Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

Joey Hess 2013-03-04 13:19:31 -04:00
commit d72e5fd58c
16 changed files with 401 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
[[!template id=gitbranch branch=smcv/ready/map author="[[Simon McVittie|smcv]]"]]
[[!tag patch]]
`\[[!map]]` can generate bad HTML with unbalanced open/close tags
(in XML terms: "not well-formed") in certain situations. This
appears to be a regression caused by fixing
[[maps with nested directories sometimes make ugly lists]], which
suppressed some redundant `</ul><ul>` pairs, but appears not to
have the ideal logic for this, leading to malformed HTML.
In particular, on a site with these pages:
* alpha
* 1
* i
* ii
* iii
* iv
* 2
* a
* b
* 3
* beta
the maps "`alpha/1 or beta`", "`alpha/1/i* or alpha/2/a or beta`" and
"`alpha/1/i* or alpha/2/a`" have malformed HTML.
My `ready/map` branch adds a regression test and makes it pass.
The fix is not particularly elegant - it generates the previous
HTML with redundant `</ul><ul>` pairs, marks the redundant
pairs, and edits them out afterwards - but it works. If anyone can come
up with a cleaner algorithm that avoids generating the redundant tags
in the first place, that would be even better. --[[smcv]]

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@ -65,7 +65,12 @@ inconsistent between the one-and two-argument forms. Thoughts?
>> Try this, then? I had to make some changes to `attachment`
>> to make the split versions available. I suggest reviewing
>> patch-by-patch.
>>> Branch updated; I'd missed a use of prune in itself.
>>> Unfortunately, this means it does still need to support the
>>> "undefined top directory" case: there isn't an obvious top
>>> directory for wrappers. --[[smcv]]
>> I also tried to fix a related bug which I found while testing it:
>> the special case for renaming held attachments didn't seem to work.
>> (`smcv/wip/rename-held`.) Unfortunately, it seems that with that

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
I turned on the sidebar plugin, with global_sidebars on (in the web setup page), created a sidebar page in the root, and edited the sidebar a few times.
I then noticed that all pages on the root had been updated with a sidebar, but no subpages (i.e. a/b). Only after editing a subpage did it get a sidebar. Editing sidebar itself only updated subpages with sidebars, the other subpages had not been refreshed (proven by their unchanged filesystem date)
After calling ikiwiki --setup on the command line all pages were updated. So this seems to be a difference between web-started --setup and command-line --setup. Or it just doesn't work the first time --setup is called after sidebars are enabled.

