In html5 mode, generate a host- or protocol-relative <base> for the CGI

This increases the number of situations in which we do the right thing.
Simon McVittie 2014-10-05 23:49:17 +01:00
parent 3b8da667cc
commit 33f60260b2
3 changed files with 378 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -66,7 +66,10 @@ sub cgitemplate ($$$;@) {
my $page="";
if (exists $params{page}) {
$page=delete $params{page};
$params{forcebaseurl}=urlabs(urlto($page), $topurl);
if (! $config{html5}) {
$params{forcebaseurl}=urlabs($params{forcebaseurl}, $topurl);
run_hooks(pagetemplate => sub {
@ -77,12 +80,17 @@ sub cgitemplate ($$$;@) {
templateactions($template, "");
my $baseurl = baseurl();
if (! $config{html5}) {
$baseurl = urlabs($baseurl, $topurl),
dynamic => 1,
title => $title,
wikiname => $config{wikiname},
content => $content,
baseurl => urlabs(baseurl(), $topurl),
baseurl => $baseurl,
html5 => $config{html5},

View File

@ -58,3 +58,14 @@ And I'm sure someone else could come up with something better and more general.
>> I suppose what I would like would be to not need to use a `<base href>` in searching at all.
>> --[[KathrynAndersen]]
>>> `<base href>` is *not* required to be absolute in HTML5, so when
>>> `html5: 1` is used, I've changed it to be host-relative in most cases.
>>> I think that at least partially addresses this bug report,
>>> particularly if we [[todo/generate HTML5 by default]] like I've suggested.
>>> The `<base>` is there so we can avoid having to compute how to
>>> get to (the virtual directory containing) the root of the wiki from
>>> `ikiwiki.cgi`, which might well be somewhere odd like `/cgi-bin/`.
>>> I think there are probably other things that it fixes or simplifies.
>>> --[[smcv]]

View File

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ url: ""
cgiurl: ""
cgi_wrapper: t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi
cgi_wrappermode: 0754
html5: 0
# make it easier to test previewing
- anonok
@ -162,6 +163,106 @@ like($bits{stylehref}, qr{^(?:(?:http:)?//$});
like($bits{tophref}, qr{^(?:/wiki|\.\./\.\./\.\.)/$});
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:(?:http:)?//$});
# in html5, the <base> is allowed to be relative, and we take full
# advantage of that
writefile("test.setup", "t/tmp", <<EOF
# IkiWiki::Setup::Yaml - YAML formatted setup file
wikiname: this is the name of my wiki
srcdir: t/tmp/in
destdir: t/tmp/out
templatedir: templates
url: ""
cgiurl: ""
cgi_wrapper: t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi
cgi_wrappermode: 0754
html5: 1
# make it easier to test previewing
- anonok
anonok_pagespec: "*"
ok(unlink("t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi") || $!{ENOENT});
ok(! system("./ikiwiki.out --setup t/tmp/test.setup --rebuild --wrappers"));
# CGI wrapper should be exactly the requested mode
(undef, undef, $mode, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef) = stat("t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi");
is($mode & 07777, 0754);
ok(-e "t/tmp/out/a/b/c/index.html");
$content = readfile("t/tmp/out/a/b/c/index.html");
# no <base> on static HTML
unlike($content, qr{<base\W});
# url and cgiurl are on the same host so the cgiurl is host-relative
like($content, qr{<a[^>]+href="/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi\?do=prefs"});
# cross-links between static pages are relative
like($content, qr{<li>A: <a href="../../">a</a></li>});
like($content, qr{<li>B: <a href="../">b</a></li>});
like($content, qr{<li>E: <a href="../../d/e/">e</a></li>});
run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \undef, \$content, init => sub {
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi';
$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'do=prefs';
%bits = parse_cgi_content($content);
is($bits{basehref}, "/wiki/");
is($bits{stylehref}, "/wiki/style.css");
is($bits{tophref}, "/wiki/");
is($bits{cgihref}, "/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi");
# when accessed via HTTPS, links are secure - this is easy because under
# html5 they're independent of the URL at which the CGI was accessed
run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \undef, \$content, init => sub {
$ENV{SERVER_PORT} = '443';
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi';
