web commit by http://getopenid.com/ptecza: * Add pointers to modified UTF7

joey 2007-01-28 14:16:18 +00:00
parent 2af8a8d1fe
commit bb2bcf1060
1 changed files with 8 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ I hope it's a bug, not a feature and you fix it soon :) --Pawel
joey@kodama:~>perl -MIkiWiki -le 'print IkiWiki::titlepage(shift).".mdwn"' "Błąd"
>>>>> Thanks for the hint! It's good for me, but rather not for common users :)
>>>> Now, as to UTF7, in retrospect, using a standard encoding might be a
>>>> better idea than coming up with my own encoding for filenames. Can
>>>> you provide a pointer to a description to modified-UTF7? --[[Joey]]
>>>>> The modified form of UTF7 is defined in [RFC 2060](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2060.txt)
>>>>> for IMAP4 protocol (please see section 5.1.3 for details).
>>>>> There is a Perl [Unicode::IMAPUtf7](http://search.cpan.org/~fabpot/Unicode-IMAPUtf7-2.01/lib/Unicode/IMAPUtf7.pm)
>>>>> module at the CPAN, but probably it hasn't been debianized yet :( --Pawel