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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
I am trying to build a template. The compilation of this template results in a weird exception. I have isolated the cause of the exception to the following point:
If i have this in the template code:
pages="\<TMPL_VAR SEL_PAGES\>"<br/>
There is no problem at all. I can use the template with the desired result. But if I try to use this (just adding the "show" parameter):
\[[!inline <br/>
pages="\<TMPL_VAR SEL_PAGES>"<br/>
show=\<TMPL_VAR CNTPG><br/>
I get this exception on the Git bash console:
$ git push
Counting objects: 7, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 410 bytes, done.
Total 4 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: From /home/b-odelama-com/source
remote: eb1421e..5e1bac5 master -> origin/master
remote: Argument "\x{3c}\x{54}..." isn't numeric in numeric lt (<) at /usr/share/perl5/IkiWiki/Plugin/ line 231.
remote: Argument "\x{3c}\x{54}..." isn't numeric in numeric lt (<) at /usr/share/perl5/IkiWiki/Plugin/ line 231.
To ssh://
eb1421e..5e1bac5 master -> master
Please, let me know what to do to avoid this kind of error.
> When you add a template page `templates/foo.mdwn` for use
> the [[ikiwiki/directive/template]] directive, two things happen:
> 1. `\[[!template id=foo ...]]` becomes available;
> 2. a wiki page `templates/foo` is built, resulting in a HTML file,
> typically `templates/foo/index.html`
> The warnings you're seeing are the second of these: when ikiwiki
> tries to process `templates/foo.mdwn` as an ordinary page, without
> interpreting the `<TMPL_VAR>` directives, `inline` receives invalid
> input.
> This is a bit of a design flaw in [[plugins/template]] and
> [[plugins/edittemplate]], I think - ideally it would be possible to
> avoid parts of the page being interpreted when the page is being
> rendered normally rather than being used as a template.
> There *is* a trick to avoid parts of the page being interpreted when
> the page is being used as a template, while having them appear
> when it's rendered as a page:
> <!-- This part only appears when being used as a page.
> It assumes that you never set FALSE to a true value :-) -->
> \[[!meta robots="noindex,nofollow"]]
> This template is used to describe a thing. Parameters:
> * name: the name of the thing
> * size: the size of the thing
> </TMPL_IF>
> The thing is called <TMPL_VAR name> and its size is <TMPL_VAR size>
> I suppose you could maybe extend that to something like this:
> <!-- This part only appears when being used as a page.
> It assumes that you never set FALSE to a true value :-) -->
> \[[!meta robots="noindex,nofollow"]]
> This template is used to describe a thing. Parameters:
> * name: the name of the thing
> * size: the size of the thing
> </TMPL_IF>
> \[[!if test="included() and !included()" then="""
> </TMPL_IF>
> <!-- This part only appears when being used as a template. It also
> assumes that you never set FALSE to a true value, and it
> relies on the [[ikiwiki/pagespec]] "included() and !included()"
> never being true. -->
> The thing is called <TMPL_VAR name> and its size is <TMPL_VAR size>
> """]]
> </TMPL_IF>
> but that's far harder than it ought to be!
> Perhaps the right solution would be to change how the template plugin
> works, so that templates are expected to contain a new `definetemplate`
> directive:
> This template is used to describe a thing. Parameters:
> * name: the name of the thing
> * size: the size of the thing
> \[[!definetemplate """
> The thing is called <TMPL_VAR name> and its size is <TMPL_VAR size>
> """]]
> with templates not containing a `\[[!definetemplate]]` being treated
> as if the whole text of the page was copied into a `\[[!definetemplate]]`,
> for backwards compatibility?
> --[[smcv]]

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
does anyone have an idea why I see the following error when I run websetup (Setup button in Preferences)?
Error: Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at /usr/share/perl5/IkiWiki/Plugin/ line 82, line 97.
Maybe, related to this is also
$ ikiwiki --setup /etc/ikiwiki/auto-blog.setup
What will the blog be named? tmpblog
What revision control system to use? git
What wiki user (or openid) will be admin? wsh
Setting up tmpblog ...
Importing /home/wsh/tmpblog into git
Initialized empty shared Git repository in /home/wsh/tmpblog.git/
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/wsh/tmpblog/.git/
[master (root-commit) d6847e1] initial commit
8 files changed, 48 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 .gitignore
create mode 100644 archives.mdwn
create mode 100644 comments.mdwn
create mode 100644 index.mdwn
create mode 100644 posts.mdwn
create mode 100644 posts/first_post.mdwn
create mode 100644 sidebar.mdwn
create mode 100644 tags.mdwn
Counting objects: 11, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
Writing objects: 100% (11/11), 1.53 KiB, done.
Total 11 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (11/11), done.
To /home/wsh/tmpblog.git
* [new branch] master -> master
Directory /home/wsh/tmpblog is now a clone of git repository /home/wsh/tmpblog.git
Reference found where even-sized list expected at /usr/share/perl5/IkiWiki/ line 177, <GEN4> line 97.
Reference found where even-sized list expected at /usr/share/perl5/IkiWiki/ line 224, <GEN4> line 97.
Use of uninitialized value $section in hash element at /usr/share/perl5/IkiWiki/ line 226, <GEN4> line 97.
Use of uninitialized value $section in hash element at /usr/share/perl5/IkiWiki/ line 227, <GEN4> line 97.
Use of uninitialized value $section in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/IkiWiki/ line 233, <GEN4> line 97.
/etc/ikiwiki/auto-blog.setup: Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at /usr/share/perl5/IkiWiki/ line 252, <GEN4> line 97.
usage: ikiwiki [options] source dest
ikiwiki --setup configfile
I'm on Debian unstable.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
I use both [[plugins/moderatedcomments/]] and [[plugins/anonok]] on my [blog]( but having to remember to visit the comment moderation page manually is not ideal.
Is there a way to get an email notification (or maybe even just an RSS feed) whenever a new comment enters the moderation queue?

