mercurial: fix date parsing so test suite passes

Joey Hess 2011-07-30 10:52:49 +02:00
parent 577f5d3837
commit 5dd414fbe5
1 changed files with 2 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -361,15 +361,8 @@ sub findtimes ($$) {
print $tmpl_fh 'file = "{file}\\n"' . "\n";
foreach my $line (run_or_die('hg', 'log', '--style', $tmpl_filename)) {
# {date} gives output on the form
# 1310694511.0-7200
# where the first number is UTC Unix timestamp with one
# decimal (decimal always 0, at least on my system)
# followed by local timezone offset from UTC in
# seconds.
if (! defined $date && $line =~ /^\d+\.\d[+-]\d*$/) {
$line =~ s/^(\d+).*/$1/;
if (! defined $date && $line =~ /^(\d+)/) {
elsif (! length $line) {