added signin form, although it needs to be hooked up to a user store
@ -48,9 +48,14 @@ TODO: seems that locking to prevent more than one ikiwiki run at a time
would both fix this and is a good idea in general. With locking, an
attacker couldn't get ikiwiki to svn up while another instance was running.
Even with locking, if an attacker has local write access to the checkout,
they could still fool ikiwiki using similar races. So it's best if only one
person can ever write to the checkout that ikiwiki compiles the moo from.
## multiple accessors of wiki source directory
If multiple people can write to the source directory ikiwiki is using, then
one can cause trouble for the other when they run ikiwiki through symlink
So it's best if only one person can ever write to the checkout that ikiwiki
compiles the moo from.
## webserver symlink attacks
@ -58,7 +63,7 @@ If someone checks in a symlink to /etc/passwd, ikiwiki would publish that.
To aoid this, ikiwiki will need to avoid reading files that are symlinks.
TODO and note discussion of races above.
## cgi security
## cgi data security
When ikiwiki runs as a cgi to edit a page, it is passed the name of the
page to edit. It has to make sure to sanitise this page, to prevent eg,
@ -68,6 +73,21 @@ removing unallowed characters, then making sure it doesn't start with "/"
or contain ".." or "/.svn/". Annoyingly ad-hoc, this kind of code is where
security holes breed. It needs a test suite at the very least.
## cgi password security
Login to the wiki involves sending a password in cleartext over the net.
Cracking the password only allows editing the moo as that user though.
If you care, you can use https, I suppose.
## CGI::Session security
Is CGI::Session secure? Well, it writes the session files world-readable,
which could be used by a local attacker to take over someone's session.
I have no idea if CGI::Session writes session files securely to /tmp.
ikiwiki makes it write them to a directory it controls (but see "multiple
accessors of wiki source directory" above).
# Probable non-holes
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ sub writefile ($$) { #{{{
close OUT;
} #}}}
sub findlinks { #{{{
sub findlinks ($) { #{{{
my $content=shift;
my @links;
@ -243,6 +243,10 @@ sub linkbacks ($$) { #{{{
return $content;
} #}}}
sub indexlink () { #{{{
return "<a href=\"$url\">$wikiname</a>/ ";
} #}}}
sub finalize ($$) { #{{{
my $content=shift;
my $page=shift;
@ -262,7 +266,7 @@ sub finalize ($$) { #{{{
$pagelink="<a href=\"$path\">$wikiname</a>/ $pagelink";
$pagelink=indexlink()." $pagelink";
my @actions;
if (length $cgiurl) {
@ -312,7 +316,7 @@ sub render ($) { #{{{
} #}}}
sub loadindex () { #{{{
open (IN, "$srcdir/.index") || return;
open (IN, "$srcdir/.ikiwiki/index") || return;
while (<IN>) {
@ -328,7 +332,10 @@ sub loadindex () { #{{{
} #}}}
sub saveindex () { #{{{
open (OUT, ">$srcdir/.index") || error("cannot write to .index: $!");
if (! -d "$srcdir/.ikiwiki") {
open (OUT, ">$srcdir/.ikiwiki/index") || error("cannot write to index: $!");
foreach my $page (keys %oldpagemtime) {
print OUT "$oldpagemtime{$page} $pagesources{$page} $renderedfiles{$page} ".
