* Make the basewiki be full of symlinks to pages that should be the same

in the doc wiki. This will allow direct edits to alter the base wiki
  without manual munging.
joey 2007-02-13 23:10:45 +00:00
parent 309c689b6b
commit 88e8f08c8f
56 changed files with 612 additions and 597 deletions

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ extra_install:
$(CP) -a templates/* $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/ikiwiki/templates
install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/ikiwiki/basewiki
$(CP) -a basewiki/* $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/ikiwiki/basewiki
$(CP) -aL basewiki/* $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/ikiwiki/basewiki
install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1
install -m 644 ikiwiki.man $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1/ikiwiki.1

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You can turn any page on this wiki into a weblog by inserting a
[[PreProcessorDirective]]. Like this:
\[[inline pages="blog/* and !*/Discussion" show="10" rootpage="blog"]]
Any pages that match the specified [[PageSpec]] (in the example, any
[[SubPage]] of "blog") will be part of the blog, and the newest 10
of them will appear in the page. Note that if files that are not pages
match the [[PageSpec]], they will be included in the feed using RSS
enclosures, which is useful for podcasting.
The optional `rootpage` parameter tells the wiki that new posts to this blog
should default to being [[SubPage]]s of "blog", and enables a form at the
top of the blog that can be used to add new items.
If you want your blog to have an archive page listing every post ever made
to it, you can accomplish that like this:
\[[inline pages="blog/* and !*/Discussion" archive="yes"]]
You can even create an automatically generated list of all the pages on the
wiki, with the most recently added at the top, like this:
\[[inline pages="* and !*/Discussion" archive="yes"]]
If you want to be able to add pages to a given blog feed by tagging them,
you can do that too. To tag a page, just make it link to a page or pages
that represent its tags. Then use the special link() [[PageSpec]] to match
all pages that have a given tag:
\[[inline pages="link(life)"]]
Or include some tags and exclude others:
\[[inline pages="link(debian) and !link(social)"]]

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# Help on formatting text
Text on this wiki is, by default, written in a form very close to how you
might write text for an email message. This style of text formatting is
called [[MarkDown]], and it works like this:
Leave blank lines between paragraphs.
You can \**emphasise*\* or \*\***strongly emphasise**\*\* text by placing it
in single or double asterisks.
To create a list, start each line with an asterisk:
* "* this is my list"
* "* another item"
To make a numbered list, start each line with a number (any number will
do) followed by a period:
1. "1. first line"
2. "2. second line"
2. "2. third line"
To create a header, start a line with one or more `#` characters followed
by a space and the header text. The number of `#` characters controls the
size of the header:
# # h1
## ## h2
### ### h3
#### #### h4
##### ##### h5
###### ###### h6
You can also make the first two levels of heading by underlining text with
equals or dash:
heading 1
heading 1
heading 2
heading 2
To create a horizontal rule, just write three or more dashes or stars on
their own line:
To quote someone, prefix the quote with ">":
> To be or not to be,
> that is the question.
To write a code block, indent each line with a tab or 4 spaces:
10 PRINT "Hello, world!"
20 GOTO 10
To link to another page on the wiki, place the page's name inside double
square brackets, so you would use `\[[WikiLink]]` to link to [[WikiLink]].
To link to any other web page, or to an email address, you can just put the url in angle brackets: <<http://ikiwiki.kitenet.net>>, or you can use the form
\[link text\]\(url\)
You can also use [[PreProcessorDirective]]s to do additional cool stuff.
[[if test="enabled(smiley)" then="""
Also, because this wiki has the smiley plugin enabled, you can
insert [[smileys]] and some other useful symbols.

