#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; BEGIN { eval q{use XML::Feed; use HTML::Parser; use HTML::LinkExtor}; if ($@) { eval q{use Test::More skip_all => "XML::Feed and/or HTML::Parser not available"}; } else { eval q{use Test::More tests => 136}; } } use Cwd; use File::Basename; my $tmp = 't/tmp'; my $statedir = 't/tinypodcast/.ikiwiki'; sub podcast { my $podcast_style = shift; my $baseurl = 'http://example.com'; my @command = (qw(./ikiwiki.out -plugin inline -rss -atom)); push @command, qw(-underlaydir=underlays/basewiki); push @command, qw(-set underlaydirbase=underlays -templatedir=templates); push @command, "-url=$baseurl", qw(t/tinypodcast), "$tmp/out"; ok(! system("mkdir $tmp"), q{setup}); ok(! system(@command), q{build}); my %media_types = ( 'simplepost' => undef, 'piano.mp3' => 'audio/mpeg', 'scroll.3gp' => 'video/3gpp', 'walter.ogg' => 'video/x-theora+ogg', ); for my $format (qw(atom rss)) { my $feed = XML::Feed->parse("$tmp/out/$podcast_style/index.$format"); is($feed->title, $podcast_style, qq{$format feed title}); is($feed->link, "$baseurl/$podcast_style/", qq{$format feed link}); is($feed->description, 'wiki', qq{$format feed description}); if ('atom' eq $format) { is($feed->author, $feed->description, qq{$format feed author}); is($feed->id, $feed->link, qq{$format feed id}); is($feed->generator, "ikiwiki", qq{$format feed generator}); } for my $entry ($feed->entries) { my $title = $entry->title; my $url = $entry->id; my $body = $entry->content->body; my $enclosure = $entry->enclosure; is($entry->link, $url, qq{$format $title link}); isnt($entry->issued, undef, qq{$format $title issued date}); isnt($entry->modified, undef, qq{$format $title modified date}); if (defined $media_types{$title}) { is($url, "$baseurl/$title", qq{$format $title id}); is($body, undef, qq{$format $title no body text}); is($enclosure->url, $url, qq{$format $title enclosure url}); is($enclosure->type, $media_types{$title}, qq{$format $title enclosure type}); cmp_ok($enclosure->length, '>', 0, qq{$format $title enclosure length}); } else { # XXX hack hack hack my $expected_id = "$baseurl/$title/"; $expected_id =~ s/\ /_/g; is($url, $expected_id, qq{$format $title id}); isnt($body, undef, qq{$format $title body text}); if ('fancy' eq $podcast_style) { isnt($enclosure, undef, qq{$format $title enclosure}); my $filename = basename($enclosure->url); is($enclosure->type, $media_types{$filename}, qq{$format $title enclosure type}); cmp_ok($enclosure->length, '>', 0, qq{$format $title enclosure length}); } else { is($enclosure, undef, qq{$format $title no enclosure}); } } } } ok(! system("rm -rf $tmp $statedir"), q{teardown}); } sub single_page_html { my @command = (qw(./ikiwiki.out)); push @command, qw(-underlaydir=underlays/basewiki); push @command, qw(-set underlaydirbase=underlays -templatedir=templates); push @command, qw(t/tinypodcast), "$tmp/out"; ok(! system("mkdir $tmp"), q{setup}); ok(! system(@command), q{build}); my $html = "$tmp/out/pianopost/index.html"; like(_extract_html_content($html, 'content'), qr/has content and/m, q{html body text}); like(_extract_html_content($html, 'enclosure'), qr/this episode/m, q{html enclosure}); my ($href) = _extract_html_links($html, 'piano'); is($href, '/piano.mp3', q{html enclosure sans -url is site-absolute}); $html = "$tmp/out/attempted_multiple_enclosures/index.html"; like(_extract_html_content($html, 'content'), qr/has content and/m, q{html body text}); like(_extract_html_content($html, 'enclosure'), qr/this episode/m, q{html enclosure}); ($href) = _extract_html_links($html, 'walter'); is($href, '/walter.ogg', q{html enclosure sans -url is site-absolute}); my $baseurl = 'http://example.com'; ok(! system(@command, "-url=$baseurl", q{--rebuild})); $html = "$tmp/out/pianopost/index.html"; ($href) = _extract_html_links($html, 'piano'); is($href, "$baseurl/piano.mp3", q{html enclosure with -url is fully absolute}); $html = "$tmp/out/attempted_multiple_enclosures/index.html"; ($href) = _extract_html_links($html, 'walter'); is($href, "$baseurl/walter.ogg", q{html enclosure with -url is fully absolute}); ok(! system("rm -rf $tmp $statedir"), q{teardown}); } sub inlined_pages_html { my @command = (qw(./ikiwiki.out -plugin inline)); push @command, qw(-underlaydir=underlays/basewiki); push @command, qw(-set underlaydirbase=underlays -templatedir=templates); push @command, qw(t/tinypodcast), "$tmp/out"; ok(! system("mkdir $tmp"), q{setup}); ok(! system(@command), q{build}); my $html = "$tmp/out/fancy/index.html"; my $contents = _extract_html_content($html, 'content'); like($contents, qr/has content and an/m, q{html body text from pianopost}); like($contents, qr/has content and only one/m, q{html body text from attempted_multiple_enclosures}); my $enclosures = _extract_html_content($html, 'inlineenclosure'); like($enclosures, qr/this episode/m, q{html enclosure}); my ($href) = _extract_html_links($html, 'piano.mp3'); is($href, '/piano.mp3', q{html enclosure from pianopost sans -url}); ($href) = _extract_html_links($html, 'walter.ogg'); is($href, '/walter.ogg', q{html enclosure from attempted_multiple_enclosures sans -url}); ok(! system("rm -rf $tmp $statedir"), q{teardown}); } sub _extract_html_content { my ($file, $desired_id, $desired_tag) = @_; $desired_tag = 'div' unless defined $desired_tag; my $p = HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3); my $content = ''; $p->handler(start => sub { my ($tag, $self, $attr) = @_; return if $tag ne $desired_tag; return unless exists $attr->{id} && $attr->{id} eq $desired_id; $self->handler(text => sub { my ($dtext) = @_; $content .= $dtext; }, "dtext"); }, "tagname,self,attr"); $p->parse_file($file) || die $!; return $content; } sub _extract_html_links { my ($file, $desired_value) = @_; my @hrefs = (); my $p = HTML::LinkExtor->new(sub { my ($tag, %attr) = @_; return if $tag ne 'a'; return unless $attr{href} =~ qr/$desired_value/; push(@hrefs, values %attr); }, getcwd() . '/' . $file); $p->parse_file($file); return @hrefs; } podcast('simple'); single_page_html(); inlined_pages_html(); podcast('fancy');