join(" ", @{$links{$page}})."\n"
@ -589,7 +596,8 @@ sub gen_wrapper ($$) { #{{{
my @envsave;
HTTP_COOKIE} if $cgi;
my $envsave="";
foreach my $var (@envsave) {
@ -638,16 +646,9 @@ EOF
exit 0;
} #}}}
sub cgi () { #{{{
eval q{use CGI};
my $q=CGI->new;
sub cgi_recentchanges ($) { #{{{
my $q=shift;
my $do=$q->param('do');
if (! defined $do || ! length $do) {
error("\"do\" parameter missing");
if ($do eq 'recentchanges') {
my $list="<ul>\n";
foreach my $change (rcs_recentchanges(100)) {
@ -662,10 +663,136 @@ sub cgi () { #{{{
print $q->header,
$q->h1("<a href=\"$url\">$wikiname</a>/ RecentChanges"),
$q->h1(indexlink()." RecentChanges"),
} #}}}
sub cgi_signin ($$) { #{{{
my $q=shift;
my $session=shift;
eval q{use CGI::FormBuilder};
my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
title => "$wikiname signin",
fields => [qw(do page name password confirm_password email)],
header => 1,
method => 'POST',
validate => {
name => '/^\w+$/',
confirm_password => {
perl => q{eq $form->field("password")},
email => 'EMAIL',
required => 'NONE',
javascript => 0,
params => $q,
action => $q->request_uri,
$form->field(name => "name", required => 0);
$form->field(name => "do", type => "hidden");
$form->field(name => "page", type => "hidden");
$form->field(name => "password", type => "password", required => 0);
$form->field(name => "confirm_password", type => "password", required => 0);
$form->field(name => "email", required => 0);
if ($session->param("name")) {
$form->field(name => "name", value => $session->param("name"));
if ($q->param("do") ne "signin") {
$form->text("You need to log in before you can edit pages.");
if ($form->submitted) {
# Set required fields based on how form was submitted.
my %required=(
"Login" => [qw(name password)],
"Register" => [qw(name password confirm_password email)],
"Mail Password" => [qw(name)],
foreach my $opt (@{$required{$form->submitted}}) {
$form->field(name => $opt, required => 1);
# Validate password differently depending on how form was
# submitted.
if ($form->submitted eq 'Login') {
name => "password",
validate => sub {
# TODO get real user password
shift eq "foo";
else {
$form->field(name => "password", validate => 'VALUE');
else {
# Comments only shown first time.
$form->field(name => "name", comment => "use FirstnameLastName");
$form->field(name => "confirm_password", comment => "(only needed");
$form->field(name => "email", comment => "for registration)");
if ($form->submitted && $form->validate) {
if ($form->submitted eq 'Login') {
$session->param("name", $form->field("name"));
if (defined $form->field("do")) {
else {
elsif ($form->submitted eq 'Register') {
# TODO: save registration info
$form->field(name => "confirm_password", type => "hidden");
$form->field(name => "email", type => "hidden");
$form->text("Registration successful. Now you can Login.");
print $form->render(submit => ["Login"]);;
elsif ($form->submitted eq 'Mail Password') {
# TODO mail password
$form->text("Your password has been emailed to you.");
print $form->render(submit => ["Login", "Register", "Mail Password"]);;
else {
print $form->render(submit => ["Login", "Register", "Mail Password"]);;
} #}}}
sub cgi () { #{{{
eval q{use CGI};
eval q{use CGI::Session};
my $q=CGI->new;
# session id has to be _sessionid for CGI::FormBuilder to work.
# TODO: stop having the formbuilder emit cookies and change session
# id to something else.
my $session = CGI::Session->new(undef, $q,
{ Directory=> "$srcdir/.ikiwiki/sessions" });
my $do=$q->param('do');
if (! defined $do || ! length $do) {
error("\"do\" parameter missing");
if ($do eq 'recentchanges') {
if (! defined $session->param("name") || $do eq 'signin') {
cgi_signin($q, $session);
@ -706,7 +833,7 @@ sub cgi () { #{{{
$q->param("do", "save");
print $q->header,
$q->start_html("Creating $page"),
$q->h1("<a href=\"$url\">$wikiname</a>/ Creating $page"),
$q->h1(indexlink()." Creating $page"),
$q->start_form(-action => $action),
"Select page location:",
@ -733,7 +860,7 @@ sub cgi () { #{{{
$q->param("do", "save");
print $q->header,
$q->start_html("Editing $page"),
$q->h1("<a href=\"$url\">$wikiname</a>/ Editing $page"),
$q->h1(indexlink()." Editing $page"),
$q->start_form(-action => $action),
Reference in New Issue