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/* ikiwiki local style sheet */
/* Add local styling here, instead of modifying style.css. */

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@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
is a minimal markup language that resembles plain text as used in
email messages. It is the markup language used by this wiki by default.
For documentation about the markdown syntax, see [[HelpOnFormatting]] and
[Markdown: syntax](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax).
Note that [[WikiLink]]s and [[PreProcessorDirective]]s are not part of the
markdown syntax, and are the only bit of markup that this wiki handles

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@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
[[meta title="OpenID"]]
[[template id=note text="""
[[if test="enabled(openid)"
then="This wiki has OpenID **enabled**."
else="This wiki has OpenID **disabled**."]]
[OpenID](http://openid.net) is a decentralized authentication mechanism
that allows you to have one login that you can use on a growing number of
To sign up for an OpenID, visit one of the following identity providers:
* [MyOpenID](https://www.myopenid.com/)
* [GetOpenID](https://getopenid.com/)
* [Videntity](http://videntity.org/)
* [LiveJournal](http://www.livejournal.com/openid/)
* or any of the many others out there..
Your OpenID is the URL that you are given when you sign up.
[[if test="enabled(openid)" then="""
To sign in to this wiki using OpenID, just enter it in the OpenID field in the
signin form. You do not need to give this wiki a password or go through any
registration process when using OpenID.
It's also possible to make a page in the wiki usable as an OpenID url,
by delegating it to an openid server. Here's an example of how to do that:
\[[meta link="http://www.myopenid.com/server" rel="openid.server"]]
\[[meta link="http://yourid.myopenid.com/" rel="openid.delegate"]]

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@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
To select a set of pages, such as pages that are locked, pages
whose commit emails you want subscribe to, or pages to combine into a
blog, the wiki uses a PageSpec. This is an expression that matches
a set of pages.
The simplest PageSpec is a simple list of pages. For example, this matches
any of the three listed pages:
foo or bar or baz
More often you will want to match any pages that have a particular thing in
their name. You can do this using a glob pattern. "`*`" stands for any part
of a page name, and "`?`" for any single letter of a page name. So this
matches all pages about music, and any [[SubPage]]s of the SandBox, but does
not match the SandBox itself:
*music* or SandBox/*
You can also prefix an item with "`!`" to skip pages that match it. So to
match all pages except for Discussion pages and the SandBox:
* and !SandBox and !*/Discussion
Some more elaborate limits can be added to what matches using any of these
* "`link(page)`" - match only pages that link to a given page
* "`backlink(page)`" - match only pages that a given page links to
* "`creation_month(month)`" - match only pages created on the given month
* "`creation_day(mday)`" - or day of the month
* "`creation_year(year)`" - or year
* "`created_after(page)`" - match only pages created after the given page
was created
* "`created_before(page)`" - match only pages created before the given page
was created
For example, to match all pages in a blog that link to the page about music
and were written in 2005:
blog/* and link(music) and creation_year(2005)
More complex expressions can also be created, by using parentheses for
grouping. For example, to match pages in a blog that are tagged with either
of two tags, use:
blog/* and (link(tag/foo) or link(tag/bar))
Note that page names in PageSpecs are matched against the absolute
filenames of the pages in the wiki, so a pagespec "foo" used on page
"a/b" will not match a page named "a/foo" or "a/b/foo". To match
relative to the directory of the page containing the pagespec, you can
use "./". For example, "./foo" on page "a/b" matches page "a/foo".
## Old syntax
The old PageSpec syntax was called a "GlobList", and worked differently in
two ways:
1. "and" and "or" were not used; any page matching any item from the list
2. If an item was prefixed with "`!`", then no page matching that item
matched, even if it matched an earlier list item.
For example, here is the old way to match all pages except for the SandBox
and Discussion pages:
* !SandBox !*/Discussion
Using this old syntax is still supported. However, the old syntax is
deprecated and will be removed at some point, and using the new syntax is

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
Preprocessor directives are similar to a [[WikiLink]] in form, except they
contain spaces and parameters. The general form is:
\[[directive param="value" param="value"]]
This gets expanded before the rest of the page is processed, and can be used
to transform the page in various ways.
The quotes around values can be omitted if the value is a simple word.
Also, some directives may use parameters without values, for example:
\[[tag foo]]
Note that if a preprocessor directive has no parameters, a space still must
be put after its name, to avoid confusion with a [[WikiLink]]. For example:
\[[pagecount ]]
A preprocessor directive does not need to all be on one line, it can be
wrapped to multiple lines if you like:
\[[directive foo="baldersnatch"
bar="supercalifragalisticexpealadocious" baz=11]]
Also, multiple lines of *quoted* text can be used for a value.
To allow quote marks inside the quoted text, delimit the block
of text with triple-quotes:
\[[directive text="""
1. "foo"
2. "bar"
3. "baz"