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="How to get a comment moderation feed"
I was looking for the same subject and I have found the following:

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
I have a folder with few administrative tasks, like a page showing the comments waiting for moderation.
There is no link from "normal/public" pages in my site to this administrative pages, but it doesn't prevent the possibility of any person writing down that address in the browser address-bar or finding that address in the browser navigation history.
Please, is there any way or best-practice restricting the access to this kind of pages? I know that these pages will eventually ask the user to log-in as admin, but I don't want them to see this stuff.

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
[[!template id=plugin name=dynamiccookies author="[[schmonz]]"]]
[[!template id=gitbranch branch=schmonz/dynamiccookies author="[[schmonz]]"]]
[[!tag type/web]]
This plugin populates ikiwiki's cookiejar by calling an external
program. The program is expected to print the serialized cookies
on `stdout` in a form which can be `eval`'d (e.g., `Data::Dumper`).
The plugin author's use case for this seemingly hacky interface:
aggregating authenticated feeds at work, where for various reasons
the needed cookies must be acquired using a separate `perl` from
the one used by ikiwiki.

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
[[!template id=plugin name=proxies author="[[schmonz]]"]]
[[!template id=gitbranch branch=schmonz/proxies author="[[schmonz]]"]]
[[!tag type/format]]
This plugin enables ikiwiki to open outbound connections (such as
found in [[plugins/aggregate]], [[plugins/openid]], and [[plugins/pinger]])
via a proxy. The proxy can be configurably avoided for connections
to certain domains.
### To do
* Move duplicated user-agent setup out of other plugins into this one.
* While I'm at it, fix [[bugs/http_proxy_for_openid]].

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
[[!template id=plugin name=wc author="[[schmonz]]"]]
[[!template id=gitbranch branch=schmonz/wc author="[[schmonz]]"]]
[[!tag type/meta]]
[[!tag patch]]
This plugin counts words in a page. For a single page, write a
`\[[!wc]]` directive and the word count will be interpolated there.
For a site, add `<TMPL_VAR WORDCOUNT>` to your [[templates]].
If [[!cpan HTML::Strip]] is installed, the wordcount will be slightly
more accurate.
Possible enhancements:
* Optimize: count words iff the result will be displayed. `sanitize()`
seems like the right place to count. Since it's called well after
`preprocess()`, I can tell whether a directive needs the result,
but since it appears to be called before `pagetemplate()`, I can't
tell whether a template wants to know and possibly skip the
computation. (In other words, if I add `$needed_for_template`
like `$needed_for_directive`, it gets set too late for `sanitize()`
to see.)

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@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ describes the plugin as a whole. For example:
strictly required.
* `section` can optionally specify which section in the config file
the plugin fits in. The convention is to name the sections the
same as the tags used for [[plugins|plugin]] on this wiki.
same as the tags used for [[plugins]] on this wiki.
### genwrapper
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ wiki updates.
The `%wikistate` hash can be used by a plugin to store persistant state
that is not bound to any one page. To set a value, use
`$wikistate{$id}{$key}=$value, where `$value` is anything Storable can
`$wikistate{$id}{$key}=$value`, where `$value` is anything Storable can
serialize, `$key` is any string you like, and `$id` must be the same as the
"id" parameter passed to `hook()` when registering the plugin, so that the
state can be dropped if the plugin is no longer used.

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
This is the [[SandBox]], a page anyone can edit to try out ikiwiki
(version [[!version ]]).
hello world
> This is a blockquote.
> This is the first level of quoting.

