web commit by bremner: response to Joey, segue into musing about replacing tagged addresses with pseudoheaders

Joey Hess 2008-06-29 06:12:48 -04:00
parent b66f9a1981
commit 3bd4592326
1 changed files with 12 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -50,3 +50,15 @@ Any comments? Write them here or send them to [[DavidBremner]]
> interesting way, since the incoming mail would only need to be committed to
> the appropriate mailbox file, with ikiwiki then running to process it.
> --[[Joey]]
>> It is an interesting idea. I like that it uses an arbitrary MUA
>> as a "moderation" interface. One thing it made me think about is
>> how to encode reference (threading) information. One can of
>> course encode this into local-part, but I wonder if it would be
>> better to use header features of mailto (this could also be an
>> alternative to tagged mail addresses for page references).
>> Various client handling of mailto always seemed a bit fragile to
>> me but maybe I am just behind the times. Most headers are ignored, but
>> pseudo-headers in the body might work. For example:
>>[test](mailto:bremner@somewhere.ca?body=X-Iki-Page:%20test%0AX-Iki-thread:%20foobar). I hesitate to use the subject because every mail admin in the
>> world seems to want to add things to the front of it.
>> -- [[DavidBremner]]