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
This page controls what shortcut links the wiki supports.
* [[shortcut name=google url="http://www.google.com/search?q=%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=wikipedia url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=debbug url="http://bugs.debian.org/%s" desc="bug #%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=deblist url="http://lists.debian.org/debian-%s" desc="debian-%s@lists.debian.org"]]
* [[shortcut name=debpkg url="http://packages.debian.org/%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=debpts url="http://packages.qa.debian.org/%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=fdobug url="https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="freedesktop.org bug #%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=fdolist url="http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/%s" desc="%s@lists.freedesktop.org"]]
* [[shortcut name=cpan url="http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=dist&query=%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=ctan url="http://tug.ctan.org/cgi-bin/ctanPackageInformation.py?id=%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=iki url="http://ikiwiki.kitenet.net/%s.html"]]
* [[shortcut name=ljuser url="http://%s.livejournal.com/"]]
To add a new shortcut, use the "shortcut" preprocessor directive. "%s" is
replaced with the text passed to the named shortcut. The optional desc
parameter controls the description of the link.

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@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
This page is used to control what smileys are supported by the wiki.
Just write the text of a smiley to display it.
* \:) [[smileys/smile.png]]
* \:-) [[smileys/smile.png]]
* \:D [[smileys/biggrin.png]]
* \:-D [[smileys/biggrin.png]]
* \B) [[smileys/smile2.png]]
* \B-) [[smileys/smile2.png]]
* \:)) [[smileys/smile3.png]]
* \:-)) [[smileys/smile3.png]]
* \;) [[smileys/smile4.png]]
* \;-) [[smileys/smile4.png]]
* \:\ [[smileys/ohwell.png]]
* \:/ [[smileys/ohwell.png]]
* \:-/ [[smileys/ohwell.png]]
* \>:> [[smileys/devil.png]]
* \X-( [[smileys/angry.png]]
* \<:( [[smileys/frown.png]]
* \:( [[smileys/sad.png]]
* \:-( [[smileys/sad.png]]
* \:-? [[smileys/tongue.png]]
* \:o [[smileys/redface.png]]
* \|) [[smileys/tired.png]]
* \|-) [[smileys/tired.png]]
* \{OK} [[smileys/thumbs-up.png]]
* \{X} [[smileys/icon-error.png]]
* \{i} [[smileys/icon-info.png]]
* \(./) [[smileys/checkmark.png]]
* \(!) [[smileys/idea.png]]
* \[!] [[smileys/attention.png]]
* \/!\ [[smileys/alert.png]]
* \{*} [[smileys/star_on.png]]
* \{o} [[smileys/star_off.png]]
* \{1} [[smileys/prio1.png]]
* \{2} [[smileys/prio2.png]]
* \{3} [[smileys/prio3.png]]
For example: {*} B) {*}
To change the supported smileys, just edit the lists on this page.
Note that the format is important; each list item should start with the
text that is turned into the smiley, escaped so that users can see what
produces it, followed by a [[WikiLink]] to the image to display.
/!\ Bear in mind that the link to the image needs to be written in a way that
will work if it's copied to other pages on the wiki. So be sure to include the
smileys directory in the path to the file.

