', (length $config{userdir} ? "$config{userdir}/" : "").$user); return (urlto($page, undef, 1), $user); } } # }}} # Mostly cargo-culted from IkiWiki::plugin::editpage sub sessioncgi ($$) { #{{{ my $cgi=shift; my $session=shift; my $do = $cgi->param('do'); return unless $do eq 'comment'; IkiWiki::decode_cgi_utf8($cgi); eval q{use CGI::FormBuilder}; error($@) if $@; my @buttons = (POST_COMMENT, PREVIEW, CANCEL); my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new( fields => [qw{do sid page subject body}], charset => 'utf-8', method => 'POST', required => [qw{body}], javascript => 0, params => $cgi, action => $config{cgiurl}, header => 0, table => 0, template => scalar IkiWiki::template_params('comments_form.tmpl'), # wtf does this do in editpage? wikiname => $config{wikiname}, ); IkiWiki::decode_form_utf8($form); IkiWiki::run_hooks(formbuilder_setup => sub { shift->(title => "comment", form => $form, cgi => $cgi, session => $session, buttons => \@buttons); }); IkiWiki::decode_form_utf8($form); $form->field(name => 'do', type => 'hidden'); $form->field(name => 'sid', type => 'hidden', value => $session->id, force => 1); $form->field(name => 'page', type => 'hidden'); $form->field(name => 'subject', type => 'text', size => 72); $form->field(name => 'body', type => 'textarea', rows => 5, cols => 80); # The untaint is OK (as in editpage) because we're about to pass # it to file_pruned anyway my $page = $form->field('page'); $page = IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint($page); if (!defined $page || !length $page || IkiWiki::file_pruned($page, $config{srcdir})) { error(gettext("bad page name")); } my $allow_directives = $config{comments_allowdirectives}; my $commit_comments = $config{comments_commit}; my $comments_pagename = $config{comments_pagename}; # FIXME: is this right? Or should we be using the candidate subpage # (whatever that might mean) as the base URL? my $baseurl = urlto($page, undef, 1); $form->title(sprintf(gettext("commenting on %s"), IkiWiki::pagetitle($page))); $form->tmpl_param('helponformattinglink', htmllink($page, $page, 'ikiwiki/formatting', noimageinline => 1, linktext => 'FormattingHelp'), allowdirectives => $allow_directives); if ($form->submitted eq CANCEL) { # bounce back to the page they wanted to comment on, and exit. # CANCEL need not be considered in future IkiWiki::redirect($cgi, urlto($page, undef, 1)); exit; } if (not exists $pagesources{$page}) { error(sprintf(gettext( "page '%s' doesn't exist, so you can't comment"), $page)); } if (not pagespec_match($page, $config{comments_open_pagespec}, location => $page)) { error(sprintf(gettext( "comments on page '%s' are closed"), $page)); } IkiWiki::checksessionexpiry($session, $cgi->param('sid')); IkiWiki::check_canedit($page . "[postcomment]", $cgi, $session); my ($authorurl, $author) = linkuser(getcgiuser($session)); my $body = $form->field('body') || ''; $body =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; $body =~ s/\r/\n/g; $body .= "\n" if $body !~ /\n$/; unless ($allow_directives) { # don't allow new-style directives at all $body =~ s/(^|[^\\])\[\[!/$1[[!/g; # don't allow [[ unless it begins an old-style # wikilink, if prefix_directives is off $body =~ s/(^|[^\\])\[\[(?![^\n\s\]+]\]\])/$1[[!/g unless $config{prefix_directives}; } # FIXME: check that the wiki is locked right now, because # if it's not, there are mad race conditions! # FIXME: rather a simplistic way to make the comments... my $i = 0; my $file; my $location; do { $i++; $location = "$page/${comments_pagename}${i}"; } while (-e "$config{srcdir}/$location._comment"); my $anchor = "${comments_pagename}${i}"; IkiWiki::run_hooks(sanitize => sub { $body=shift->( page => $location, destpage => $location, content => $body, ); }); # In this template, the [[!meta]] directives should stay at the end, # so that they will override anything the user specifies. (For # instance, [[!meta