web commit by intrigeri: pedigree: answer + updated design proposal

Joey Hess 2008-07-14 19:22:16 -04:00
parent 024d66bb31
commit b41cc4b15b
1 changed files with 62 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -58,6 +58,68 @@ Any opinions on the idea/design/implementation?
>> online costs bucks to me, my old modem gently weeps,
>> and I hate webbrowsers.) -- intrigeri
>>> Well, I maybe didn't get your idea properly; I may be missing
>>> something obvious, but:
>>> * I don't understand how this would replace `is_grand_mother`. As a template
>>> writer, I don't know, given an absolute array index (and this is the only
>>> piece of data your solution gives me), if it will be e.g. the before-last
>>> (how do I say this in correct English?) element of an array whose
>>> (variable) size is unknown to me.
>>> * Knowing that `reldepth`'s value is, in a given loop, always equal to
>>> `absdepth - 1` is of little use to me (as a template writer): how do I use
>>> this piece of information programmatically in my templates, if I want all
>>> links with `reldepth==2` to be given the same style? I guess some bits of
>>> Javascript might do the trick, but if it's getting so complicated, I'll
>>> just style my parentlinks another way.
>>> In my understanding, your suggestion gives us little more than can already
>>> be achieved anyway with `HTML::Template`'s `loop_context_vars` (i.e.
>>> `__first__`, `__last__` and `__counter__`). The only added bonus is doing
>>> custom stuff for an arbitrary element in the loop, chosen by its absolute
>>> depth. Please correct me if needed.
>>> (Intermezzo: in the meantime, to suit my personal real-world needs, I added
>>> a `DISTANCE` loop-variable. Quoting the documentation, it's "thedistance,
>>> expressed in path elements, from the current page to the current path
>>> element; e.g. this is 1 for the current page's mother, 2 for its
>>> grand-mother, etc.".)
>>> Anyway, your comments have made me think of other ways to simplify a bit
>>> this plugin, which admittedly provides too much overlapping functionality.
>>> Bellow is my reasoning.
>>> In one of my own real world examples, my two main use cases are :
>>> * the "full-blown example" provided in the documentation (i.e.
>>> displaying every parent but mother and grand'ma as a group, and giving
>>> every of these two last ones their dedicated div);
>>> * skipping the two oldest parents, and inside what's left, displaying the
>>> three youngest parents (i.e. mother, grand'ma and grand'grand'ma), each
>>> one with a dedicated style;
>>> Both of these can be achieved by combining `PEDIGREE`, `DISTANCE`, and some
>>> CSS tricks to hide some parts of the list. `IS_MOTHER` and
>>> `IS_GRAND_MOTHER`, as well as `PEDIGREE_BUT_TWO_OLDEST`, would be convenient
>>> shortcuts, but I do not formally need them.
>>> So... it seems things can be simplified greatly:
>>> * I initially added `RELDEPTH` for completeness, but I'm not sure anyone
>>> would use it. Let's give it up.
>>> * Once `RELDEPTH` is lost (modulo Git tendencies to preserve history), the
>>> known bug is gone as well, and `PEDIGREE_BUT_ROOT` and
>>> `PEDIGREE_BUT_TWO_OLDEST` are now only convenient shortcuts functions;
>>> they could as well disappear, if you prefer to.
>>> It appears then that I'd be personally happy with the single `PEDIGREE` loop
>>> (renamed to `PARENTLINKS`), providing only `PAGE`, `URL`, `ABSDEPTH` (maybe
>>> renamed to `DEPTH`), and `DISTANCE`. This would make my templates a bit more
>>> complicated to write and read, but would also keep the plugin's code to the
>>> bare minimum. Let's say it is my up-to-date proposal. (Well, if the various
>>> shortcuts don't really annoy you, I'd be glad to keep them ;)
(I'll try never to rebase this branch, but writing this plugin has
been a pretext for me to start learning Git, so...)