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/* ikiwiki style sheet */
/* Note that instead of modifying this style sheet, you can instead edit
* local.css and use it to override or change settings in this one.
.header {
margin: 0;
font-size: 22px;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 1em;
display: block;
.author {
margin: 0;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
display: block;
.actions ul {
margin: 0;
padding: 6px;
list-style-type: none;
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.inlinepage .actions ul {
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display: inline;
padding: .2em .4em;
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margin: 1em 0;
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div.tags {
border-top: 1px solid #000;
#footer {
margin: 1em 0;
#searchform {
display: inline;
float: right;
#editcontent {
width: 100%;
/* Stuff for the RecentChanges table. */
tr.changeheader {
background: #eee;
color: black !important;
tr.changeinfo {
background: #eee;
color: black !important;
th.changeheader {
padding: 1px .3em;
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padding: 1px .3em;
td.changetime {
white-space: nowrap;
padding: 1px .3em;
td.changelog {
font-style: italic;
.pagecloud {
padding: 10px 10px;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
background: #eee;
color: black !important;
/* Used for adding a blog page. */
#blogform {
padding: 10px 10px;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
background: #eee;
color: black !important;
.inlinepage {
padding: 10px 10px;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
.pageinfo {
clear: both;
font-style: italic;
display: block;
/* Used for invalid form fields. */
.fb_invalid {
color: red;
background: white !important;
/* Used for required form fields. */
.fb_required {
font-weight: bold;
/* Orange feed button. */
.feedbutton {
background: #ff6600;
color: white !important;
border-left: 1px solid #cc9966;
border-top: 1px solid #ccaa99;
border-right: 1px solid #993300;
border-bottom: 1px solid #331100;
padding: 0px 0.5em 0px 0.5em;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: small;
text-decoration: none;
margin-top: 1em;
.feedbutton:hover {
color: white !important;
background: #ff9900;
/* Tag cloud. */
.pagecloud {
float: right;
width: 30%;
text-align: center;
.smallestPC { font-size: 70%; }
.smallPC { font-size: 85%; }
.normalPC { font-size: 100%; }
.bigPC { font-size: 115%; }
.biggestPC { font-size: 130%; }
#sidebar {
line-height: 3ex;
width: 20ex;
float: right;
margin-left: 40px;
margin-bottom: 40px;
padding: 2ex 2ex;
.infobox {
float: right;
margin-left: 2ex;
margin-top: 1ex;
margin-bottom: 1ex;
padding: 1ex 1ex;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
.notebox {
float: right;
margin-left: 2ex;
margin-top: 1ex;
margin-bottom: 1ex;
padding: 1ex 1ex;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
width: 25%
/* outlines */
li.L1 {
list-style: upper-roman;
li.L2 {
list-style: decimal;
li.L3 {
list-style: lower-alpha;
li.L4 {
list-style: disc;
li.L5 {
list-style: square;
li.L6 {
list-style: circle;
li.L7 {
list-style: lower-roman;
li.L8 {
list-style: upper-alpha;
hr.poll {
height: 10pt;
color: white !important;
background: #eee;
border: 2px solid black;
div.poll {
margin-top: 1ex;
margin-bottom: 1ex;
padding: 1ex 1ex;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
input#openid_url {
background: url(http://openid.net/login-bg.gif) no-repeat;
background-color: #fff;
background-position: 0 50%;
color: #000;
padding-left: 18px;

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
ikiwiki supports placing pages in a directory hierarchy. For example,
this page, [[SubPage]] has some related pages placed under it, like
[[SubPage/LinkingRules]]. This is a useful way to add some order to your
wiki rather than just having a great big directory full of pages.
To add a SubPage, just make a subdirectory and put pages in it. For
example, this page is SubPage.mdwn in this wiki's source, and there is also
a SubPage subdirectory, which contains SubPage/LinkingRules.mdwn. Subpages
can be nested as deeply as you'd like.
Linking to and from a SubPage is explained in [[LinkingRules]].

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WikiLinks provide easy linking between pages of the wiki. To create a
[[WikiLink]], just put the name of the page to link to in double brackets.
For example "\[[WikiLink]]".
If you ever need to write something like "\[[WikiLink]] without creating a
wikilink, just prefix it with a "\", like "\\\\[[WikiLink]]".
There are some special [[SubPage/LinkingRules]] that come into play when
linking between [[SubPages|SubPage]].
Also, if the file linked to by a WikiLink looks like an image, it will
be displayed inline on the page.
WikiLinks are matched with page names in a case-insensitive manner, so you
don't need to worry about getting the case the same, and can capitalise
links at the start of a sentence, and so on.
It's also possible to write a WikiLink that uses something other than the
page name as the link text. For example "\[[foo_bar|SandBox]]" links to the
SandBox page, but the link will appear like this: [[foo_bar|SandBox]]
**Note that you cannot use spaces in WikiLinks**. Replace spaces with