author="I can fake the author"]]...) my $content_tmpl = template('comments_comment.tmpl'); $content_tmpl->param(author => $author); $content_tmpl->param(authorurl => $authorurl); $content_tmpl->param(subject => $form->field('subject')); $content_tmpl->param(body => $body); $content_tmpl->param(anchor => "$anchor"); $content_tmpl->param(permalink => "$baseurl#$anchor"); my $content = $content_tmpl->output; # This is essentially a simplified version of editpage: # - the user does not control the page that's created, only the parent # - it's always a create operation, never an edit # - this means that conflicts should never happen # - this means that if they do, rocks fall and everyone dies if ($form->submitted eq PREVIEW) { my $preview = IkiWiki::htmlize($location, $page, 'mdwn', IkiWiki::linkify($page, $page, IkiWiki::preprocess($page, $page, IkiWiki::filter($location, $page, $content), 0, 1))); IkiWiki::run_hooks(format => sub { $preview = shift->(page => $page, content => $preview); }); my $template = template("comments_display.tmpl"); $template->param(content => $preview); $template->param(title => $form->field('subject')); $template->param(ctime => displaytime(time)); $template->param(author => $author); $template->param(authorurl => $authorurl); $form->tmpl_param(page_preview => $template->output); } else { $form->tmpl_param(page_preview => ""); } if ($form->submitted eq POST_COMMENT && $form->validate) { my $file = "$location._comment"; # FIXME: could probably do some sort of graceful retry # on error? Would require significant unwinding though writefile($file, $config{srcdir}, $content); my $conflict; if ($config{rcs} and $commit_comments) { my $message = gettext("Added a comment"); if (defined $form->field('subject') && length $form->field('subject')) { $message = sprintf( gettext("Added a comment: %s"), $form->field('subject')); } IkiWiki::rcs_add($file); IkiWiki::disable_commit_hook(); $conflict = IkiWiki::rcs_commit_staged($message, $session->param('name'), $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}); IkiWiki::enable_commit_hook(); IkiWiki::rcs_update(); } # Now we need a refresh require IkiWiki::Render; IkiWiki::refresh(); IkiWiki::saveindex(); # this should never happen, unless a committer deliberately # breaks it or something error($conflict) if defined $conflict; # Bounce back to where we were, but defeat broken caches my $anticache = "?updated=$page/${comments_pagename}${i}"; IkiWiki::redirect($cgi, urlto($page, undef, 1).$anticache); } else { IkiWiki::showform ($form, \@buttons, $session, $cgi, forcebaseurl => $baseurl); } exit; } #}}} sub pagetemplate (@) { #{{{ my %params = @_; my $page = $params{page}; my $template = $params{template}; if ($template->query(name => 'comments')) { my $comments = undef; my $comments_pagename = $config{comments_pagename}; my $open = 0; my $shown = pagespec_match($page, $config{comments_shown_pagespec}, location => $page); if (pagespec_match($page, "*/${comments_pagename}*", location => $page)) { $shown = 0; $open = 0; } if (length $config{cgiurl}) { $open = pagespec_match($page, $config{comments_open_pagespec}, location => $page); } if ($shown) { eval q{use IkiWiki::Plugin::inline}; error($@) if $@; my @args = ( pages => "internal($page/${comments_pagename}*)", template => 'comments_display', show => 0, reverse => 'yes', page => $page, destpage => $params{destpage}, ); $comments = IkiWiki::preprocess_inline(@args); } if (defined $comments && length $comments) { $template->param(comments => $comments); } if ($open) { my $commenturl = IkiWiki::cgiurl(do => 'comment', page => $page); $template->param(commenturl => $commenturl); } } } # }}} package IkiWiki::PageSpec; sub match_postcomment ($$;@) { my $page = shift; my $glob = shift; unless ($page =~ s/\[postcomment\]$//) { return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("not posting a comment"); } return match_glob($page, $glob); } 1