added cgi support

joey 2006-03-10 23:16:09 +00:00
parent eeb4e694d3
commit 942d5896cd
3 changed files with 185 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -4,3 +4,5 @@
to point to it, but will forget to update the linkbacks in Foo/Baz.
And if Foo/Bar/Baz is then removed, it forgets to update Foo/Bar to link
back to Foo/Baz.
* Foo/Bar/Baz shows up as Bar/Baz in the linkbacks on page Foo/Bar. Should
show as just Baz there.

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
Let's do an ikiwiki security analysis..
If you are using ikiwiki to render pages that only you can edit, then there
are no more security issues with this program than with cat(1). If,
however, you let others edit pages in your wiki, then some security issues
do need to be kept in mind.
If you are using ikiwiki to render pages that only you can edit, do not
generate any wrappers, and do not use the cgi, then there are no more
security issues with this program than with cat(1). If, however, you let
others edit pages in your wiki, then some possible security issues do need
to be kept in mind.
## html attacks
@ -50,3 +51,35 @@ to the html pages, etc.
If the wrapper script is made suid, then any bugs in this wrapper would be
security holes. The wrapper is written as securely as I know how and
there's been no problem yet.
## symlink attacks
Could a committer trick ikiwiki into following a symlink and operating on
some other tree that it shouldn't? svn supports symlinks, so one can get
into the repo. ikiwiki uses File::Find to traverse the repo, and does not
tell it to follow symlinks, but it might be possible to race replacing a
directory with a symlink and trick it into following.
It would certianly be possible to start out with a directory, let ikiwiki
run and find a file in there, then replace it with a symlink, and ikiwiki
would then go ahead and follow the symlink when it went to open that file
to read it. If it was some private file and was running suid, that could be
TODO: seems that locking to prevent more than one ikiwiki run at a time
would both fix this and is a good idea in general. With locking, an
attacker couldn't get ikiwiki to svn up while another instance was running.
Even with locking, if an attacker has local write access to the checkout,
they could still fool ikiwiki using similar races. So it's best if only one
person can ever write to the checkout that ikiwiki compiles the moo from.
## cgi security
When ikiwiki runs as a cgi to edit a page, it is passed the name of the
page to edit. It has to make sure to sanitise this page, to prevent eg,
editing of ../../../foo, or editing of files that are not part of the wiki,
such as subversion dotfiles. This is done by sanitising the filename
removing unallowed characters, then making sure it doesn't start with "/"
or contain ".." or "/.svn/". Annoyingly ad-hoc, this kind of code is where
security holes breed.