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debian/changelog vendored
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@ -8,8 +8,11 @@ ikiwiki (1.43) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
say if they're currently enabled or not, and in various other places
in the wiki.
* Updated Spanish translation.
* Make the basewiki be full of symlinks to pages that should be the same
in the doc wiki. This will allow direct edits to alter the base wiki
without manual munging.
-- Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> Mon, 12 Feb 2007 13:50:25 -0500
-- Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> Tue, 13 Feb 2007 18:06:02 -0500
ikiwiki (1.42) unstable; urgency=low

doc/blog.mdwn 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
You can turn any page on this wiki into a weblog by inserting a
[[PreProcessorDirective]]. Like this:
\[[inline pages="blog/* and !*/Discussion" show="10" rootpage="blog"]]
Any pages that match the specified [[PageSpec]] (in the example, any
[[SubPage]] of "blog") will be part of the blog, and the newest 10
of them will appear in the page. Note that if files that are not pages
match the [[PageSpec]], they will be included in the feed using RSS
enclosures, which is useful for podcasting.
The optional `rootpage` parameter tells the wiki that new posts to this blog
should default to being [[SubPage]]s of "blog", and enables a form at the
top of the blog that can be used to add new items.
If you want your blog to have an archive page listing every post ever made
to it, you can accomplish that like this:
\[[inline pages="blog/* and !*/Discussion" archive="yes"]]
You can even create an automatically generated list of all the pages on the
wiki, with the most recently added at the top, like this:
\[[inline pages="* and !*/Discussion" archive="yes"]]
If you want to be able to add pages to a given blog feed by tagging them,
you can do that too. To tag a page, just make it link to a page or pages
that represent its tags. Then use the special link() [[PageSpec]] to match
all pages that have a given tag:
\[[inline pages="link(life)"]]
Or include some tags and exclude others:
\[[inline pages="link(debian) and !link(social)"]]

doc/favicon.ico 100644

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# Help on formatting text
Text on this wiki is, by default, written in a form very close to how you
might write text for an email message. This style of text formatting is
called [[MarkDown]], and it works like this:
Leave blank lines between paragraphs.
You can \**emphasise*\* or \*\***strongly emphasise**\*\* text by placing it
in single or double asterisks.
To create a list, start each line with an asterisk:
* "* this is my list"
* "* another item"
To make a numbered list, start each line with a number (any number will
do) followed by a period:
1. "1. first line"
2. "2. second line"
2. "2. third line"
To create a header, start a line with one or more `#` characters followed
by a space and the header text. The number of `#` characters controls the
size of the header:
# # h1
## ## h2
### ### h3
#### #### h4
##### ##### h5
###### ###### h6
You can also make the first two levels of heading by underlining text with
equals or dash:
heading 1
heading 1
heading 2
heading 2
To create a horizontal rule, just write three or more dashes or stars on
their own line:
To quote someone, prefix the quote with ">":
> To be or not to be,
> that is the question.
To write a code block, indent each line with a tab or 4 spaces:
10 PRINT "Hello, world!"
20 GOTO 10
To link to another page on the wiki, place the page's name inside double
square brackets, so you would use `\[[WikiLink]]` to link to [[WikiLink]].
To link to any other web page, or to an email address, you can just put the url in angle brackets: <<http://ikiwiki.kitenet.net>>, or you can use the form
\[link text\]\(url\)
You can also use [[PreProcessorDirective]]s to do additional cool stuff.
[[if test="enabled(smiley)" then="""
Also, because this wiki has the smiley plugin enabled, you can
insert [[smileys]] and some other useful symbols.