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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
ikiwiki's simple podcasting, while elegant and minimal, doesn't (as
mentioned in [[todo/blogging]]) produce full-featured feeds. In
fancy podcasts, episodes are accompanied by text content. The feeds
also have lots more metadata.
## Design
7. For each fancy podcast episode, write a blog post containing
`\[[!meta enclosure="WikiLink/to/media.mp3"]]`. (Don't specify
more than one enclosure -- but if you do, last one wins.)
7. When rendering to HTML (single-page or inlined), append a link
to the media file.
7. When rendering to RSS/Atom, the text is the entry's content and
the media file is its enclosure.
7. Don't break simple podcasts in pursuit of fancy podcasts.
## Implementation
[[!template id=gitbranch branch=schmonz/fancypodcast author="[[schmonz]]"]]
[[!tag patch]]
### Completed
* Cover the existing simple podcast behavior with tests.
* Add an `enclosure` field to [[plugins/meta]] that expands the
given [[ikiwiki/WikiLink]] to an absolute URL (feed enclosures
pretty much need to be, and the reference feeds I've looked at
all do this).
* Write failing tests for the desired single-page and inlined
HTML behavior, then make them pass by adding enclosure stanzas
to `{,inline}page.tmpl`.
* Write failing tests for the desired RSS/Atom behavior, then make
them pass via changes to `{atom,rss}item.tmpl` and [[plugins/inline]].
* Match feature-for-feature with
(what [[schmonz]] will be migrating from).
* Enrich [feed metadata](
by catching up `rsspage.tmpl` to `atompage.tmpl`.
* Verify that [[plugins/more]] plays well with fancy podcasts.
* Verify that the feeds validate.
* Subscribe to a fancy feed in some common podcatchers and verify
display details against a reference podcast.
### Status
[[!table data="""
Feature |iTunes RSS|iTunes Atom|Downcast RSS|Downcast Atom
Feed image |{X} |{X} |{X} |{X}
Feed title |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
Feed publisher |{X} |{X} |{X} |{X}
Feed "category" |{X} |{X} |{X} |{X}
Feed date |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
Feed description |(./) |(./) |(./) |{X}
Episode image |{X} |{X} |{X} |{X}
Episode title |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
Episode date |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
Episode duration |{X} |{X} |{X} |{X}
Episode author |{X} |{X} |{X} |{X}
Episode description|(./) |(./) |(./) |{X}
Episode enclosure |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
### Must-have (for [[schmonz]], anyway)
* Think carefully about...
* UTF-8.
* Whether [[tips/howto avoid flooding aggregators]] suffices for
migrating a fancy podcast into ikiwiki.
* Verify that _all_ the tests pass (not just my new ones).
## Future improvements
### iTunes fancy podcasting
* [iTunes-specific tags](
appear to be RSS-only
* If they work in Atom, teach `inline` to optionally iTunesify RSS/Atom.
* Else, add `itunes` as a third kind of feed (RSS plus more stuff).
* Notable tags for feeds:
* `itunes:subtitle`
* `itunes:author`
* `itunes:summary` (same as `description`)
* `itunes:owner` (includes `itunes:name` and `itunes:email`)
* `itunes:image href=''`
* `itunes:publisher`
* `itunes:category text=''` (can contain subcategories)
* `itunes:keywords`
* Notable tags for entries:
* `itunes:duration`
* [[!cpan Audio::TagLib]] might be fastest, if present and applicable
* [ffprobe]( is reasonably fast
* [mediainfo]( is way slower
* Cache computed durations as pagestate
### Fancy podcast aggregating
* Write tests comparing a fancy podcast (HTML and feeds) against
the same podcast aggregated and republished, then make them pass
via changes to `aggregatepost.impl` and [[plugins/aggregate]].
### Other ideas
* Optionally specify the enclosure's:
* MIME type, in case `File::MimeInfo` guesses wrong.
* Duration, in case `ffprobe` guesses wrong.
* Optionally specify enclosures outside the wiki:
* Some people don't want to store big unchanging files in the VCS.
* Other people like [podcasting found media](
* We'd have to download the file just to compute some metadata
about it, and then somehow not frequently re-download it.
* Configurably generate additional subscription links (such as
iTunes) alongside the RSS/Atom ones in [[plugins/inline]].
* Support Apple's "enhanced podcasts" (if they're still relevant).

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
For an internal wiki, we occasionally get patches that link to internal wiki pages using the Markdown link syntax. I'd love to see an optional git hook to detect that and complain.

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
for all sorts of things. His attempts at contributing:
pages="!*/Discussion and ((link(users/schmonz) and plugins/*) or rcs/cvs)"
pages="!*/Discussion and ((link(users/schmonz) and plugins/*) or rcs/cvs or todo/fancypodcast)"
He's also written a plugin for [WIND