View File

@ -15,16 +15,28 @@ BEGIN {
my ($srcdir, $destdir, %links, %oldlinks, %oldpagemtime, %renderedfiles,
my $link=qr/\[\[([^\s]+)\]\]/;
my $wiki_link_regexp=qr/\[\[([^\s]+)\]\]/;
my $wiki_file_regexp=qr/(^[-A-Za-z0-9_.:\/+]+$)/;
my $wiki_file_prune_regexp=qr!((^|/).svn/|\.\.)!;
my $verbose=0;
my $wikiname="wiki";
my $default_pagetype=".mdwn";
my $cgi=0;
my $url="";
sub usage {
die "usage: ikiwiki [options] source dest\n";
sub error ($) {
die @_;
if ($cgi) {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "Error: @_\n";
exit 1;
else {
die @_;
sub debug ($) {
@ -83,21 +95,21 @@ sub htmlpage ($) {
return $page.".html";
sub readpage ($) {
my $page=shift;
sub readfile ($) {
my $file=shift;
local $/=undef;
open (PAGE, "$srcdir/$page") || error("failed to read $page: $!");
my $ret=<PAGE>;
close PAGE;
open (IN, "$file") || error("failed to read $file: $!");
my $ret=<IN>;
close IN;
return $ret;
sub writepage ($$) {
my $page=shift;
sub writefile ($$) {
my $file=shift;
my $content=shift;
my $dir=dirname("$destdir/$page");
my $dir=dirname($file);
if (! -d $dir) {
my $d="";
foreach my $s (split(m!/+!, $dir)) {
@ -108,16 +120,16 @@ sub writepage ($$) {
open (PAGE, ">$destdir/$page") || error("failed to write $page: $!");
print PAGE $content;
close PAGE;
open (OUT, ">$file") || error("failed to write $file: $!");
print OUT $content;
close OUT;
sub findlinks {
my $content=shift;
my @links;
while ($content =~ /$link/g) {
while ($content =~ /$wiki_link_regexp/g) {
push @links, lc($1);
return @links;
@ -184,7 +196,7 @@ sub linkify ($$) {
my $content=shift;
my $file=shift;
$content =~ s/$link/htmllink(pagename($file), $1)/eg;
$content =~ s/$wiki_link_regexp/htmllink(pagename($file), $1)/eg;
return $content;
@ -261,7 +273,7 @@ sub render ($) {
my $file=shift;
my $type=pagetype($file);
my $content=readpage($file);
my $content=readfile("$srcdir/$file");
if ($type ne 'unknown') {
my $page=pagename($file);
@ -272,13 +284,13 @@ sub render ($) {
$content=linkbacks($content, $page);
$content=finalize($content, $page);
writepage(htmlpage($page), $content);
writefile("$destdir/".htmlpage($page), $content);
else {
writepage($file, $content);
writefile("$destdir/$file", $content);
@ -310,6 +322,14 @@ sub saveindex () {
close OUT;
sub update () {
if (-d "$srcdir/.svn") {
if (system("svn", "update", "--quiet", $srcdir) != 0) {
warn("svn update failed\n");
sub prune ($) {
my $file=shift;
@ -327,11 +347,11 @@ sub refresh () {
no_chdir => 1,
wanted => sub {
if (/\/\.svn\//) {
if (/$wiki_file_prune_regexp/) {
elsif (! -d $_ && ! /\.html$/ && ! /\/\./) {
my ($f)=/(^[-A-Za-z0-9_.:\/+]+$)/; # untaint
my ($f)=/$wiki_file_regexp/; # untaint
if (! defined $f) {
warn("skipping bad filename $_\n");
@ -460,16 +480,45 @@ sub gen_wrapper ($$) {
$call.=', "--verbose"' if $verbose;
$call.=', "--rebuild"' if $rebuild;
$call.=', "--offline"' if $offline;
$call.=', "--cgi"' if $cgi;
$call.=', "--url='.$url.'"' if $url;
# For CGI we need all these environment variables.
my $envsave="";
foreach my $var (@envsave) {
if ((s=getenv("$var")))
asprintf(&newenviron[i++], "%s=%s", "$var", s);
open(OUT, ">ikiwiki-wrap.c") || error("failed to write ikiwiki-wrap.c: $!");;
print OUT <<"EOF";
/* A suid wraper for ikiwiki */
/* A wrapper for ikiwiki, can be safely made suid. */
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
extern char **environ;
int main (void) {
/* Sanitize environment. */
if ($cgi) {
char *s;
char *newenviron[$#envsave+2];
int i=0;
else {
execl($call, NULL);
perror("failed to run $this");
@ -484,35 +533,100 @@ EOF
exit 0;
sub update () {
if (-d "$srcdir/.svn") {
if (system("svn", "update", "--quiet", $srcdir) != 0) {
warn("svn update failed\n");
sub cgi () {
eval q{use CGI};
my $q=CGI->new;
my $do=$q->param('do');
if (! defined $do || ! length $do) {
error("\"do\" parameter missing");
my ($page)=$q->param('page')=~/$wiki_file_regexp/; # untaint
if (! defined $page || ! length $page || $page ne $q->param('page') ||
$page=~/$wiki_file_prune_regexp/ || $page=~/^\//) {
error("bad page name");
my $action=$q->request_uri;
if ($do eq 'edit') {
my $content="";
if (exists $pagesources{lc($page)}) {
$q->param("do", "save");
print $q->header,
$q->start_html("$wikiname: Editing $page"),
$q->h1("$wikiname: Editing $page"),
$q->start_form(-action => $action),
$q->textarea(-name => 'content',
-default => $content,
-rows => 20,
-columns => 80),
$q->submit("Save Changes"),
# TODO: Cancel button returns to page.
# TODO: Preview button.
# TODO: Commit message field.
# TODO: Conflict prevention.
elsif ($do eq 'save') {
my $file=$page.$default_pagetype;
if (exists $pagesources{lc($page)}) {
my $content=$q->param('content');
writefile("$srcdir/$file", $content);
print $q->redirect("$url/".htmlpage($page));
else {
error("unknown do parameter");
my $rebuild=0;
my $offline=0;
my $gen_wrapper=0;
my $wrapper=0;
if (grep /^-/, @ARGV) {
eval {use Getopt::Long};
"wikiname=s" => \$wikiname,
"verbose|v" => \$verbose,
"rebuild" => \$rebuild,
"gen-wrapper" => \$gen_wrapper,
"wrapper" => \$wrapper,
"offline" => \$offline,
"cgi" => \$cgi,
"url=s" => \$url,
) || usage();
usage() unless @ARGV == 2;
($srcdir) = possibly_foolish_untaint(shift);
($destdir) = possibly_foolish_untaint(shift);
gen_wrapper($offline, $rebuild) if $gen_wrapper;
if ($cgi && ! length $url) {
error("Must specify url to wiki with --url when using --cgi");
gen_wrapper($offline, $rebuild) if $wrapper;
update() unless $offline;
loadindex() unless $rebuild;
if ($cgi) {
else {
update() unless $offline;