doc/local.css 100644
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/* ikiwiki local style sheet */
/* Add local styling here, instead of modifying style.css. */

doc/markdown.mdwn 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
is a minimal markup language that resembles plain text as used in
email messages. It is the markup language used by this wiki by default.
For documentation about the markdown syntax, see [[HelpOnFormatting]] and
[Markdown: syntax](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax).
Note that [[WikiLink]]s and [[PreProcessorDirective]]s are not part of the
markdown syntax, and are the only bit of markup that this wiki handles

doc/openid.mdwn 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
[[meta title="OpenID"]]
[[template id=note text="""
[[if test="enabled(openid)"
then="This wiki has OpenID **enabled**."
else="This wiki has OpenID **disabled**."]]
[OpenID](http://openid.net) is a decentralized authentication mechanism
that allows you to have one login that you can use on a growing number of
To sign up for an OpenID, visit one of the following identity providers:
* [MyOpenID](https://www.myopenid.com/)
* [GetOpenID](https://getopenid.com/)
* [Videntity](http://videntity.org/)
* [LiveJournal](http://www.livejournal.com/openid/)
* or any of the many others out there..
Your OpenID is the URL that you are given when you sign up.
[[if test="enabled(openid)" then="""
To sign in to this wiki using OpenID, just enter it in the OpenID field in the
signin form. You do not need to give this wiki a password or go through any
registration process when using OpenID.
It's also possible to make a page in the wiki usable as an OpenID url,
by delegating it to an openid server. Here's an example of how to do that:
\[[meta link="http://www.myopenid.com/server" rel="openid.server"]]
\[[meta link="http://yourid.myopenid.com/" rel="openid.delegate"]]

doc/pagespec.mdwn 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
To select a set of pages, such as pages that are locked, pages
whose commit emails you want subscribe to, or pages to combine into a
blog, the wiki uses a PageSpec. This is an expression that matches
a set of pages.
The simplest PageSpec is a simple list of pages. For example, this matches
any of the three listed pages:
foo or bar or baz
More often you will want to match any pages that have a particular thing in
their name. You can do this using a glob pattern. "`*`" stands for any part
of a page name, and "`?`" for any single letter of a page name. So this
matches all pages about music, and any [[SubPage]]s of the SandBox, but does
not match the SandBox itself:
*music* or SandBox/*
You can also prefix an item with "`!`" to skip pages that match it. So to
match all pages except for Discussion pages and the SandBox:
* and !SandBox and !*/Discussion
Some more elaborate limits can be added to what matches using any of these
* "`link(page)`" - match only pages that link to a given page
* "`backlink(page)`" - match only pages that a given page links to
* "`creation_month(month)`" - match only pages created on the given month
* "`creation_day(mday)`" - or day of the month
* "`creation_year(year)`" - or year
* "`created_after(page)`" - match only pages created after the given page
was created
* "`created_before(page)`" - match only pages created before the given page
was created
For example, to match all pages in a blog that link to the page about music
and were written in 2005:
blog/* and link(music) and creation_year(2005)
More complex expressions can also be created, by using parentheses for
grouping. For example, to match pages in a blog that are tagged with either
of two tags, use:
blog/* and (link(tag/foo) or link(tag/bar))
Note that page names in PageSpecs are matched against the absolute
filenames of the pages in the wiki, so a pagespec "foo" used on page
"a/b" will not match a page named "a/foo" or "a/b/foo". To match
relative to the directory of the page containing the pagespec, you can
use "./". For example, "./foo" on page "a/b" matches page "a/foo".
## Old syntax
The old PageSpec syntax was called a "GlobList", and worked differently in
two ways:
1. "and" and "or" were not used; any page matching any item from the list
2. If an item was prefixed with "`!`", then no page matching that item
matched, even if it matched an earlier list item.
For example, here is the old way to match all pages except for the SandBox
and Discussion pages:
* !SandBox !*/Discussion
Using this old syntax is still supported. However, the old syntax is
deprecated and will be removed at some point, and using the new syntax is

