@ -1,188 +1,122 @@
# Sandbox
Title: stobsaí does some markdown
Author: stíobhart matulevicz
Copyright:, 2012
Date: 19th May 2012
Comment: This is the most anally deficient document ever written by the hand of God [or "Jawd", as some people like to pronounce it]
Quotes Language: French
Meta: This is an arbitrary metatag I just invented
[[!pagestats pages="/tags/*"]]
### Let's try some Hairy Navigation [top]
Hello, ikiwiki.
* [section1][]
* [section2][]
* [section3][]
\- ndashes you say
-- mdashes you also say
--- whatever the even longer ones are called, you say
Testing. One Two Three.
how's about a link to the [BBC] and to [wikipedia] with the URLs separate from the text. That looks a lot neater, in my [book].
[[!sidebar ]]
Incidentally, my book is called *"The Bumper Book of Anal Gland Pus"*, so it is.
Here's a hr:
## number 2
### number 3
#### number 4
Now to try a pure mingin' table:
This is the SandBox, a page anyone can edit to try out ikiwiki
(version [[!version ]]).
Do footnotes automatically number then?[^footnote-footnote]
[[!toc levels=1 startlevel=2 ]]
## Blockquotes
| | Grouping ||
First Header | Second Header | Third Header |
------------ | :-----------: | -----------: |
Content | *Long Cell* ||
Content | **Cell** | Cell |
> This is a blockquote.
> This is the first level of quoting.
> > This is a nested blockquote.
>> Without a space works too.
>>> to three levels
> Back to the first level.
New section | More | Data |
And more | And more |
[Prototype table]
> It's kinda like e-mail...
>> ...but without the cool colored lines...
>>> ...and different font colors.
>>>> ...but it's nothing a little CSS can't fix.
| Why can I not do a table? ||
| Reason | Likelihood |
------ | ------: |
you're shit | medium |
markdown is shit | low |
tables are shit | high |
something to do with the linebreaks | none |
# Pointless heading
new section | why not? |
| Spannage ||
[stobsaí table]
Let's see a table:
[[!table data="""
Heading 1|Heading 2|Heading 3
Item 1| Item 2| Item 3"""]]
This is a formatted image ![image][] and a [link][] with attributes.
location / {
proxy_pass http://test.ashep:80;
proxy_cache default;
proxy_cache_valid 200 302 10m;
proxy_cache_valid 404 1m;
[image]: "Goggle-hyoo!" width=465px height=326px
[link]: "madralinnok" class=external
style="border: solid #ff9999 1px;"
Here is some text containing a second footnote.[^footnote-nuvver]
How's about the anal ballbaggery that is referencing. Especially that of the Harvardonian persuasion?
*"...Well, I think that Professor Dullard McTreacle is quite possibly the most tedious man in the whole Universe. My books are much more interesting and I have reliable reports that some people have managed to stay awake 'til the end of the first page, while reading them..."* [PGCE-land, 2006][#Dullard:2006].
Numbered list
1. First item.
1. Sub item.
1. Another.
1. And another..
1. foo
2. bar
3. quz
## The first section [section1]
Bulleted list
This is a fine section with a lot going for it. In fact, for a lot of people, this is the *section du jour*. The great Norman Pustule himself described this section as smelling like *"The Bovril of Thespes, decanted through the gussets of Joan of Arc"*
* item
* *item*
* item
* one
* footballs; runner; unices
* Cool !
* Indeed.
## The second section [section2]
[[new link]]
Not many people expected the second section to measure up to the elegance of the first and, in this, they were not disappointed. Where the first section had verve and drive and an almost cavalier attitude to the English language, the second sectioned confined itself to positing the end of life in The Universe itself. A much more modest venture.
Maths? Surely not....
[[!template id=note text="this is generated by the [[plugins/haiku]] plugin"]]
[[!haiku hint="sandbox play"]]
<< e^(i pi) + 1 = 0 [Euler's identity]>>
<< x_(1,2) = (-b+-sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a) [quadratic equation solution]>>
## Different sorts of links:
* [[Features]]
* <>
* [[different_name_for_a_WikiLink|ikiwiki/WikiLink]]
* <>
* [GNU](
* <a href="">Joey's blog</a>
# header1
## header2
### header3
#### header4
##### header 5
You can also include formulas within a sentence, such as
<<x^2 + y^2 = 1>>. You can then make a reference to
[Euler's identity].
## The third section [section3]
### this shows a problem with the list and the verbatim
*"And what of the third section?"* you ask. Well, coming hard on the heels of the award-winning first and second sections, the third section had a lot to live up to. So it was no surprise to most people that it fell flat on its stupid looking face. The third section smelled of eggs, pifgas and a myriad of other noxious odours. It reeked, ponged and whiffed, in equal measure and --what's worse-- it never washed its nets!
Now we try to write a "code" block starting with a hash sign
Well, folks. That's the end of the document. Hope you liked it. Be sure to tune in again next week, when I outline the basic principles of the game of *Count Yer Nose*, which has been a firm family favourite for three hundred and seventeen years.
# test 1,2,3
$ another test
A definition list:
: Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in
the family Rosaceae.
: An american computer company.
: The fruit of an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus.
Oh, let's try to do the same thing using sane syntax instead:
# test 1,2,3
$ another test
Now let's write the same block, with a bullest list preceding it.
* [top][]
* This is a bullet list
[^footnote-footnote]: This was the first ever footnote, ever.
# test 1,2,3
$ another test
[^footnote-nuvver]: Here is the text of the footnote itself.
## Bibliography
Test some tags
[[!tag tech life linux]]
[[!taglink tech life linux]]
[[!toggle id="ipsum" text="show"]]
[[!toggleable id="ipsum" text="""
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim
ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
[[!toggle id="ipsum" text="hide"]]
This **SandBox** is also a [[blog]]! xxx
[[!inline pages="sandbox/* and !*/Discussion" rootpage="sandbox" show="4" archive="yes"]]a
[[!format verilog """
module vc_Mux2 #( parameter W = 1 )
input [W-1:0] in0, in1,
input sel,
output reg [W-1:0] out
always @(*)
case ( sel )
1'd0 : out = in0;
1'd1 : out = in1;
default : out = {W{1'bx}};
testing the ikiwiki sandbox.
Testing 1, 2, 3.....
[#Dullard:2006]: Professor PGCE-land. *The Boringest Book in the History of the Universe*. Arseball Press, 2006.
Reference in New Issue