save whole form state, not just QUERY_STRING, for postsignin

Normally, needsignin is called when there is a QUERY_STRING, not when a
form is posted. However, it's certianly possible, and should be supported,
to make a form that invokes an ikiwiki action that checks needsignin.

I encountered this when posting ?do=rename&page=foo. The form is displayed
without checking needsignin, for complicated reasons. Posting the form
is when the true authentication happens.
Joey Hess 2012-04-08 14:12:02 -04:00
parent bcc2809b96
commit 4e1806ef7c
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ sub needsignin ($$) {
if (! defined $session->param("name") ||
! userinfo_get($session->param("name"), "regdate")) {
$session->param(postsignin => $ENV{QUERY_STRING});
$session->param(postsignin => $q->query_string);
cgi_signin($q, $session);