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
Preprocessor directives are similar to a [[WikiLink]] in form, except they
contain spaces and parameters. The general form is:
\[[directive param="value" param="value"]]
This gets expanded before the rest of the page is processed, and can be used
to transform the page in various ways.
The quotes around values can be omitted if the value is a simple word.
Also, some directives may use parameters without values, for example:
\[[tag foo]]
Note that if a preprocessor directive has no parameters, a space still must
be put after its name, to avoid confusion with a [[WikiLink]]. For example:
\[[pagecount ]]
A preprocessor directive does not need to all be on one line, it can be
wrapped to multiple lines if you like:
\[[directive foo="baldersnatch"
bar="supercalifragalisticexpealadocious" baz=11]]
Also, multiple lines of *quoted* text can be used for a value.
To allow quote marks inside the quoted text, delimit the block
of text with triple-quotes:
\[[directive text="""
1. "foo"
2. "bar"
3. "baz"

doc/shortcuts.mdwn 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
This page controls what shortcut links the wiki supports.
* [[shortcut name=google url="http://www.google.com/search?q=%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=wikipedia url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=debbug url="http://bugs.debian.org/%s" desc="bug #%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=deblist url="http://lists.debian.org/debian-%s" desc="debian-%s@lists.debian.org"]]
* [[shortcut name=debpkg url="http://packages.debian.org/%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=debpts url="http://packages.qa.debian.org/%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=fdobug url="https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="freedesktop.org bug #%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=fdolist url="http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/%s" desc="%s@lists.freedesktop.org"]]
* [[shortcut name=cpan url="http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=dist&query=%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=ctan url="http://tug.ctan.org/cgi-bin/ctanPackageInformation.py?id=%s"]]
* [[shortcut name=iki url="http://ikiwiki.kitenet.net/%s.html"]]
* [[shortcut name=ljuser url="http://%s.livejournal.com/"]]
To add a new shortcut, use the "shortcut" preprocessor directive. "%s" is
replaced with the text passed to the named shortcut. The optional desc
parameter controls the description of the link.

doc/smileys.mdwn 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
This page is used to control what smileys are supported by the wiki.
Just write the text of a smiley to display it.
* \:) [[smileys/smile.png]]
* \:-) [[smileys/smile.png]]
* \:D [[smileys/biggrin.png]]
* \:-D [[smileys/biggrin.png]]
* \B) [[smileys/smile2.png]]
* \B-) [[smileys/smile2.png]]
* \:)) [[smileys/smile3.png]]
* \:-)) [[smileys/smile3.png]]
* \;) [[smileys/smile4.png]]
* \;-) [[smileys/smile4.png]]
* \:\ [[smileys/ohwell.png]]
* \:/ [[smileys/ohwell.png]]
* \:-/ [[smileys/ohwell.png]]
* \>:> [[smileys/devil.png]]
* \X-( [[smileys/angry.png]]
* \<:( [[smileys/frown.png]]
* \:( [[smileys/sad.png]]
* \:-( [[smileys/sad.png]]
* \:-? [[smileys/tongue.png]]
* \:o [[smileys/redface.png]]
* \|) [[smileys/tired.png]]
* \|-) [[smileys/tired.png]]
* \{OK} [[smileys/thumbs-up.png]]
* \{X} [[smileys/icon-error.png]]
* \{i} [[smileys/icon-info.png]]
* \(./) [[smileys/checkmark.png]]
* \(!) [[smileys/idea.png]]
* \[!] [[smileys/attention.png]]
* \/!\ [[smileys/alert.png]]
* \{*} [[smileys/star_on.png]]
* \{o} [[smileys/star_off.png]]
* \{1} [[smileys/prio1.png]]
* \{2} [[smileys/prio2.png]]
* \{3} [[smileys/prio3.png]]
For example: {*} B) {*}
To change the supported smileys, just edit the lists on this page.
Note that the format is important; each list item should start with the
text that is turned into the smiley, escaped so that users can see what
produces it, followed by a [[WikiLink]] to the image to display.
/!\ Bear in mind that the link to the image needs to be written in a way that
will work if it's copied to other pages on the wiki. So be sure to include the
smileys directory in the path to the file.