$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'do=prefs';
$ENV{HTTPS} = 'on';
%bits = parse_cgi_content($content);
is($bits{basehref}, "/wiki/");
is($bits{stylehref}, "/wiki/style.css");
is($bits{tophref}, "/wiki/");
is($bits{cgihref}, "/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi");
# when accessed via a different hostname, links stay on that host -
# this is really easy in html5 because we can use relative URLs
run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \undef, \$content, init => sub {
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi';
$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'do=prefs';
%bits = parse_cgi_content($content);
is($bits{basehref}, "/wiki/");
is($bits{stylehref}, "/wiki/style.css");
is($bits{tophref}, "/wiki/");
is($bits{cgihref}, "/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi");
# previewing a page
$in = 'do=edit&page=a/b/c&Preview';
run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \$in, \$content, init => sub {
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi';
$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} = length $in;
%bits = parse_cgi_content($content);
is($bits{basehref}, "/wiki/a/b/c/");
is($bits{stylehref}, "/wiki/style.css");
like($bits{tophref}, qr{^(?:/wiki|\.\./\.\./\.\.)/$});
is($bits{cgihref}, "/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi");
# site 2: static content and CGI are on different servers
@ -175,6 +276,7 @@ url: ""
cgiurl: ""
cgi_wrapper: t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi
cgi_wrappermode: 0754
html5: 0
# make it easier to test previewing
- anonok
@ -246,11 +348,101 @@ run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \$in, \$content, init => sub {
like($bits{basehref}, qr{^$});
like($bits{stylehref}, qr{^(?:(?:http:)?//|\.\./\.\./\.\.)/style.css$});
like($bits{tophref}, qr{^(?:(?:http:)?//|\.\./\.\./\.\.)/$});
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:(?:http:)?//(?:staging\.example\.net|cgi\.example\.com))?/ikiwiki.cgi$});
local $TODO = "use self-referential CGI URL?";
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:(?:http:)?//$});
writefile("test.setup", "t/tmp", <<EOF
# IkiWiki::Setup::Yaml - YAML formatted setup file
wikiname: this is the name of my wiki
srcdir: t/tmp/in
destdir: t/tmp/out
templatedir: templates
url: ""
cgiurl: ""
cgi_wrapper: t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi
cgi_wrappermode: 0754
html5: 1
# make it easier to test previewing
- anonok
anonok_pagespec: "*"
ok(! system("./ikiwiki.out --setup t/tmp/test.setup --rebuild --wrappers"));
# CGI wrapper should be exactly the requested mode
(undef, undef, $mode, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef) = stat("t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi");
is($mode & 07777, 0754);
ok(-e "t/tmp/out/a/b/c/index.html");
$content = readfile("t/tmp/out/a/b/c/index.html");
# no <base> on static HTML
unlike($content, qr{<base\W});
# url and cgiurl are not on the same host so the cgiurl has to be
# protocol-relative or absolute
like($content, qr{<a[^>]+href="(?:http:)?//\?do=prefs"});
# cross-links between static pages are still relative
like($content, qr{<li>A: <a href="../../">a</a></li>});
like($content, qr{<li>B: <a href="../">b</a></li>});
like($content, qr{<li>E: <a href="../../d/e/">e</a></li>});
run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \undef, \$content, init => sub {
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/ikiwiki.cgi';
$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'do=prefs';
%bits = parse_cgi_content($content);
is($bits{basehref}, "//");
is($bits{stylehref}, "//");
is($bits{tophref}, "//");
is($bits{cgihref}, "//");
# when accessed via HTTPS, links are secure - in fact they're exactly the
# same as when accessed via HTTP
run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \undef, \$content, init => sub {
$ENV{SERVER_PORT} = '443';
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/ikiwiki.cgi';
$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'do=prefs';
$ENV{HTTPS} = 'on';
%bits = parse_cgi_content($content);
is($bits{basehref}, "//");
is($bits{stylehref}, "//");
is($bits{tophref}, "//");
is($bits{cgihref}, "//");
# when accessed via a different hostname, links to the CGI (only) should
# stay on that host?
$in = 'do=edit&page=a/b/c&Preview';
run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \$in, \$content, init => sub {
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/ikiwiki.cgi';
$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} = length $in;
%bits = parse_cgi_content($content);
is($bits{basehref}, "//");
is($bits{stylehref}, "//");
is($bits{tophref}, "../../../");
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{//(?:staging\.example\.net|cgi\.example\.com)/ikiwiki\.cgi});
local $TODO = "use self-referential CGI URL maybe?";
is($bits{cgihref}, "//");
# site 3: we specifically want everything to be secure
@ -264,6 +456,7 @@ url: ""
cgiurl: ""
cgi_wrapper: t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi
cgi_wrappermode: 0754
html5: 0
# make it easier to test previewing
- anonok
@ -356,6 +549,8 @@ like($bits{stylehref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//$});
like($bits{tophref}, qr{^(?:/wiki|\.\./\.\./\.\.)/$});
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//$});
# not testing html5: 0 here because that ends up identical to site 1
# site 4 (NetBSD wiki): CGI is secure, static content doesn't have to be
@ -369,6 +564,7 @@ url: ""
cgiurl: ""
cgi_wrapper: t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi
cgi_wrappermode: 0754
html5: 0
# make it easier to test previewing
- anonok
@ -441,6 +637,7 @@ run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \undef, \$content, init => sub {
like($bits{basehref}, qr{^$});
like($bits{stylehref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//$});
like($bits{tophref}, qr{^(?:(?:(?:https:)?//|\.)/$});
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//(?:staging\.example\.net|example\.com))?/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi$});
local $TODO = "this should really point back to itself but currently points to";
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//$});
@ -462,6 +659,111 @@ like($bits{stylehref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//$});
like($bits{tophref}, qr{^(?:/wiki|\.\./\.\./\.\.)/$});
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//$});
writefile("test.setup", "t/tmp", <<EOF
# IkiWiki::Setup::Yaml - YAML formatted setup file
wikiname: this is the name of my wiki
srcdir: t/tmp/in
destdir: t/tmp/out
templatedir: templates
url: ""
cgiurl: ""
cgi_wrapper: t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi
cgi_wrappermode: 0754
html5: 1
# make it easier to test previewing
- anonok
anonok_pagespec: "*"
ok(! system("./ikiwiki.out --setup t/tmp/test.setup --rebuild --wrappers"));
# CGI wrapper should be exactly the requested mode
(undef, undef, $mode, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef) = stat("t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi");
is($mode & 07777, 0754);
ok(-e "t/tmp/out/a/b/c/index.html");
$content = readfile("t/tmp/out/a/b/c/index.html");
# no <base> on static HTML
unlike($content, qr{<base\W});
# url and cgiurl are on the same host but different schemes
like($content, qr{<a[^>]+href="\?do=prefs"});
# cross-links between static pages are relative
like($content, qr{<li>A: <a href="../../">a</a></li>});
like($content, qr{<li>B: <a href="../">b</a></li>});
like($content, qr{<li>E: <a href="../../d/e/">e</a></li>});
# when accessed via HTTPS, links are secure (to avoid mixed-content)
run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \undef, \$content, init => sub {
$ENV{SERVER_PORT} = '443';
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi';
$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'do=prefs';
$ENV{HTTPS} = 'on';
%bits = parse_cgi_content($content);
is($bits{basehref}, "/wiki/");
is($bits{stylehref}, "/wiki/style.css");
is($bits{tophref}, "/wiki/");
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//$});