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doc/style.css 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
/* ikiwiki style sheet */
/* Note that instead of modifying this style sheet, you can instead edit
* local.css and use it to override or change settings in this one.
.header {
margin: 0;
font-size: 22px;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 1em;
display: block;
.author {
margin: 0;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
display: block;
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margin: 0;
padding: 6px;
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border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
.inlinepage .actions ul {
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display: inline;
padding: .2em .4em;
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margin: 1em 0;
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clear: both;
div.tags {
border-top: 1px solid #000;
#footer {
margin: 1em 0;
#searchform {
display: inline;
float: right;
#editcontent {
width: 100%;
/* Stuff for the RecentChanges table. */
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color: black !important;
tr.changeinfo {
background: #eee;
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th.changeheader {
padding: 1px .3em;
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td.changelog {
font-style: italic;
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padding: 10px 10px;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
background: #eee;
color: black !important;
/* Used for adding a blog page. */
#blogform {
padding: 10px 10px;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
background: #eee;
color: black !important;
.inlinepage {
padding: 10px 10px;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
.pageinfo {
clear: both;
font-style: italic;
display: block;
/* Used for invalid form fields. */
.fb_invalid {
color: red;
background: white !important;
/* Used for required form fields. */
.fb_required {
font-weight: bold;
/* Orange feed button. */
.feedbutton {
background: #ff6600;
color: white !important;
border-left: 1px solid #cc9966;
border-top: 1px solid #ccaa99;
border-right: 1px solid #993300;
border-bottom: 1px solid #331100;
padding: 0px 0.5em 0px 0.5em;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: small;
text-decoration: none;
margin-top: 1em;
.feedbutton:hover {
color: white !important;
background: #ff9900;
/* Tag cloud. */
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width: 30%;
text-align: center;
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margin-left: 40px;
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padding: 2ex 2ex;
.infobox {
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margin-left: 2ex;
margin-top: 1ex;
margin-bottom: 1ex;
padding: 1ex 1ex;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
.notebox {
float: right;
margin-left: 2ex;
margin-top: 1ex;
margin-bottom: 1ex;
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width: 25%
/* outlines */
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list-style: lower-alpha;
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list-style: disc;
li.L5 {
list-style: square;
li.L6 {
list-style: circle;
li.L7 {
list-style: lower-roman;
li.L8 {
list-style: upper-alpha;
hr.poll {
height: 10pt;
color: white !important;
background: #eee;
border: 2px solid black;
div.poll {
margin-top: 1ex;
margin-bottom: 1ex;
padding: 1ex 1ex;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
input#openid_url {
background: url(http://openid.net/login-bg.gif) no-repeat;
background-color: #fff;
background-position: 0 50%;
color: #000;
padding-left: 18px;

doc/subpage.mdwn 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
ikiwiki supports placing pages in a directory hierarchy. For example,
this page, [[SubPage]] has some related pages placed under it, like
[[SubPage/LinkingRules]]. This is a useful way to add some order to your
wiki rather than just having a great big directory full of pages.
To add a SubPage, just make a subdirectory and put pages in it. For
example, this page is SubPage.mdwn in this wiki's source, and there is also
a SubPage subdirectory, which contains SubPage/LinkingRules.mdwn. Subpages
can be nested as deeply as you'd like.
Linking to and from a SubPage is explained in [[LinkingRules]].

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doc/wikilink.mdwn 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
WikiLinks provide easy linking between pages of the wiki. To create a
[[WikiLink]], just put the name of the page to link to in double brackets.
For example "\[[WikiLink]]".
If you ever need to write something like "\[[WikiLink]] without creating a
wikilink, just prefix it with a "\", like "\\\\[[WikiLink]]".
There are some special [[SubPage/LinkingRules]] that come into play when
linking between [[SubPages|SubPage]].
Also, if the file linked to by a WikiLink looks like an image, it will
be displayed inline on the page.
WikiLinks are matched with page names in a case-insensitive manner, so you
don't need to worry about getting the case the same, and can capitalise
links at the start of a sentence, and so on.
It's also possible to write a WikiLink that uses something other than the
page name as the link text. For example "\[[foo_bar|SandBox]]" links to the
SandBox page, but the link will appear like this: [[foo_bar|SandBox]]
**Note that you cannot use spaces in WikiLinks**. Replace spaces with