# when not accessed via HTTPS, ???
run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \undef, \$content, init => sub {
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi';
$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'do=prefs';
%bits = parse_cgi_content($content);
like($bits{basehref}, qr{^(?:https?://$});
like($bits{stylehref}, qr{^(?:(?:https?:)?//$});
like($bits{tophref}, qr{^(?:(?:https?://|\.)/$});
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//$});
# when accessed via a different hostname, links stay on that host
run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \undef, \$content, init => sub {
$ENV{SERVER_PORT} = '443';
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi';
$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'do=prefs';
$ENV{HTTPS} = 'on';
%bits = parse_cgi_content($content);
# because the static and dynamic stuff is on the same server, we assume that
# both are also on the staging server
is($bits{basehref}, "/wiki/");
is($bits{stylehref}, "/wiki/style.css");
like($bits{tophref}, qr{^(?:/wiki|\.)/$});
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//(?:example\.com|staging\.example\.net))?/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi$});
local $TODO = "this should really point back to itself but currently points to";
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//$});
# previewing a page
$in = 'do=edit&page=a/b/c&Preview';
run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \$in, \$content, init => sub {
$ENV{SERVER_PORT} = '443';
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi';
$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} = length $in;
$ENV{HTTPS} = 'on';
%bits = parse_cgi_content($content);
is($bits{basehref}, "/wiki/a/b/c/");
is($bits{stylehref}, "/wiki/style.css");
like($bits{tophref}, qr{^(?:/wiki|\.\./\.\./\.\.)/$});
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//$});
# Deliberately not testing https static content with http cgiurl,
# because that makes remarkably little sense.
@ -478,6 +780,57 @@ cgiurl: ikiwiki.cgi
w3mmode: 1
cgi_wrapper: t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi
cgi_wrappermode: 0754
html5: 0
- anonok
anonok_pagespec: "*"
ok(! system("./ikiwiki.out --setup t/tmp/test.setup --rebuild --wrappers"));
# CGI wrapper should be exactly the requested mode
(undef, undef, $mode, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef) = stat("t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi");
is($mode & 07777, 0754);
ok(-e "t/tmp/out/a/b/c/index.html");
$content = readfile("t/tmp/out/a/b/c/index.html");
# no <base> on static HTML
unlike($content, qr{<base\W});
# FIXME: does /$LIB/ikiwiki-w3m.cgi work under w3m?
like($content, qr{<a[^>]+href="(?:file://)?/\$LIB/ikiwiki-w3m.cgi/ikiwiki.cgi\?do=prefs"});
# cross-links between static pages are still relative
like($content, qr{<li>A: <a href="../../">a</a></li>});
like($content, qr{<li>B: <a href="../">b</a></li>});
like($content, qr{<li>E: <a href="../../d/e/">e</a></li>});
run(["./t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi"], \undef, \$content, init => sub {
$ENV{PATH_INFO} = '/ikiwiki.cgi';
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/cgi-bin/ikiwiki-w3m.cgi';
$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'do=prefs';
%bits = parse_cgi_content($content);
like($bits{tophref}, qr{^(?:\Q$pwd\E/t/tmp/out|\.)/$});
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:file://)?/\$LIB/ikiwiki-w3m.cgi/ikiwiki.cgi$});
like($bits{basehref}, qr{^(?:(?:file:)?//)?\Q$pwd\E/t/tmp/out/$});
like($bits{stylehref}, qr{^(?:(?:(?:file:)?//)?\Q$pwd\E/t/tmp/out|\.)/style.css$});
writefile("test.setup", "t/tmp", <<EOF
# IkiWiki::Setup::Yaml - YAML formatted setup file
wikiname: this is the name of my wiki
srcdir: t/tmp/in
destdir: t/tmp/out
templatedir: templates
cgiurl: ikiwiki.cgi
w3mmode: 1
cgi_wrapper: t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi
cgi_wrappermode: 0754
html5: 1
- anonok
anonok_pagespec: "*"
@ -530,6 +883,7 @@ url: ""
cgiurl: ""
cgi_wrapper: t/tmp/ikiwiki.cgi
cgi_wrappermode: 0754
html5: 0
# make it easier to test previewing
- anonok
@ -589,4 +943,7 @@ like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//$});
is($bits{basehref}, "");
like($bits{stylehref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//$});
# not testing html5: 1 because it would be the same as site 1 -
# the reverse_proxy config option is unnecessary under html5